Chapter 3

Cursed Crown


Hviturland: White Land, a northern land covered with eternal snow. Inhabited by fairies and ruled by Snowelf Race – snow fairy.

Radourland: Red Land, a tropical land which rules the western area and crossed by the equator. This biggest land of all is inhabited mostly by carnivorous demon and lead by Wolf race.

Svarturland: Dark Land, located on the east and covered by swamps, jungles, caves, deserts, and volcanoes. This barren land is home of monsters such as troll, ogre, etc. Ogre rules the land.

Graentland: Green Land, fertile and occupied by Herbivorous demons and humans together. The land is ruled by the human race. 

Blarland: Blue Land, the largest area consisted of ocean, sea, lake, river, and coastal land. Home of all water species; mermaid, kraken, fishman, etc. Mermaid race is the leader.





Sungmin was groaning in displeasure, feeling hot and sweaty all over his tired body. The boy actually wanted to continue his sleep since he was still sleepy but he couldn’t stand the heat any longer. He really wanted to yell at the servants to bring him cold water. He squirmed here and there; trying to get away from the source of the heat which is clinging on his body. However he couldn’t move anywhere—it was as if something was keeping him still, lying on his side on the bed. And whatever it is, it made the boy curious half to death. It was even weirder that the heat was emitting noises—exactly like Siwon-hyung’s snores. He hates it when it was blowing hot air to his head. Sungmin opened his eyes quickly and was shocked when he saw hands around his stomach.




Kyuhyun flinched and spontaneously was woken up from his deep slumber. He needed a while to gather his whole consciousness. He remembered last night’s incident when he felt resistance in his arms. Wait… this is not just a mere resistance. The kid was screaming madly. That high-pitched screams which was hurting ears did help Kyuhyun sobered up fast, but made him pissed off as well.


"HUWAAAAAAAA! AAAAAAA!" Sungmin was screaming and struggling against the hands around his body; trying to get free from Kyuhyun but he hugged the boy’s tighter to him instead.


“Y-yah! What’s wrong? I’ve told you I won’t eat you, right!”


“LET ME GO, AHJUSSI! IT’S HOT YOU KNOW! HOOOTTT!” He was half-screaming and whining and kicking on Kyuhyun’s legs. Realized it didn’t work at all, he moved his target to Kyuhyun’s hands around his chest and bit down as hard as possible.


“AAARGH!” Kyuhyun shouted in pain and pushed Sungmin away in reflex. He was cringing and pinching the teeth-mark wound which was starting to bleed. Kyuhyun growled lowly, getting pissed off even more at the little Snowelf who was facing him arrogantly with his hands on his hips.


“What are you doing in my room, ahjussi?! Get off now!” Sungmin ordered him while glaring; trying to look as scary as possible.


Kyuhyun was gaping in disbelief; shocked seeing the little boy snorted so bravely at him. He even raised his tone. And wait! Didn’t he just snap at him? Kyuhyun glared back in wrath. There was not even one person ever snapped at Cho Kyuhyun in his whole 40 years of life! Not even his own father.


“Whose room do you think is this, kid?” Kyuhyun sat down firmly and was glaring back at Sungmin seriously.


“This is my room! Slaves are not allowed to sleep in my room!”


Kyuhyun glared even more, “YOU CALLED ME WHAT?!”


“A Slave! Don’t yell at me or I’ll cut your tongue off!”


Kyuhyun was taken aback and speechless. He was too shocked hearing those harsh words coming out from those cute red lips. Oh… until last night, he was still thinking that this boy was a pitiful being that needs his protection—a beautiful little creature that would cry everytime someone tries to get close to him. He even compared the boy to his deceased daughter. Now he takes that back.


“W-What are you waiting for?! G-get off n-now!” He snapped at him again even though his voice was a bit shaking. Sungmin was pouting; actually feeling afraid but trying to hide it by putting his hands on his hips. He remembered that his father scolded him and said, ‘a prince shouldn’t be a crybaby’. Probably it was because he was a crybaby and weak, that’s why Appa sent him off to the monster house. If only he could hold back his tears and be a cool prince like Siwon-hyung, Appa would change his mind and take him back home to Hviturland.


“W-What are you looking at?!” Sungmin tried to growl at Kyuhyun who was still glaring at him sharply. The boy took two steps back, but he didn’t cry even though his eyes felt hot. Sungmin was holding back desperately. He had enough of being a crybaby in front of these monsters yesterday.


“Hah! I should have let you die from fever last night.” Kyuhyun mumbled to himself.


Seeing the older man stayed still, Sungmin was getting more annoyed. However it is, he would make this ahjussi out of his room!


“Why are you still sitting there?! Get off and bring food for me now!”


