Chapter 1

Cursed Crown


The world was created as one in the beginning. Just like front and back side of white origami paper, the world was one-colored. How and what it will be colored, the world creatures will be the one to decide by their wit granted from the God.

Then they started to colorize the paper to their own liking. However, their greed and lust were starting to stain the white paper. War and spilled-blood marked the beginning of the world colorization. Thousand years of time have passed, and the world was divided from the pressure and nature’s burden; separating the world creatures from each other to five big lands. Groups by groups of them appeared, consisted of certain races according to the colors they stand for.

However, the separation was not the end. The war and revenge still are the inheritance from generation to generation.

Htivurland, the biggest north land covered by eternal snow is the fairy land. For a thousand years, they have been in war with black land—Stavurland, located in the east surrounded by the darkness, filled with jungles and swamps, a lot of caves, deserts, and volcanoes; home of barbaric, ugly monsters.

Southeast and south consisted of Graentland and Blarland bordered with each other. Graentland is covered with savannas, tropical forests, and fertile lands which is a home of some demons and humans race. Blarland in the south has power to some oceans and topology of vast muddy coastal land, lakes, rivers, and seas; inhabited by water creatures mostly.

The last big and widest land is Radourland, rules all west and cut through the world’s equator. Its tropical weather in almost all year long with average rainfall ratio made this land a comfortable home of mostly intelligent carnivorous demons. Radourland is ruled by a big kingdom of the wolf. Commotions and conflicts will never leave this ruthless land. Without thinking of making alliance with other lands, Radourland is standing alone; arrogantly think itself as the most powerful land of all.



Cursed Crown



The cart was moving slowly through the long, endless cobbled pathway. After passing through the river, forest, the snowelf’s farms, and the border hills, the cart now is going on through the vast meadow. There are a lot of cows and bulls without any of the owner to be seen. Once in a while, they would see carrions of the livestock torn and rotten left on the sidewalk.

It’s clear that…. They are in the neighbor’s land now.

"Sungmin-sshi, we will be reaching the Radourland soon. Please get ready.” Said the middle-aged man who’s riding the cart. He turned his head for a second, glanced at the black curtain which covered the cart’s door before sighing. He feels sorry for his young master’s fate.

How could the King has the heart to get rid of the youngest prince to Radourland—the bloody land, escorted only by a weak slave like him. Moreover, the psychology condition of the prince is so poor. He’s not sure the young prince will be able to survive here after he left him later.

Surely, the slave will return to his land after he escorted Sungmin. But he’s not sure, how can he return from this land alive? Although the king had guaranteed for his safety, still…

Once again, he glanced at the cow’s carrion with the broken ribs on the right side of the path before swallowing hard. His trip to return home will not be easy…




"Sungmin-sshi, we will arrive on the Radourland soon. Please get ready.” The man repeated his words. Even though Jungwan’s voice could be heard clearly into the cart, there was no response, no answer from the young boy. The curtain was budged only by the blowing wind.

A moment later, slender fingers appear from the cart’s window, opening it slowly before a pair of brown eyes followed—peeking from the cart. Sungmin—the prince’s name—blinks confusedly when he’s looking at the green and long vast grasses field. This is the first time he ever sees green plants grow here and there. There’s also the hot and blazing sun he feels the first time in his life with the smell of the sun mixed with rotten and bloody scent from outside.

It feels so different. So foreign…

Sungmin closed the window in a hurry. He holds the curtain close every time the wind blows. The young boy leaned back nervously, grabbing tight on his coat as if his whole life depends on it, as if the thick coat keeps him awake which actually torture him in such extreme weather. But strongly, Sungmin refused to accept the reality that the cart’s wheels are no longer spinning on his birth land.

Sungmin covers his ears, shuts his eyes, and curls up in the cart; trying to keep away the wind’s sound, the sight of moving grass, avoiding the sunlight which sneak in from the cart’s gaps, and resisting the reality. The lie feels suffocating, but Sungmin shakes his head; reassuring himself.

That he was in the white land—the eternally frozen land.

He always wear his coat well, or eomma will be angry. The cold weather in Htivurland was bad for his weak body, so Sungmin always obey his eomma’s words: never dismantle the coat unless he’s inside the kingdom.

