First Day With 'Princess'

The Arrogant One [Hiatus]


First Day With 'Princess'


"Yah, Himchan!" Jiyong shouted, "Get your to the dressing room!"

Himchan smirked and went to the ordered place, "So sorry about him, I'm his manager yet I still can't believe he's such a diva."

"Don't worry, he seems very photogenic though." Yongguk thought, smiling at the closed door of the dressing room.

"Yeah, he is.  But his attitude isn't." Jiyong mumbled under his breath, causing Yongguk to simply smile.


"Yah! Kim Himchan! Open this door or I swear on every breathing thing on earth that I will gun this door down!" Jiyong shouted for the 52nd time that day.

"What if he fell asleep inside?" Yongguk wondered, "Wait, Ji, you're his manager, you should have the key to his dressing room, right?"

"Tch, the little Princess doesn't allow spare keys to reach my hand." And once again, Jiyong kicked the door.

"Well, may be Key could open it?"

Jiyong's eyes lit up, "Great idea! Why didn't I think of him earlier?" He jumped, "Wait here, I'll be right back!"

A few seconds after Jiyong left, Himchan finally decided to reveal himself, fully dressed for the photoshoot. 

"Ah, Mr. Bang, where's that Kwon Jiyong?" He asked, eyes searching for his manager, "Isn't he supposed to bring me my lunch before the photoshoot?"

"Oh, he left to find Key."

"Tch, that guy! What for?"

Yongguk sighed, "To open the door which took you nearly an hour to open."

Himchan scoffed, he walked towards Yongguk with a smirk on his face. Once again, he leaned closer to Yongguk's ear, "Remember one thing, Bang Yongguk, when you work for me," He stopped, and looked into the older's dark brown eyes, "You're mine."

Everything was silent for a moment, Yongguk had a hard time processing what he had just said, "W-What..?"

"You're mine. Meaning, no one but me is allowed to touch you," He started to play with Yongguk's broad arms, fingers running around, "Talk to you," He whispered into the older's ear, sending chills down to his spine, "Nor look at you." He said, fierce eyes and locked with Yongguk's.

Suddenly-but not unexpectanly, Jiyong came in with Key, "KIM HIMCHAN!?!" His manager shouted, making the Princess mumble an 'Aish, this little bastard..!'

"What do you want, Jiyong?"

"Stop flirting with my best friend! For God's sake, he's not someone you can toy with! He. Is. My. Friend!!"

"Aish, calm down, hyung! Come on, I think it'd be better if you'd photoshoot later?" Key asked, earning a nod from Yongguk, "It takes time to calm this rowdy down."

"Well, I guess I'll be roaming around for sometime. Just call me when you need me." He said with a wink, "Tch, stop the winking and leave already!" Key demanded.

Yongguk was roaming around once again before he bumped a young boy -- about an inch taller than him.

"Yongguk hyung?"

"Ehh? Junhong?" Amused Yongguk asked, gummy smile present.

"So, I heard that you're the new photographer of Princess?" Junhong asked, a wide smile on his adorable face.

"Oh, Prince-oh you mean Himchan, right?"

"God, did you just call Princess by his name?" He asked, obviously shocked.

"Eh? Why? What's - "

"It's because nobody ever dared to call me by my name, Gukkie." The two turned around, surprised to see The Princess there.

"Pfft, you should be called by your name, not by a nickname that doesn't even define your gender," Before he knew it, the words slipped out of his mouth, both The Princess and Zelo were speechless.

Himchan's eyes lit from anger, but he kept his face straight, while Junhong was still speechless.

"Nice argument, Gukkie." He said and grabbed Yongguk's arm, "Now come with me"


"Aish, why can't I contact Yongguk?!"

"Ah, calm down here while I find him."

Key walked out and heared a few whispers from a room near by, he quietly opened it, revealing Jonghyun.

"Ah, Kim Kibum, I love you!!!"

"Jonghyun hyung..?"




Okai, updated :D
I changed my username from 'eagle_tamer' to -cheesecakeObsession. hehe.
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Hehe okay okay XD
Spam us with comments to earn karma~~! *insert Daehyun's high note vocal*
I know, I used to amount of subbies we currently have, to how many times Jiyong
kicked the door, hehe anyone noticed? :D
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@The Arrogant One~ You do know the drill, right? We need 6+ comments to update faster. :) If you won't comment, it's gonna take a LONG time to do one.


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MSkyDragons #1
Really enjoyed it even though it was short!
iHaveAThingForBAP #2
Chapter 7: Short but cute/\.
Chapter 8: It's okay, take your time ! Oh and happy early birthday ^^
Chapter 8: Good luck on Ur exams and happy birthday from now!! Hope u enjoy it!!
Chapter 7: funny i hope yongguk can handle himchan ^-^ oh u may this short story
Chapter 7: hehe short but still good.:}
Chapter 7: Hahahaha short but nice !
Chapter 7: Hahahahaha fun !!!!!
HimChanBABYTats #9
Ooh, pretty new layout! ^^
HimChanBABYTats #10
Chapter 6: I hate BangSong. :3