Kyuhyun snorted with a bitter smirk—he really wanted to break one of the pretty boy’s fingers. Even one broken finger might trigger war with Hviturland and he didn’t want his father disappointed in him. He’s father’s boy after all. XD


“Eat whatever on the table.” Kyuhyun pointed to a direction with his face.


Sungmin turned his head to the direction. His eyes widened at the sight of foods pile on the table, some even fell to the floor.


How dare this man tell him to eat those dirty foods?!


“NO! I-I want warm and fresh food! Ahjussi, bring it for me or I won’t eat! My stomach would get sick and I will die here!” Sungmin tried to sound as panic as possible but Kyuhyun just chuckled carelessly at him. He smirked with a mocking expression.

“Just die, then…” Kyuhyun said carelessly.


Sungmin face went pale. He looked down; couldn’t contain the suffocating feeling in his chest any longer. His lower lip was trembling while he fisted both of his hands. Seeing the sight of that pitiful boy, Kyuhyun sighed in defeat.


“Aye! Aye! Aye! I’ll bring it for you! Just stay there or I’m the one who’ll eat you!” Kyuhyun grumbled while walking out; putting his robe on the way. He had no choice. He didn’t want any trouble with his annoying father for making the kid sick or cry, and he didn’t like it when the boy’s crying.


Kyuhyun saw a glimpse of the boy trembling before he closed the door. Aish… He shouldn’t have said something like that to him. But once in a while, an insolent kid like him should be scolded a bit.


In the kitchen, Kyuhyun realized one thing—this is the first time in his life he bothered to bring some food for someone else, precisely he was ordered by the boy.


“Bring them until we reach my room.” Kyuhyun ordered the servant. He didn’t even know why he’d bother to choose the food for Sungmin, thinking of a Snowelf’s taste. But whatever… he only grumbled in his heart while walking back to his room with a servant tailing him on the back. The servant was wondering why the Prince would bother to come to the kitchen which is so far from his room.


Kyuhyun stopped in front of his room and turned to the servant, taking the tray from him. “Now go back and resume your previous activity.”


“Ye, Your Highness.” The servant bowed and went back to the kitchen.


Kyuhyun held the tray with his left hand and pushed the broken door open. He sighed when the wood fell to the floor, and he was just using two fingers to push it. It was not even right to call it a door anymore. Kyuhyun noted to himself to tell the worker to repair his door later—might as well change it to steel or concrete one.


“Sungmin-ah.” Kyuhyun called him while stepping into the room. He frowned when he was greeted by quietness. He put down the food tray on the table and observed his surrounding; trying to catch a glimpse of the boy on a corner of the room even under the bed. But Sungmin was nowhere to be seen. The wide-opened window seemed to answer Kyuhyun’s confusion.


“Che.” Kyuhyun cursed in his heart. He glanced out from the window. A small shoe was left without its pair. He recognized its Sungmin’s instantly. He was a bit wondering though. How did the short kid climb the window? And wherever he is now, walking outside alone with that tempting scent…


“Brat...” Kyuhyun doesn’t want to be responsible more than this.







“Eat my shoe, old man!” Sungmin mocked at no one with low voice.


After throwing out his shoes out from the window, he sneaked out from the room through the door. Sungmin was almost caught several times by the kingdom’s guards but luckily there were many potted plants, big enough to cover his body. He even held his breath when a servant was looking around, as if noticing his presence and almost found him.


“Haaah…!” Sungmin sighed. He was so relieved when he stepped his feet outside of the kingdom. The hot sunrays greeted him and Sungmin walked out in pleasure, welcoming the freedom although it feels quite far away.


Sungmin had to be silent and sneaked down on the walls, behind the plants in the garden to hide from numerous gardener and guards. He crawled until his favorite clothes were dirty from waist down.


“Tsk.” He whined when he saw dirt around his shoulder. When he reached a shady place covered by trees, Sungmin stopped his journey and decided to take a rest for a while. It has been one hour but he didn’t find any gate or doorway out. He was frustrated at how big the kingdom is. It made his legs tired but he can’t stop now. After massaging his legs and arms, Sungmin crawled down near the walls again to the point that he didn’t care anymore about his dirty clothes or branches that hurt his arms.


Sungmin was giggling happily when he thought he saw a small gate from behind the bushes. The closer he got, the more he’s sure it was indeed a way out.


“Yeah!” Sungmin stood up and squealed happily seeing the gate. Without observing his surrounding once again, the Snowelf prince was running toward it right away only to be disappointed since the gate was locked and chained.


Sungmin pouted and hit the door, causing noisy jingling sounds. Sungmin was not aware at all that he had disturbed the gate’s guard form its sleep not far from there.