Sungmin wipes the streaming sweats on his forehead. His face is wet, and his body is sweaty. But no, it’s not because of the sun heat. He must be having a fever again today. Yes, it’s just a fever.

Unknowingly, warmth pooled on his eyes. And the suffocating feelings broke down becoming tears drop by drop. By muffling his mouth, Sungmin held his sobs and cries. He was panting and the heavy feeling comes back to his chest. He glances to the right and left confusedly. Why is eomma not here? Though he’s feeling ill right now…

“E-eomma—“ Sungmin called between sobs. But there’s no response.

“Eomma!” Sungmin called again by stomping his feet half frustrated, but still, there’s no one coming. He called again twice, three times, ten times but no one comes for him. There’s no beautiful figure who’ll always come and hug him like usual every time he calls for his ‘eomma’.

No one.

The truth hits him and Sungmin is too afraid to face it. He breathes the strange air which tells him how far he is from his mother now. Sungmin curls up again and desperately tries to hide his body into the coat.





Radourland, the red land, the bloody land—that’s how people called it, inhabited by races of barbaric carnivorous demons and far from peace because of wars and fights against races and alliances using different reasons. In a kingdom of the land, two voices are echoing through the throne of the Red kingdom.

“It has been fifteen years, Kyuhyun! Your wife and daughter have died! You have to accept the truth!”

Kyuhyun glared. How dare his father talked about his wife and daughter’s death like a light issue? But he keeps quiet; showing no interest to answer him. He contains his anger in silence although a blaze of anger can be seen from his eyes. Just by snorted, his father should know that he doesn’t like this conversation.

And it was true, the King became soft in a sudden. He sighs and pats on his youngest son’s shoulder, asking for his understanding. The hell, he’d even do it if he has to beg, anything as long as his only son would mate once again and continue the lineage of the kingdom. Anything, as long as he could get a grandson the red land king will do anything.

“Please understand, my son.” Kangin sighed.

“You can’t become a king before having a son…”

“I’ve told you I’m not interested with the throne. Just give it to one of your son-in-laws, Appa.” Kyuhyun answered quietly, bored of the topic already.

“I would have done it if they could give me a grandson!” Kangin snarled. All his children—six daughters and a son—have mated and gave him teen of grandchildren. Although no one succeeded giving him the grandson he desires so much, including Kyuhyun while his wife and daughter have passed away long ago. And even if one of his daughters managed to give him a grandson, Kangin is actually not willing to give his throne to his son-in-law—a stranger, a man whom he doesn’t share his blood with. There are times when Kangin asked himself: just what kind of curse did the God gave to his land?

“Is it so wrong if a king expects his own son to succeed his throne?” Kangin whispered sadly. He sat on the throne weakly and threw empty look to the other way, anywhere but to Kyuhyun.

Somehow it suppresses Kyuhyun’s anger. Slowly the sympathy and guilt appear in his heart. Probably he was too stubborn. And probably he built a high walls around himself because of the past.

Kyuhyun sighed in defeat.

Maybe this is the time he should destroy those walls, look ahead and try to open new pages of his life. It will be hard, but there’s nothing wrong from trying to make his father happy.

With his usual, uninterested tone, Kyuhyun turned. His face is soften when he asked, “How old is he? The snowelf prince.”

Kangin stares at his son with flowering heart, and tries to suppress his smile. Kyuhyun will not accept this arranged marriage easily, especially if he knows…

“…fourteen years.” Kangin answered half whispering, a bit unwilling to say it.

“FOURTEEN YEARS OLD?!” Kyuhyun shouted in shock. “Appa, have you gone crazy? That boy is the same age with my daughter!”

“You’re daughter has passed away, Kyuhyun.”

“But still! What the is this?! I refuse this marriage!”

Hearing that, Kangin stood up abruptly and held his son before he walks out. The last time his youngest son sulked, he’s gone for two weeks from the kingdom. And Kangin will not let it happen, not when their guest is arriving in hours.

 “You can not, Kyuhyun. The snowelf prince is currently on his way and will arrive here soon.”

“Appa!” Kyuhyun glared, getting angrier by listening his father’s words. But the king doesn’t care, his serious expression looks like he’s threatening Kyuhyun.

