
The Arrogant One [Hiatus]




Yongguk groaned as his hands reach out for his phone, his light blonde hair popped out from the covers as he lazily take his mobile phone. Without taking a glance of the caller id, Yongguk slide the call button and he slowly place the phone beside his ear. 

"Yongguk!" A familiar voice boomed from the speaker, causing the man to jerk the phone from his ear, "Where are you?"

"Sleeping," Yongguk replied sleepily, letting his cheek rest on the pillow and he let out a yawn, "what's up Ji?" He closed his eyes, attempting to sleep again when Jiyong suddenly let out a sigh.

"The princess will arrive in a- in a matter of thirty minutes," Jiyong silenced himself for awhile, which made Yongguk open his eyes and was ready to ask when Jiyong cut him off, "can you please get out of the bed and prepare yourself? In twenty minutes. The princess wouldn't like if you came late and don't wear anything sloppy, wear something casual and nice."

Yongguk frown in confusion, his lips parted to ask again, "Got it? Yongguk-ah, remember, in exact twenty minutes from now."

The line ends with a beep and Yongguk sit down on his bed, staring at his phone confusedly. Letting out a small sigh, he climb out of his bed as he gets ready for his day.


"Ji!" Yongguk called out when he arrived at the company, Jiyong was standing in front of the entrance. Jiyong let out a sigh of relief when he saw his friend waving lightly to him.

"You've arrived, finally." Jiyong smiled to the other as Yongguk gave him his famous gummy smile. Jiyong turned to the entrance,  "I'm glad the princess aren't here yet." 

Jiyong motioned Yongguk to follow him and Yongguk obediently trails behind Jiyong,

"Hey, Ji," Yongguk spoke as he step inside the building, the sudden cold temperature made him shivered lightly, "who's this princess you're talking about?"

Some of the workers greeted Jiyong and he politely greet them back, "Hm? Oh," Jiyong let out a chuckle at Yongguk's question, "a model." Jiyong walked to the elevator as he pressed the down symbol. He waited for awhile before the elevator let out a beep and the elevator's door opened. 

"The most wanted model, to be exact." Jiyong walked inside the elevator and Yongguk did the same.

"A girl?" Yongguk asked, he was interested in this 'princess'. Jiyong pressed the button to the tenth floor, and the elevator immediately shook and moved towards the tenth floor.

"Nope, a boy," Jiyong answered, making Yongguk raised his eyebrow, "princess is just a nickname."

Yongguk nodded understandingly and they stood in silence, waiting for the elevator to stop moving. Jiyong let out a quiet sigh, "Good luck on your first day, though."

Yongguk thought about Jiyong's words, "Thanks."


"Where's this guy.." Jiyong hissed in annoyance as he checked his watch, letting out a frustarated sigh as he slumped down to the nearest chair. Yongguk stood beside Jiyong, his eyes roamed around the room.

Yongguk was brought to a place, most likely to be a photoshoot room. There was a white place on the center of the room and in front of it were three cameras and two umbrella-like light was located beside to the cameras. There were plenty of desk on the corner of the room and a small open kitchen on the other corner. 

"This princess seems to be late.." Jiyong muttered, crossing his arms against his chest.

"Ji, are you sure he's coming?" Yongguk asked, his eyes was still scanning around the huge room. Jiyong said nothing and instead, he stared right to the door. Yongguk let out a quiet sigh, checking his watch - it was already an hour since he got here.

Yongguk lifted his head up when he heard a click from the door, his eyes was set on the figure who stepped inside the room. The man was wearing a pair of black sunglasses and a scarf was wrapped around his neck. He was wearing a black short-sleeved shirt and a white pants. His shoes were clacking as he walked towards Jiyong. 

"Yah, Himchan," Jiyong bursted out, a frown was evident on his face as he stood up from his seat, "Why are you late? Didn't I tell you to come thirty minutes earlier?" 

"The traffics." Himchan said innocently as he grabbed his sunglasses and took it off, he placed the glasses on his shirt's pocket.

Jiyong glared at he other, who remained unfazed. Jiyong let out a loud sigh as he turned towards Yongguk, whom was staring hard at the model.

"Yongguk, this is Kim Himchan," Jiyong gritted his teeth as he slowly spoke to Yongguk, "you'll be taking charge of taking pictures of him."

"Himchan, this is Bang Yongguk, your new photographer." Jiyong turned to Himchan, whom was now staring at Yongguk.

Yongguk couldn't deny that the model was.. beautiful. He had the face of what a perfect model should have - a strong expression. The perfectly shaped eyebrows, the sharp eyes, the small nose and  the thin lips, Yongguk thought that he was beyond perfect.

Yongguk snapped out of his world when he heard a chuckle at the perfect man in front of him. Himchan walked towards the other, leaning in to Yongguk. Yongguk thought that he will have a normal, polite greeting, but he was so wrong.

Himchan parted his lips as he quietly whispers on the other's ear, "Work hard, Mr. Bang. You didn't want to be like the previously fired photographer,  do you?"






Well, hi there! ^^ Sorry to keep you waiting for the chapter 2, OguuBABYz!
I was pretty nervous on writing this chapter, I was worried if you like it
or not.. ^^;
My writing seems here, haha.. I was busy studying so I kind of
forget on writing.. We'll try our best for bringing you the best outcome of this story!!

Hope you like this chapter, and drop by a comment and subscribe if you like this!




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@The Arrogant One~ You do know the drill, right? We need 6+ comments to update faster. :) If you won't comment, it's gonna take a LONG time to do one.


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MSkyDragons #1
Really enjoyed it even though it was short!
iHaveAThingForBAP #2
Chapter 7: Short but cute/\.
Chapter 8: It's okay, take your time ! Oh and happy early birthday ^^
Chapter 8: Good luck on Ur exams and happy birthday from now!! Hope u enjoy it!!
Chapter 7: funny i hope yongguk can handle himchan ^-^ oh u may this short story
Chapter 7: hehe short but still good.:}
Chapter 7: Hahahaha short but nice !
Chapter 7: Hahahahaha fun !!!!!
HimChanBABYTats #9
Ooh, pretty new layout! ^^
HimChanBABYTats #10
Chapter 6: I hate BangSong. :3