Sungmin inhaled deeply and nodded in certain. ‘This gate is not too highs from me.’ He said to encourage himself.


Sungmin had put a foot up to climb when a big shadow from his back covered his body to the outer side of the gate. A five feet monster, winged and three-headed and of course… ready to tear Sungmin’s little body apart to the bones.







Kyuhyun was still trying to sniff the boy’s track until his instinct told him to go to the kingdom’s backyard. He could smell a stronger scent of the Snowelf and fear on the air.


“Oh, …” Kyuhyun’s eyes widened and quickened his steps. He had just remembered their ‘pet’ on the backyard: an unfriendly one and uncute pet to boot.


“Don’t die yet, kid.” Kyuhyun cursed while half-running, almost made him wanted to transform to a wolf—right in the middle of a day! It would waste a lot of energy and Kyuhyun won’t do it twice for an insolent little Snowelf! Unfortunately, sound of cries were the ones that greeted him there.


“Sungmin-ah?” Kyuhyun called. The cries and screams of fear were heard along with a lion’s roar and a bird’s cry—Kyuhyun couldn’t even decide which one is the worst of them. But at least, what he saw just now relieved him a bit.


Sungmin fell on the ground with bloody legs. His skinny hands were covered with scratches and bruises. Probably those wounds made the little spoiled prince couldn’t move far from the Chimera, which keeps barking at him. Just another meter—if it was not because of those large chains around its feet, the monster would have devoured Sungmin’s whole little body.


“Sungmin-ah!” Kyuhyun shouted when the three-headed being was starting to swing to its left and right. It’s a sign… right before the dragon head open its mouth widely.


“Stop it, Kim!” Kyuhyun was already standing as a defense in front of Sungmin and shouted to the creature. His right hand was raised high, touching the lion’s jaw. Even if it’s too late, he had to accept some burns or worse, losing an arm. Luckily, Kyuhyun’s voice is familiar to the beast and made it stop attacking. It bowed to Kyuhyun in obedience.


Then as if reading the order from its master’s eyes, the beast backed down. The large wings waggled gently before shutting down to its body. The monster sat down quietly like a puppy.


Sungmin who was watching it by holding his breath now choked then started to cry again. “Ah-ahjussi! Ahjussiiiii—” Sungmin wept desperately and stammered, both of his hands were reaching out; asking for a protecting warm hug. 


“Tsk!” Kyuhyun grumbled but still, he hugged the frail boy and caressed his back gently.


“Sssh! Keep it down. If you don’t stop crying, that monster would wake up again!” The radourland prince threatened the boy and successfully made him shut his mouth—desperately holding back his tears by covering his mouth with both hands.


“I’ve told you don’t go anywhere, right?! This is what will happen if you don’t hear my words.”  He tried to convince the little boy. Kyuhyun just sighed when Sungmin nodded his head and kept trembling in his arms. He didn’t even know which devil whispered to him to peck on Sungmin’s head—which indeed calmed the little Snowelf.




Kyuhyun released their embrace although Sungmin’s hands were still holding onto his arm tightly. He turned back and kneeled then said, “Now let’s go back to the room. Don’t be bad again!”


Sungmin nodded weakly; unable to answer. His cries raised again when he tried to stand up for real, especially because he saw the blood dripping from his feet and made him even more conscious of the pain. He trembled and let his body fell to Kyuhyun’s back who caught him soon and lifted the boy to his back, walking towards their room.




Kyuhyun sighed. The boy was crying behind his back and started to call his mother who’s far, far away in Hviturland. Kyuhyun ignored it because who knows, if he say something wrong, the boy’s cries whould raise a few octaves and it would be the last thing Kyuhyun wants.


“Stay here.” Kyuhyun lead the boy to sit on a chair. The boy obeyed him this time, sitting on it though followed by his sobs.


“I-I want to go home, ah-ahjussi…” Sungmin rubbed his teary eyes and started to cry again. Kyuhyun’s next answer made it worse.


“No can do.”




Kyuhyun cursed then shook his head; decided to ignore him. Well, he might shut his mouth when he’s tired later.


“Yah! Yah! Now eat! You can continue your cry later.”


Sungmin’s wail turned to quiet sobs when Kyuhyun offered a tray of food in front of him—not as warm again but still good. The Snowelf kid blinked innocently with hiccups. He looked up to Kyuhyun then looked down again to stare at the delicious-looking food.


“You can eat by yourself, right?” Kyuhyun asked suspiciously. Oh please don’t tell him he had to feed this spoiled prince too. Kyuhyun would have to give up because he never feed anyone in his life except his monster pets.