“Remember Kyuhyun, the prince is still 14 years old. Mentally, he’s still unstable. And I heard from their emissary, the prince is sickly.”

Kyuhyun is taken aback. How could his father arrange his marriage with a sickly snowelf and expect them to give a grandson to him? But Kyuhyun is speechless; his tongue is too numb and forced him to hear the fact.

“His heart and mental condition are weak. Your refusal might kill him. Think carefully before you act around the prince, Kyuhyun…” both of them were glaring at each other before the king whispered.

“You DO know what will happen if you kill him, right?”

Kyuhyun froze. He didn’t know what to say or to react. Suddenly a guard came into the room and bowed to him and the king.

“Your majesty, representative of Htivurland has arrived, by using a cart and a guard.”

Kangin looked shocked. A cart and a guard? Is the white king playing a joke? Or the spy’s information is right. But who cares. Kangin grins widely. Who cares if the prince is the less favorite son of the land as long as the young boy bears him a grandson? As soon as possible.

Kangin tossed his royal cloak aside before stepping out; leaving Kyuhyun froze in his feet.

“Let me welcome him.”




“Ah, Appa!”

Kangin nodded as he was welcomed by his three daughters and son-in-laws when he walked out of the kingdom. At first, he thought they were also excited of the snowelf prince’s arrival. But when he saw one of his daughters grab on the guard’s cloak. He did absolutely wrong.

Kangin’s eyes widened and automatically looking for the snowelf’s prince whereabouts in the middle of the crowds. Then he saw the prince was trembling on the cart’s side, ready to faint out anytime.

The king growled; curse quietly for his daughter’s foolishness.

“Appa, this one is useless right? Can I eat him?” Jessica grins; lifting the slave’s body high in the air by using a hand. She sniffs the sweet smell of the snowelf, sweeter than human.

“Snowelf seems delicious—”

Sungmin looks horrified from hearing her statement and backs off in fear until his back meet the cart’s wheel.

“Let him go, Jessica!” Kangin shouted angrily.


“Let him go!”

“…Then, just his hand! He can go home with a hand’s off right?”

“Jessica, show your respect for the land which will be our family!” Kangin tries to suppress his emotion. Jessica whined in disappointment then threw the poor Jungmo to the ground.

“Go. Tell you king that Sungmin has arrived here safely. We will protect him like a son of our own.”

Without thinking twice, Jungmo gets up with pale face and cold hands then climbs his cart. He stilled from whipping the horses when he heard Sungmin cries behind him.

“A-ahjussi! Don’t go, ahjussi! I’m scared! Don’t leave me here!” Sungmin was weeping and tries to climb the cart too before he tripped on his long coat. He almost falls down if Kangin didn’t catch him.

“U-uh!” Sungmin feels the large hand around his body and struggled in panic; trying to get away from Kangin. The red king is holding his waist tight and won’t budge from Sungmin’s effort to reach the cart.

“Your prince is safe in here. Go now!” Kangin ordered the slave as he was trying to minimize his power from harming the fragile boy.


Jungmo swallowed hard. He doesn’t have the heart to leave the Htivurland’s youngest prince in the wolf nest. But he’s powerless, and this is the white king’s decision. Even if he wanted to, he has no right nor power to save Sungmin.

“I’m sorry Sungmin-sshi.” He whispered bitterly; mostly to himself. After reassuring himself, he sighed and whipped his horses.

Sungmin couldn’t believe it then struggled desperately. “No! Ahjussi! Ahjussiiii!” He screams, wails, weeps, anything to make the slave back. What to do, his power is no match against the king who seems three times bigger than him.

“Don’t go ahjussi! Don’t leave me here!” It’s useless. Jungmo’s cart has left him away and disappeared. In the end, he’s just hanging on the king’s left hand lifelessly with tears streaming down his face.

“Eomma…” he whispered voicelessly as his vision’s getting blurry. But he’s desperately trying to stay conscious. He started to bit on his hair, afraid to death. What if they’re trying to eat him when he’s unconscious?

“Huh, seems like you chose a wrong person to be the crown prince’s mate, Appa.” Victoria hissed in disgust at Sungmin. “What can this crybaby boy do? And here you’re expecting offspring from a boy—who’s probably still on her mother’s .”

