Interview 4

♚ Everland! ♚


Looking at the girl across from him, Mr.Park tries not to stare. He holds up her application and compares the picture that was on it to the young woman in front of him. The girl in the picture had a bright smile and long brown hair. The girl across from him still had that same bright smile... But obviously her style had changed. If not for the smile that graced her features, Mr.Park would have thought she was up to no good... But! Not being one to judge a book by it's cover, Mr.Park smiles. "So, Jaesun... It says here that you're fluent in english! Is that so?"
"Yeah, it's because when I was younger me and my family moved to Los Angeles and we lived there until my sophomore years." She responds smiling respectfully.
"Oh really? Los Angeles? That's impressive!... And now you're back in Korean trying to get a job..." Mr.Park pauses as he pulls open the drawer of his desk. Pulling out a crinkled piece of paper he hands it over to Jaesun. Jaesun takes it in her hand and looks down at the paper confused. Unfolding it she sees a small picture falls out of a young man with half a shaven head wearing punk clothes. Looking back up at Mr.Park Jaesun asks,
"Sorry if I sound rude or anything, but, what's this?" Mr.Park smiles at her question.
"I know! You can hardly tell can you? But that's me... When I was younger. I'm showing this to you, because I see a lot of myself in you... I don't mean that in an offensive way." Looking in between the picture and Mr.Park, Jaesun lets out a small chuckle.
"This is you? You look so different now!" She laughs while handing the picture back to Mr.Park.
"Since you seem to think that the pictures so funny, you can just keep it... You know... As a 'gift'." Mr.Park says not accepting the picture. Pocketing her new 'gift' she raises an eyebrow.
"A gift? What for?" Leaning back in his chair, Mr.Park laughs.
"For being accepted into the Everland's Staff of course!" He answers feeling clever at his wit. Jaesun laughs again looking at Mr.Park with a new fondness.
"Really?" She asks. Mr.Park nods.
"Uh huh! I guess I'll be seeing you at work then." He says winking. Jaesun laughs. 
"Yup!" Waving goodbye to Mr.Park, Jaesun starts walking towards the exit by cutting through one of the busy food courts.
"Hey! Catch!" She hears a boy yell from behind her. From instinct, she turns around thinking that maybe the person was talking to her. But she see's a group of boys yelling at another boy who was carrying a tray of drinks. Realizing that they weren't talking to her, Jaesun turns back around, minding her own buisness. What she doesn't realize though was that the boy wasn't paying attention to what was in front of him and as a woman scootches her chair out, he trips on one of the legs... Successfully spilling all of the drinks he was carrying onto Jaesun.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Here let me help you." He says fumbling around for some napkins. Embarrassed, all Jaesun can say is,
"It's fine... Stuff happens." 
"No it's not fine!" The boy says feeling guilty. "Follow me, so we can get your clothes cleaned up." Nodding her head Jaesun decides to follow the boy, seeing how sincerely sorry he felt. Leading her towards the kitchen he takes her back towards the staff bathroom. Walking into the one toileted bathroom he grabs a bunch of paper towels and runs them under some water. "I am so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going and... Aish! Here, just let me try to get the stickiness out of your shirt." He says rushing his speech. Turning the faucet off he takes the wad of wet paper towels and begins to dab them onto the coke stains. Jaesun smiles happily, kind of glad that the boy didn't seem put off by her appearance.
"What's your name?" Jaesun asks trying to break the awkward silence. Throwing away the wet paper towels, the boy smiles down at her.
"My names Sunggyu... What's yours?" He responds while gently motioning for her to come over to the hand dryer.
"Jaesun." She says as she feels a blast of warm air hit her back. Nodding his head Sunggyu rustles his hair.
"After this you should be all set... And I really am sor-" He starts but gets cut of by Jaesun.
"Don't... You don't have to say you're sorry... Accidents happen. It's all good." Jaesun says while flashing him a big smile. Sunggyu scratches the back of his head awkwardly since he wasn't sure what to say and just smiles at Jaesun embarrassed. 'It's kind of awkward just standing here... I wonder if I should say som-' Jaesun begins to think but gets cut off by the sound of the hand dryer shutting off.
"And we're all done!" Sunggyu exclaims happily. Looking in the mirror, Jaesun sees that, for the most part, the stain was gone. "What do you think?" Sunggyu asks hoping she really did forgive him. Jaesun laughs.
"What do I think? I think that you may have secretly been a clothes cleaner in your past life." She says. Sunggyu stares at Jaesun for a bit before the two burst out laughing.
"You know... You're a pretty cool person Jaesun. You should come to Everland more often." Sunggyu says. Then, feeling surprised at what he just said, he adds, "I mean... Only if you want to." Jaesun smiles.
"Oh... You'll definitely be seeing me around Everland more often." Jaesun replies, referring to having just been accepted into the staff.
"Really!?" Sunggyu asks, since he didn't know that yet.
"Yup!" She says. The two stand there smiling at each other like a couple of idiots before Sunggyu notices the time.
"Oh! I almost forgot, it's still my shift! I have to go now, but... It was nice meeting you!" Sunggyu rushes before sprinting out of the bathroom in a hurry.
"Nice meeting you too!" She calls after him. Grinning to herself, Jaesun walks out of the bathroom and starts making her way towards the exit once more... But this time, with the feeling that summer wasn't going to be so bad this year.

This is 808_Appler's character~ The chapter is kind of longer because she has a first meeting in it! >:D

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kimthany #1
Chapter 8: Author nimm are you stoping this (/_\) nooo pls
Chapter 8: authornim are you going to keep working on this?
Author-nims, are you on a break/ is the story on hiatus?
Chapter 11: Maybe I can help a little ^^ the time difference might be to my disadvantage and I don't know if you like my writing style, but I do go on AFF a lot, when I have te chance. Plus, I can help with suggesting ideas for chapters~
Chapter 8: i super super love it i can`t tell how much i love it is awesome just how I thought and wish my character to be waa so cute i love it i hope this little dance is part of her first meeting with sungjong i´m really loving this all of it not only this chapter. keep working and gamssa
Chapter 8: Yay you updated~! ^^ And take your time with updates :D /can relate xD
Chapter 7: I am really enjoying the writing style you have! I really like the characters too, I am super excited!
Chapter 7: OMG LOL \o/ I knew it xDDDD Someone's a sly one ;D i love the chapter and can't wait for more ^^
Chapter 3: I cant wait to read the other interviews and read the whole story ^^
Chapter 5: So excited. Can't wait for the story to start ^^