Fortunately, Sungmin nodded and grabbed the spoon weakly. The boy was starting to spoon the food slowly to his mouth. Small sobs still could be heard between his chewing and swallowing.


Kyuhyun was keeping his eyes on the boy until he unexpectedly finished the food. There’s only one plate filled with vegetables and salad left untouched. Kyuhyun frowned in confusion.


“Why don’t you eat the salad?” ‘Doesn’t elf eat vegetable and fruits?’ But Kyuhyun didn’t ask the second question since it sounded too racist and stereotype.


Sungmin shrugged while rubbing his swollen eyes. “I don’t like it.” He answered shortly.


Kyuhyun snorted. ‘What a spoiled boy.’


“Finish the veggie, boy!” Kyuhyun insisted. Sungmin was taken aback with teary eyes. His eomma and hyungs never forced him to finish the veggie and fruits.


“Nooo! I want to go home! I want my eomma! Huaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”


 “Aish, not again!” Kyuhyun grumbled in annoyance. Now he had refilled his energy, Sungmin’s cries are getting louder and hurting ears. Kyuhun face was an ugly dark shade, and it got uglier the moment he heard the boy ordered him once again.


“Take me to my home, stupid old ahjussi!”


“Just go back by yourself riding the chimera earlier!” Immaturely, the prince snapped at him and successfully made Sungmin wailed even more.


“Yah! Y-yah!” Kyuhyun really wanted to shut his mouth but holding back his desire. His left hand alone can kill this Snowelf prince, and Kyuhyun wouldn’t want to do it. But he doesn’t want the cries in his room more.


“Shut up, Sungmin-ah!”


Oh no, it made Sungmin wailed and wept worse instead. He was also starting to hit Kyuhyun with his small hands and feet.


“Take me home!  Take me home! Take me home! Take me homeeeee!”


“Y-yah! Yah! Shut it, brat!” The crown prince shouted, trying to block Sungmin’s attack and holding back his wrath from throwing the fragile body away in the same time.


“Alright! Alright! I’ll take you home if the king allows it!” He almost made the older man cry.


Sungmin stopped hitting him. His cry subsided a bit. He bit his lips and looked at Kyuhyun with hopeful, swollen eyes. “Re-really, ahjussi?”


“Ne! If the king let you go home!” Kyuhyun threw the burden to his father. He’s tired already having to face this kid. He was also afraid to say something wrong, so let the king decides.


However for Sungmin, Kyuhyun’s answer sounded like an absolute future. He even remembered it as a promise. “R-really? Hic, hic, HUEEEEEEEAHJUSSIIIIIII!”


Kyuhyun was startled when the boy suddenly threw himself to his body and hugged him tightly. He cursed silently even though his hand pets the boy’s head in response.


‘Damned brat.’






 “Y-Youngwoon-ah…” The beautiful queen moaned softly; whispering the Radourland King’s real name whose naughty lips were smooching his sensitive neck. The thick clothes were messy and disheveled because of his hands are roaming on his body.


Kangin smiled to the pale guy before capturing those red lips to his own softly.


“Appa, I’m in!” The queen was shocked when the entrance door of the king’s private hall was opened roughly. However, Kangin was not. Kyuhyun was standing in front of the room arrogantly; though he was quite shocked as well seeing the slightly intimate scene of his father and the second queen.


“Appa, I need to talk to you.” He said while snorting in disgust and closed the door from outside. Kangin sighed at his son’s behavior while his queen was busy fixing his clothes. The king pecked his lips once again apologetically before going outside.


“So, what‘s bothering my crown prince’s heart that he come here to meet me? Is Sungmin well already?”


Kyuhyun made a disgusted face hearing his father’s question. Sure, he had never stepped a foot in this place anymore since their mother’s death. If it’s not because of Sungmin, he won’t set a foot here right now.


What for he’s here anyway?


To see his father lovey-dovey kissing with his new queen like earlier? HAH!


“Too healthy. He’s been whining non-stop begging to be taken home.” Kyuhyun snorted in annoyance. “Come on, Appa. Just let him go. I’ll even personally take him to Hviturland and apologize to his family.” Kangin was expressionless and just stared at his son with full attention. Kyuhyun became uncomfortable when his father didn’t say anything but stare at him.


‘Che… I shouldn’t have come here after all. I knew it will be like this.’ He spat and grumbled in his heart.


“Kyuhyun-ah, do you know what you’re talking about?” Kangin whispered softly and folded his hands in front of his broad chest. No, he’s not angry at Kyuhyun. After all he knew his son well, and he’s sure that Kyuhyun was not serious about it. He knew that Kyuhyun knows well the consequence of his plan so he took it just as a spoiled whine from his boy.