The crowds laugh at Victoria’s statement. Everyone but Kangin and another one who has been standing on the doorway unknowingly.

“Victoria!” Kangin threatened while glaring at her. She chuckled and stopped talking, but it doesn’t change the mocking smile on her lips.

“Come on son. Get up and walk on your own.” Kangin guided the boy to stand. Sungmin stirred before refusing his help and tries to stand by his own with much effort.

Kangin smiles. It’s hard to be patient at his new son-in-law but he’ll do it anyway if it’s all to get male descendants in his lineage, to get Sungmin’s heart.

“Open your coat, son. Isn’t it hot in here?” Kangin was trying to pull the coat away from Sungmin before the boy hit away the king’s hand in panic. Sungmin was frightened at the big man. If a woman in this land could lift a man’s body like that and try to eat him, what about this man?

Kangin laughs despite feeling insulted and pissed off. This is the first time he got hit by someone so small and weak impolitely like this. But he professionally hides the emotion away and smiles warmly to him.

“No need to be afraid. Appa will show you your room.”


Sungmin obeys and follows him although still not letting Kangin touch him. Kangin guides the boy to the door while keeping their distance and trying not to touch the fragile back. Unexpectedly, his eyes meet the tall figure on the door way that actually is—

“Oh, Kyuhyun! So, you’re actually interested too?”

Kyuhyun didn’t answer. His face is expressionless. He just took a glance at the prince’s face, a face which is too young to be called a teenager.

Kyuhyun swears quietly.

He regretted showing himself here just to see the little boy’s fragile looks, shaking, desperately struggling, and weeping for being left alone in this foreign place. It will be better if he just go back to his room and lock it tightly. He doesn’t like this. The boy sobs tickled his heart; making him eager to leave. He takes a step away to avoid such view and those heart-wrenching sounds.

But before he get too far, his father’s voice stopped him.

“Come back by the sunset, Kyuhyun.”

Again—his father is threatening him. Kyuhyun doesn’t turn back at all. He has strengthened his heart. Images of his baby daughter on his arms fifteen years ago flashed back to his mind. If she survives, she’d probably be as beautiful and around the snowelf prince’s height. Kyuhyun has decided: if the snowelf prince is destined to get hurt in this land, he doesn’t want to be involved at all.

“Do as you like, Appa. I don’t care.” Kyuhyun half-lied.

“Really? You don’t care at all?” Kangin laughs drily which makes Kyuhyun shudders by thinking of the worst possibilities of the snowelf’s future.

Kangin walks into the kingdom along with Sungmin who looks resigned to his fate and doesn’t care about his surrounding.

“Let see, Kyuhyun-ah. Be home before the sunset or you’ll be sorry. You WILL be sorry, my son.”

Those are the last thing he heard before he left the kingdom in a hurry; leaving the fragile figure he saw once, but still burns in his head.




This is collaboration fics between me and Dndthecat. And of course, because this is ours there would be mpreg >.<

Comments are love, so leave comment for faster update guys #kissu

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Likekk #1
Chapter 5: Omg this is soooo Good
I love it I love it i love it
Update soon 0_o
kyuririn #2
Update pleaaseeee...
Chapter 5: Uuppppppdattteeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 5: wow. such a good story. i hope you can update. i can't wait to read the rest.
Chapter 5: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 5: I hope you guys can update soon, I'm so curious....

Just a suggestion ~
maybe try translating it to english then before publishing the chapter ask an elf to edit/proofread it for u? So there wont be many typos or grammatical errors? Just a suggestion tho if you couldnt find any indonesian elfs to translate your fics ^_^
kyuririn #8
Chapter 6: Uwwaaahhh pingin banget bantuin biar cepet update nya, tp klo aq yg translate bakalan kacau balau deh hehehe. English kamu dah ok kok, pe de aja ok!! Fighting!!
Chapter 6: Oh this is a translated fic? Ah~ wish I knew Indonesian so I can help translate ><
allcloud #10
Chapter 6: OMG OMG OMG OMG it's so short but it totally made my day!
Well, you see, although we are aware your English is not perfect we were actually able to understand just fine what you translated over there, so don't be afraid of doing it!
I know you're busy but I'll still be waiting for it! I really REALLY hope you can find another translator, if your partner can't make it anymore, just to bring us JOY :3