Kris Wu

Student Of The Year


As soon as he entered the school gates, it seemed as if a wind blew past the doors into the school. Everybody’s eyes turned towards him. He definitely was the most handsome guy anybody had ever seen in their lives.

More than 6 ft. tall and yet his movements were so fluid. Within 2 days of his first days everybody knew about him and looked up to him, both boys and girls. Girls had to because a body like his was not easily spotted in St. Teresa and boys were left stunned after he showed his basketball skills. 

Everybody was talking about him, he was the biggest sensation in gossips and it was not a happy period going on for Kai as he was the one getting this attention.

Where ever he went there would be a whole bunch of girls swooning over him. There was only one person who had ever gained this type of attention and it was Kai. But Kris was definitely taller and his basketball skills were definitely better.

On his 5th day at school, he entered with his as usual bike and pakred it in an empty parking spot but it took less than 2 minutes that Shindong and Ryeowook came running towards him, not to admire him but heres what they went for..

Shindong : hey! Hey! Hey! Move out, this is Kim Jongin’s parking

Kris : so?

Shindong : so?? Its Kim Jongin, hes the son of Kim Joon Seuk!

Kris : why are you overreacting? Are you not a son of your father?

Ryeowook : oh shut up tv serial! Look here, the whole fim has arrived

And sure it was, in came none other than Kim Jonging in his very own red ferrari followed by his so called followers on their Icon Sheene bikes which were given to them by ofcourse Kai as a gift.

Kai got out of his car and even that could get all girls crazy.

Kai : what happened wookie? Do I not pay you enough to keep my parking empty?

Ryeowook : sir I did ask him to leave but he would’nt listen..

Kai : yea yea..hey you! (points towards Kris) get your box out of here

Kris : its called a bike

Kai : oh really? What did you say your name was again?

Kris : I never said my name..

Jonghyun who had been watching the scene by Kai’s side, stepped in

Jonghyun : hey! Are you some sort of game? Will you give us four options to choose? Just tell your damn name.

Kris : its Kris, Kris Wu

Kai : okay then Kris, make one thing very clear, this is my parking so it would be better if you took your tractor’s friend back to your village, you know why because my car has some standard…

Kris : your right, your car is totally top class, 2005 F430 Spider, with a wheelbase of 102.4 inches, weight of 1,450 kg, one of the fastest and most wanted cars in the world, superb!

Ryeowook : hey1 you’re a man or google?

Kai : ofcourse! You would’ve been a mechanic in your village I suppose?

Kris : oh no. I worked at a night club as an .

Kai : oh nice, here then, these are my keys, park my car for me and here take 5000won, get your bike cleaned and yea keep the tip.

Kris remained unmoved and seemed to be completely casual, he took the keys and got into the car with a tricky expression as though he was upto something and he sure was.

He took the car not to the parking spot but to the football field where he drove the car in round and rounds and rounds, all the dirt and wetness from the grass seem to rust the covering of the car.

Kai and his friends stood there stunned. When he was satisfied with the condition of the car he parked it right in front of the footsteps of Kai.

Kris : here take 5000 won, get your car cleaned and yea keep the tip.

At that Kai couldn’t take it and there fist fight began, within 15 minutes they were in the Principal’s office with there heads down and their hands at the back.Lee Soo Man spoke with complete softness with no sign of anger at all..

Lee Soo Man : punch here abd punch there. Guys love fighting don’t they? The think it’s a time to show their manilness. Boys will be boys. Right?

Kai : …

Kris : …

Lee Soo Man : right??

Seeing that the principal was in a good mood, Kai answered,

Kai : right sir.

And it took less than 3 seconds that the principal’s mood changed completely and he was standing now filled with rage.

Lee Soo Man : WRONG! Fighting and breaking things and causing injuries are all against the rules of this school! If there is any hitting or fighting it can only happen through my hands! Understand?!

Kai and Kris : yes sir!

With that Lee Soo Man calmed his nerves a bit and sat back on his chair..

Lee Soo Man : now would you tell that who started this World War III?

Kai : he stole my parking!

Kris : is the parking your dads?

Kai : yes it is! Half of this school is on my dad’s trust fund

Lee Soo Man : that so Kim Jongin? Then your dad would also pay me my salary is that so?

Kai : no sir, it isn’t like that

Lee Soo Man : yes Kim Jongin, it isn’t like that and as for you Kris Wu, the new table turner of our school, you would run just as fast as at the football field if you repeat this dirty gangster kind actions. Now, move, the ceremony is about to begin.

Kai : ….

Kris : …

Lee Soo Man : am I very beautiful? Then why are you staring!!! Leave!


And with that they left the office and as soon as they left, Lee Soo Man opened his side drawer and in there was a magazine with the front cover of Choi Siwon, the biggest model of Korea, he poured himself a cup of tea and admired the picture for a long time with his tea but his daydream was cut short as their was a knock on the door.


~ Author's Note ~

Third one done~

Oooh! Lee Soo Man is gay! Hope you guys liked the chapter.

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woohoo! kai and rohan or vuran dont match much!
KriSaLoveKris #2
Please update soon~!!!
sujuheartelf #4
krisusangeljaejoong #5
Kris my bias so beautiful
I am not a huge fan of exo but nice story
shawolexotivboom #7
LOL!!! Poor Coachh!! Rolling Like A Buffalo! Onew don't be angry, I comment!
krystaljung19 #8
When is Krystal going to come!!
choheeliu #9
karanicole #10
YAY~ Update~ I love love your fics author nim!!