“Aish, then just give him to someone else, Appa! I’m busy and I don’t have time to take care of an insolent boy like him!” Kyuhyun whined and disappointed at this father. Returning a mate candidate without any reason is a humiliation to the family. Okay, Kyuhyun had a ton of reasons but somehow he knew it won’t work at all. Kangin had expected it and chuckled softly.


“Then tell me, what are you doing everyday until you don’t have time for him? Training with the knights? Doing the kingdom’s works? Helping my ministers? Hmm?” Kangin was giggling at the thought; mocking at his only son who was looking pissed and ashamed. But it’s true! He’s a king but he always has time for his beloved queen.


“Alright, alright! I’m not busy, but I don’t want to be betrothed to that kid, Appa! I don’t like like having a mate, but being a baby-sitter instead! I’m not a erted man who likes kids, especially him—crybaby, spoiled, arrogant, impolite… Did you know? He called me a slave this morning!”


Kangin wasn’t shocked but laughing instead.


“You’re right, Kyu. He sounds healthy to me.”


“And then he escaped when I went to kitchen! He was almost died by our chimera because he planned to escape through the back gate!” Kyuhyun didn’t have to tell his father that it was Sungmin who ordered him to fetch the food and obeyed him. The king’s laugh subsided to a smile.


“It’s because you didn’t claim him, Kyu. If you did, the chimera won’t harm him. Wherever he goes in this place is dangerous as long as you haven’t marked him yet. How’s his condition now?”


Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow.


“You know—you didn’t sound like you care about him that much. What exactly is your plan, Appa?” Kyuhyun felt suspicious enough. The king drank his soju.


“Probably it seems so to you, but I’m very worried—especially because you haven’t decided when you will claim him yet. He might die anytime, Kyu.” Kim Kangin was lying. He was actually doesn’t really care to the Snowelf kid. No, not yet until he really becomes Kyuhyun’s mate. Before it happen, he doesn’t care of war outbreak between Radourland and Hviturland caused by the boy’s death. After all, he brought the kid here to be his son’s mate only to get heir for his throne—a grandson. He doesn’t even sure Yunho would care about the boy enough to start a war against them whereas Hviturland itself has been in cold war with Stavurland for so long. But nobody needs to know these so no harm would come to the boy.


“Appa, we need time. It’s different if you chose someone older who doesn’t have a psychological problem. Why must be him? If it has to be Snowelf, doesn’t he have other siblings?” The crown prince fixed his sitting position. Kangin glanced at Kyuhyun again then sighed heavily.


“Kyuhyun, you do know the condition between our lands, right? We’re not having war with each other, but we also don’t have an alliance. Our relationship with the ice land is so tense. Yunho actually doesn’t trust us. When I came to meet him to propose his child for you, he didn’t give any choice but Sungmin, his youngest son.” The big-built king drank the soju again. Kyuhyun didn’t say anything to let his father continue.


“…To tell the truth, there was a rumour spreading around that Yunho’s first son in throne is having romantic feeling with Sungmin. A lot of servants knew it already, but they didn’t tell anything to the king in fear. Yunho was mad when he caught both of them kissing.”


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened in shock.


“WHAT?!” Kyuhyun found it hard to speak.


“B-but—his own brother?!” He stammered in disbelief of what he had just heard. That innocent, crybaby, and spoiled kid kissed his own brother?! But Kyuhyun didn’t blame Sungmin. He’s actually angry and blame Sungmin’s oldest brother who should take care of the boy instead, not teaching him such indecent act!


“It seems like Yunho hates his youngest and blamed him for his third queen’s death. That’s why I put a big hope in this mating between you and Sungmin to change our lands relationship to be better.”


“Appa, you really—Aish… That boy might not a anymore!” Kyuhyun sighed in annoyance.


“Omo? Kyu, are you jealous?” Kangin smirked at him.


“It’s not like that!” The curly haired man denied quickly.


“Don’t worry, my boy. He’s a . You’ll know the difference after you mark him. Hahahahahaaa!” Kangin was laughing happily while Kyuhyun snorted in defeat with faint blush on his face.


“Arasso, arraso! Then what should I say if he whine to get home again?!” He’s back to his first purpose coming here since he couldn’t bear with his father anymore.


“Distract him, Kyu. Since his psychological state is like a kid—much younger than he actually is, treat him like one. Play with him, win his heart by becoming his friend, make him happy and give anything. Except letting him go home.”


Kyuhyun scratched his head lazily. Even just thinking about it felt troublesome for him. Kangin patted his back. Not long after that, he saw his father’s wife coming to their way to bring his father another bottle of soju. Kyuhyun looked away on purpose when the man smiled warmly at him.


