Chapter 3

Can We Pretend You're Still Mine?
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"Thanks for dropping me off Won Bin." I smiled,"You didn't have to." Won Bin chuckled and shook his head, tucking his hands into his front jean pockets. "I wanted to make sure you made it home safely, it's dangerous for a girl like you to come home alone." I rolled my eyes,"Trust me, no one would want to kidnap someone like me." I pushed his chest back jokingly,"But I appreciate it." 


Won Bin grinned at me and nodded,"It's getting late, you should head to bed missy. I'm sure you're schedule for tomorrow is packed." He leaned down and kissed my forehead gently,"Sweet dreams." I looked up at him and stuck out my tongue,"Bye old man." I teased. He scoffed and flicked my forehead,"Brat." He muttered and turned around, walking back to his car.


I smiled to myself as I entered my apartment building and up to my room. I was truly lucky to have someone like Won Bin in my life. He always knew how to take care of me. He always knew what to say and what to do when I was down. 




Reaching my apartment door I searched in my bag for my key and took it out. Coming home to my bed sounded so good right now. I hastily jabbed my key into the doorknob and sighed happily as I opened the door. But I frowned when I realized a pair of gray vans were in my doorway. I immediately recognized them as Kris'. I shook my head as I took off my shoes and closed the door behind me. I told him to go to his wife. Not come to my home. I should have expected him to disobey my wishes though. He was as stubborn as a mule. 

Everything was pitch black but the light coming from underneath the door of my room. I sighed and dragged my feet as I walked sluggishly to my room, not really wanting to deal with Kris at the moment. Honestly, Won Bin's words were still guiltily hanging in my mind. 

"Kris?" I called when I opened my bedroom door. I spotted Kris in a white t-shirt and boxers laying on my bed playing his phone. He looked up from his phone and smiled when he heard my voice,"Hey baby!" I frowned,"What are you doing here Yifan?" I grumbled as I entered my room and put my bag down on my dresser,"I thought I told you to spend time with Yumi?" Kris shrugged,"I didn't want to." He got up and walked over to me, enveloping me into hi

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Chapter 1: I don't regret to read this story even when I cried like a baby TT___TT

Seems that Kris already moved on >< aish

Jinhee doesn't deserve this life :( pleaseee comeback soon autho-nim! I wanna know if Jinhee found someone *maybe a Exo guy* that can make her truly happy after all the pain she has suffered..
miyupu #2
Chapter 5: i just read this, and oh god ㅠ____ㅠ
it's just very painful.. i'm a crying mess right now, author-sshi ㅠㅠ

please continue this story.. at least give jinhee someone new
RegitaS #3
Chapter 5: OMG when i read it its like stabbing my heart. omg good job(y) i wonder how jinhee continuing her life and move on
T_T please update soon, I've been rereading these five chapters. You're such a great writer, please update soon!
junikyu #5
Chapter 5: My god, that's really hurt :( please update soon i want to know how's kris now. But, wonbin, you shouldn't told her abt that thing :< poor her
Chapter 5: OMG, update soon!
glamfab #7
Chapter 5: i read this story and GOSH YOU NEED TO UPDATE AND I DEMAND AN UPDATE!
This is a good story!!! pls pls pls continue >.<
Chapter 5: authornim. Where are you. Please comeback. This story absolutely jjang. ㅠㅠ
Midnightstarr #9
Chapter 5: Ukyvuitfuitfuyguybu you really really need to update this I'm dying oh my god
Chapter 5: New reader hereee! Awww such a sweet story :( poor her because kris&yumi already had a baby and its girl and kris always wanted to have daughter first :( when will you update? I hope you will update soon :(