Kim Joon Seuk

Student Of The Year


And in came Coach kangta. As expected, the cup of tea flew from the principal’s hands n splashed all over his his shirt.

This was not rare, as the principal had a fancy towards the coach. If he saw the coach he would get quite giddy perhaps.

The principal let out cries as he cared a lot about his dressing

Lee Soo Man : I am all wet!! I am all wet!!

But as soon as the coach came over to help and wiped him dry with a napkin, the principal coult not help himself but be lost in the features of the coach. The coach realized the stares he was gettingand broke the silence

Kangta : uh sir you are dry now

At that the principal came back to his senses and nodded in agreement

Lee Soo Man : ah yes yes, thank you, uh why are you here?

Kangta : oh right Mr. Kim is here for the speech

Lee Soo Man : oh yes yes! Of curse I’ll be right out


Meanwhile in the auditorium, the students were all taking their seats for the upcoming speech. Kris walked into the hall and headed for a seat but someone shout out his name and when he turned it was Shindong

Shindong : Kris! Hi! I am Shindong, your Kris Wu right?

Kris : right.

Shindong : listen we all nerds want to give you a big salute

Kris : ..why?

Shindong : well noone has ever really stood up to the rich brats especially Kai, it was a dream come true for us.

Kris : oh okay, well it’s not a big deal.

Shindong : uh where are you going?

Kris : theres a seat empty at the front.

Shindong : you’ve gotto be kidding! The seats empty and so is your pocket, come this way sit with the nerds.

Kris : I am not scared of anyone, I am going

And with that leaving Shindong speechless, Kris headed to the front seat where the so called ‘Rich Brats; were seated. There was of course Kai and his group of followers, beside him was Krystal, next to her Luna who was followed by Jessica who had an empty seat beside her which Kris occupied calmly.

As soon as he sat down, all eyes turned towards him in confusion and also thinking of his guts. Yet no one said a word after all that had happened to Kai’s car.

And then entered into the stage, Principal Lee Soo Man,

Lee Soo Man : Good Morning my dear boys and Girls! New academic year, new faces and a new feeling of winning the Student Of The Year. Every year we choose a Student Of The Year who when gets out of this school will be recognized in the world’s highest universities and will also be granted our whole trust fund.

Everybody was completely silent and were extracting every word of his as a determination to win.

Lee Soo Man : and now to motivate you the one and only business tycoon, Mr. Kim Joon Seuk!!

A sound of loud claps and applaud broke down as Mr. Kim Joon Seuk entered. Kris looked up at him inspiringly whereas Kai took his earphones out and plugged them into his ears.

Mr. Kim : hello students! So, motivational speech eh? Well right now I can only tell you two things, one tell you about book written things or tell you about the mirror of life outside this school.

Remember that by by hearting books no one has ever been successful. If I did that your teachers would’ve been here and I would’ve been there *he said pointed towards the teachers staff who started looking uneasy*.

Winners don’t follow or break the rules…they make their own rules!!


And with that he ended with speech and the auditorium roared with applauds.


And soon after that everybody started dispersing. As soon as Kris came out he was called up by the Coach who was waiting for him outside with Ryeowook standing next to him as usual, one of the things that an assistant has to do, standing guard as it was called even though nobody knew why.

Kris : yes coach?

Coach Kangta : yes Kris! So, scholarship student, state level runner and player? The whole school has been talking about your basketball skills a lot! You want to be in the basketball team or not?

Kris : of course sir!

Coach kangta : then why didn’t you ask?

Kris : sir, things that are asked have to be returned I like to earn them.

Ryeowook : Oe! This basketball not lottery

Coach Kangta : Oh shut up Ryeowook. Basketball practice tomorrow morning at 7:00, we’ll see if you play good or is it just your tongue.

With a chuckle he left.



~ Author's Note ~

Another update!

Hope you guys liked it!

300+ Views and 25+ subscribers and 50+ subscribers total??!!!!!!

You guys are the beessttt! I am rolling like a buffalo ^_^


I still can't belive it~ 


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woohoo! kai and rohan or vuran dont match much!
KriSaLoveKris #2
Please update soon~!!!
sujuheartelf #4
krisusangeljaejoong #5
Kris my bias so beautiful
I am not a huge fan of exo but nice story
shawolexotivboom #7
LOL!!! Poor Coachh!! Rolling Like A Buffalo! Onew don't be angry, I comment!
krystaljung19 #8
When is Krystal going to come!!
choheeliu #9
karanicole #10
YAY~ Update~ I love love your fics author nim!!