In truth, Kyuhyun had to admit this second queen is almost perfect—he’s so beautiful and kind-hearted. That motherly warm smile tickled Kyuhyun’s heart, as if reminding him of his own mother. And Kyuhyun doesn’t like it.


He also doesn’t like this person.


One thing that makes him so low in front of his eyes.


One thing that made him can’t accept this person forever, moreover forgiving him.


This man had made his mother fell sick and died because their stupid, idiot father loves this person and neglecting his own queen—the mother of his children. If there’s anyone to blame, it’s this man. He should have go away and leave Kangin because he already had a queen and children. True, he’s a king. People will get attracted by his throne and power and won’t leave him alone. And this person surely is no different than those vermins out there.


“I’ll be going now, Appa.” Kyuhyun snorted in annoyance to the other way and got up quickly before he’s too close with his father’s queen.


"Wait, Kyu! YAH—” Kangin was about to snap at his impolite boy, but a gentle hand on his shoulder stopped him and made him turned his face to his beautiful angel. The man shook his head weakly and put down the tray. He sat beside his husband with eyes glued to the ground for a while, and then looked up again to stare at his husband with his beautiful dimpled-smile; trying to look okay. However he couldn’t hide his slightly teary eyes from Kangin.


“Hhhh... He’s still like that towards you, so insolent.” Kangin grumbled and brought his hand up to caress the cheek of his beloved person.


“Please forgive him ne, Jungsu-ah?” The long dark-brown haired man shook his head and touched the large hand on his cheek.


“It’s fine, Youngwoon-ah…” Those dark-honey colored eyes couldn’t hide his sorrow behind his smile.








“Ahjussi! You told me you’ll take me home! You’re a liar!” Sungmin whined and sulked right away when he saw Kyuhyun came to the room on the next day.


“Yah, don’t call me ahjussi! Call me hyung!” The crown prince folded his hands in front of his chest arrogantly.


“No! You’re old! Old man should be called ahjussi!”


Kyuhyun glared angrily at the insolent boy. How could he call him old?! He’s barely in his 40! What about his hyungs then? But in a moment, his anger turned to laughter.


“Oh? Is that so? Well… It can’t be helped then. This old ahjussi actually wanted to take you for a walk outside, but ahjussi doesn’t want to be friend with insolent kid like you. Just stay here until you’re bored!” Kyuhyun turned his back to the door and walked away with sly face.


“Aa—W-wait!” Kyuhyun smirked in victory when Sungmin sounded panic and told him to stop. He stopped, but not turning his back to face the boy.


“Is there anything else, little prince?” Kyuhyun was giggling quietly since Sungmin couldn’t see this expression.


“W-where did you want to take me?” He asked a bit arrogantly.


“Hmmm?” Kyuhyun was forcing his brain to think quickly. What kind of places would appeal a kid like Sungmin?


“Nggg… I… I was going to take you to the garden and play with the bunnies.”


“Bunnies?!” Kyuhyun cheered in his heart when he saw those large eyes were filled with sparks. Sungmin jumped down from Kyuhyun’s bed and squealed excitedly.




Kyuhyun pouted, looked away and played hard-to-get with the boy.


“No way! Ahjussi won’t take a bad boy like you. We’re not friends after all.” He turned his back again.


“Ahjussiiiiiii!!!!” Sungmin whined while stomping his feet.


“No.” The older man looked away once again, refused to meet the boy’s face.


“Ahjuss—Hyuuuuunggg~” He whined once again with persuading tone. Kyuhyun didn’t expect Sungmin to be so smart. He had to hold the smile from forming on his lips and turned his head a bit.


“What?!” He asked as rude as possibly.


“I want to go theeereeeee!”


“You have to apologize to me.” Kyuhyun challenged the arrogant boy. It seemed unacceptable for Sungmin and he was speechless. He whined and bit his lower lip but not saying anything. Sungmin doesn’t like to apologize. Apology is only said by a low-class people.


“If you don’t want to, I’ll be going now…”


“AAA! Okay, hyung! I’m sorryy… Take me with youuu! I’m bored in this ugly room!” He whined while tugging on Kyuhyun’s white shirt. A vein popped on the taller man’s head, but he sighed while laughing; trying to remember his father’s words.


‘This ty brat…’ He growled quietly.


“Here! Follow me!”


Sungmin laughed happily and started to follow Kyuhyun’s big steps with his short legs. Impatient with Sungmin’s slow steps, Kyuhyun offered his back in the end which was accepted gratefully by the boy.


‘A prince is cooler riding on a horse than walking on feet.’, said the boy which almost made Kyuhyun snap. However his emotion vanished right when he saw Sungmin jumped off from his back to chase the rabbit happily. And when the little Snowelf was playing with those white-furry creatures, Kyuhyun could see the real Sungmin—an innocent and happy kid. The ‘mask’ he wore before had fallen somewhere and forgotten.


“If you obey me and stop being so troublesome, I’ll take you to the festival too.” He promised to the boy who was carrying a black white rabbit in his arms.


“REALLY HYUNG?!” Sungmin put the animal down and hugged Kyuhyun’s chest like a kid waiting to listen to his mother’s fairy tale. Although it’s not suitable for his age, he’s cute enough to be mistaken as a five years old. A bit exaggerating though…


Kyuhyun pretended to put a sour face, but couldn’t hold back a smile seeing Sungmin happy like that. Kyuhyun caressed his head and played the soft hair before nodding. “We’ll go there someday around this week.”









Kyuhyun enjoyed his walk through the city’s crowd. The streets are full of different races of demons participating in the summer festival. Mostly from Radourland but there are some newcomers from the other lands, gathering on the borderland every year. This is currently the safest area in Radourland, guarded by their thick security and was managed by a branch kingdom of them. Kyuhyun was quite amazed seeing how they managed to leave at least one safe place in the Red land.


Sungmin was not too farbehind him; trying to walk along with Kyuhyun’s large steps who was turning his head to look at him with a thin smile. Those large brown doe eyes were rolling, observing his surroundings with amazed expression.


Kyuhyun was wondering, ‘Won’t that frail neck gets tired from looking around too much?’


And true, Kyuhyun was startled when Sungmin was about to fall down and went limp. Luckily their distance was close so the taller man could catch Sungmin without any difficulty.


“What’s wrong, Sungmin-ah? Are you sick?” Kyuhyun regretted his decision for a second; taking out the boy who’s’ just recovering from his fever.


“U-uunnnn! I’m dizzy because there are so many things I could see!” He anwered excitedly; trying to hide the frown in his head. Kyuhyun didn’t trust him enough. He decided to walk while holding Sungmin’s hand beside him and chose a quiet path.


“Don’t get so excited like that. Take it slow. I’ll take you to see all around if you want.” Sungmin looked up with sparkling eyes.


“You promised me, hyung!”


Kyuhyun swallowed; hearing Sungmin’s happy laugh really tickling his heart. So far, he only saw Sungmin’s crying or arrogant face; insisting to be taken home. He never thought the boy is capable of other expressions. He didn’t know why, but he’s happy when he saw the boy’s laughing in joy. His hand fit in his strangely as Sungmin dragged him around wherever he wants.


Kyuhyun noticed that Sungmin spent longer time standing in front of colorful stands—watching a couple caught fishes, colorful magical balloon, and he stood the longest in front of a cotton candy stand.


Is living in the snowy Hviturland feels so empty?

Does the boy never see other color but black and white?

Kyuhyun put his hands on his knees and leaned down to the gaping boy and let out a naughty smile.


“Haven’t you had a cotton candy?” Sungmin was a bit startled when he heard Kyuhyun’s voice beside his ear.


“Cotton candy? The one that looked like cloud?” He pointed at the pink cotton candies row. Kyuhyun nodded.


“Want to try one, Sungmin-ah?”


“E-EH? Can I…?” He asked in disbelief. His eomma never let him eat colorful food other than fruits which he disliked.


Kyuhyun smiled. He came to the stand owner and back with a cotton candy. Honestly, he’d like to buy Sungmin one thing from each stand in this place. But what would people say later at home? Especially his father. How humiliating…


The Snowelf held the candy stick Kyuhyun gave to him and smiled childishly. Kyuhyun shook his head when the word ‘adorable’ crossed his mind.


“Thank you, hyung!” Sungmin tip-toed to hug Kyuhyun who let him do that. What made him a bit surprised was when the boy gave a quick peck on his lips innocently; something that Sungmin used to do to his eomma and hyungs to express his love. There’s a strange beating in his chest, but Kyuhyun tried hard to ignore it.


“What’s this color?” He asked like nothing happened a while ago.


“O-oh… it’s pink.”


“Ping? I love ping!” Sungmin decided it in a whim while taking a bite.




Kyuhyun cursed. It’s true that for a 14 years old kid, he had a younger psychological state. Usually kids around him had learned to act mature and started to show interest to someone. Some even felt shy to express their love with family member already. How could his father tell him to commit adultery act with this innocent kid? Sungmin most likely didn’t know why he was brought here. If only his father would postpone their mating for at least five… or three years more, waiting for Sungmin to grow a bit older and get used to this environment, Kyuhyun probably won’t feel so uneasy and guilty like this.


However he knew it was just his wishful thinking. His stubborn old father would most definitely insist the mating this year.


They continued the walk while holding hands. Sungmin’s still in lead to whichever way he wants. He kept asking a lot of questions which starting to make Kyuhyun sick. But he tried to be patient, since it’s not like Sungmin is happy like this every day. Sungmin was only taking looks at first, but now he found something that really intrigued him: a pink bunny plushie, almost as tall as him. He’s starting to whine to Kyuhyun to buy it for him.


“Aish, Sungmin-ah! What is that for? It’s for a girl!” Kyuhyun was blushing a bit from embarrassment since Sungmin’s loud whine attracted people’s attention to them.


“Hyuuuuuunggg… I want it…… bunny bunny bunny bunny!!!” The black haired boy was tugging on Kyuhyun’s clothes desperately. The seller smiled gently, letting Sungmin hugged the plushie which was strangely cute and fit beside the boy.


Kyuhyun cursed; actually he was not angry but mostly embarrassed. “Fine, fine! I won’t give you any other thing after this! You hear me?!”


Sungmin nodded happily and hugged the plushie in his arms tightly when he saw Kyuhyun paid it for him. Taking the boy home with that large, bright pink plushie was already humiliating. What else would he ask him? Kyuhyun blushed when he thought about what his father would say to him.


When they were passing a way toward a shrine, they saw a lot of people walked to the crowd and gathered in front of it.


“What’s that?” Kyuhyun asked to himself.


‘Is there an accident?’ Kyuhyun hadn’t come to the festival for a long time. He was trying to remember what kind of attraction was held in front of the shrine when he smelled blood and realized right away.


“Let’s go, Sungmin-ah! Sungmin-ah?!” The man couldn’t find Sungmin who usually stayed in his left side. Kyuhyun turned to his surrounding in panic—to the back, his right way and left way, and to the crowd. His heart was beating fast in worry since there are many people here.


Was he kidnapped? Or did he get washed away with the crowd?


Kyuhyun hadn’t taken a step yet when he heard Sungmin’s cry from the crowd. The man ran closer to Sungmin’s hysteric scream in hurry.


‘I’LL KILL THEM IF THEY LAY A FINGER ON HIM!’ Kyuhyun growled unconsciously. His fangs lengthened and those wolf eyes glowed. He pushed the crowd on his way off until he saw his little Snowelf; sitting on the ground, crying and trembling. His new bunny was dirty from the ground’s dirt and he was hugging it desperately with all his life.


In front of Sungmin was a calf being eaten alive by the demons as an offering. Those demons stopped their activities and turned to see the source of that noise which is no other than the Snowelf.


The calf was trashing and trembling on the ground with stomach torn, his inner organs were scattering out. Kyuhyun took Sungmin to his chest to hide his view. It was enough to get him nighmares for nights already. He took a relieved breath when he knew Sungmin was not harmed at all… yet.


However Kyuhyun had to bring the tempting-smelled Snowelf prince away from here, or they might attract more people there. Kyuhyun picked up the trembling kid with a bit intimidating aura to his surrounding then leaped away from the scene.


‘… they might know who I am now.’ He cursed silently. Kyuhyun doesn’t like to expose his identity to the public. He prefers to walk around like a commoner.


Sungmin was still sobbing on his shoulder, hugging the dusty bunny. He was calmed a bit from Kyuhyun’s warmrth. He hugged Kyuhyun’s even neck tighter.


We better go home now.’


Kyuhyun had no choice but to carry Sungmin home like a princess that evening.







To be continue...

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Likekk #1
Chapter 5: Omg this is soooo Good
I love it I love it i love it
Update soon 0_o
kyuririn #2
Update pleaaseeee...
Chapter 5: Uuppppppdattteeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 5: wow. such a good story. i hope you can update. i can't wait to read the rest.
Chapter 5: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 5: I hope you guys can update soon, I'm so curious....

Just a suggestion ~
maybe try translating it to english then before publishing the chapter ask an elf to edit/proofread it for u? So there wont be many typos or grammatical errors? Just a suggestion tho if you couldnt find any indonesian elfs to translate your fics ^_^
kyuririn #8
Chapter 6: Uwwaaahhh pingin banget bantuin biar cepet update nya, tp klo aq yg translate bakalan kacau balau deh hehehe. English kamu dah ok kok, pe de aja ok!! Fighting!!
Chapter 6: Oh this is a translated fic? Ah~ wish I knew Indonesian so I can help translate ><
allcloud #10
Chapter 6: OMG OMG OMG OMG it's so short but it totally made my day!
Well, you see, although we are aware your English is not perfect we were actually able to understand just fine what you translated over there, so don't be afraid of doing it!
I know you're busy but I'll still be waiting for it! I really REALLY hope you can find another translator, if your partner can't make it anymore, just to bring us JOY :3