Meet Xiao

It Takes Two

Kevin and I head over to my studio, as he calls it; we’ve been spending a lot of time here together. Waking up in the morning before everyone else and heading over there, of course he leaves for his schedules and everything but honestly I spend most of the day in here. Thinking and dancing.


Walking into U Kiss’s dorm, I take my seat at the table with the boys for dinner. “How was work?” I ask them glancing around, I’m still not exactly happy that I’m here; I still want to be at home with Fina, at home.

“Busy, but I don’t have a schedule so we can hang out tomorrow.” Kevin says easily. “And you?”

Eli watches me as I eat my food while chatting happily with Kevin. “Alright, spent most of the time thinking.” I tell him yawning, and dancing.

“Noona I don’t have a schedule next week do you want to go shopping while the hyungs are working?” Dongho asks me happily.

Laughing I nod my head. “That sounds like a lot of fun.”

“Yah Paxton what about us?” Hoon asks poking me while I chew. “Huh?”

Giggling I swat his hands away. “Just come over when you don’t have schedules or anything and we’ll hang out.” I tell him playfully. “Just like last time Yeobo.” I wink. Hoon and I have this sort of newly/old married couple thing going on.

Dancing in his chair Hoon smiles ecstatically, “Honey I can’t wait, tonight too right?” He asks leaning on me.

“Yah, you guys get a long too well.” Kiseop whines watching us. “It’s a little creepy.”

“Deh, get a room.” AJ adds on laughing. “Geez.”

Eli’s the only one who doesn’t like to joke around during dinner; he’s always busy stuffing his face, while Soo Hyun is busy laughing or joking with us.


Eating and joking around Hoon and I ‘married’ and our kids just pigging out, when a knock comes, looking at them I turn to look at the door. “Yah, did you invite that girl again?!” I yell at Hoon playfully hitting his arm.

Smirking he shakes his head. “No, but I invited that milk man with the mustache, I know you adore him!” He yells back. Giggling I get up, with Hoon following. “What if it’s the milk man?” He whispers as we answer the door.

“What if it’s that girl?” I ask him back quizzically. “I thought you guys went to the store for your milk.”

“We do.”

Staring at him I open the door. “Hello?” I say seeing a girl, her hair is long and comes down in perfect spirals, she’s sort of tall, well she is in heels; she’s dressed extremely well, over the top well, like she just walked out of a store.

“Yah, who are you?” She asks me, her voice sounds like nails. I don’t like her. “Hoon who’s this trash?”

Scrunching his face he looks at the girl. “Just shut the door.” He grumbles pulling me out of the way was said girl plows through ignoring me and Hoon. “And now you’ve met Xiao.”

Looking up at him I smile thankfully. “That’s the gold digger?” I whisper as we watch everyone from over here, Kevin’s face, everyone’s really, twist into shock and horror. “I see why you guys don’t like her.”

“Yeah, sorry about her.” He mutters watching Kevin smile nervously, I don’t like her at all. “But Yeobo you should probably not look so jealous, as your Yeobo I don’t like it.” He jokes poking my face again.

Glaring at him I grab his finger. “I’m not jealous, I just don’t like her.” I correct him swiftly “Besides neither do you or anyone in the apartment for that matter.”

“Come on we should go take out the trash.” Hoon says pulling me along by my hand. “This should be fun.”


“Kevin-Yeobo!” Xiao shrieks holding his hand. “I’ve missed you so much. Why’d you even go to America again?!”

Kevin looks over at me and Hoon, his eyes flashing with anger for a moment. “Why is she back?” Dongho asks loudly, looking at Xiao, she looks at him and glares.

“Yah, how dare you talk to me like that?!” She says pointing a finger at him, we all smile at Dongho. “Kevin-Yeobo make him apologize!”

“Xiao, would you let go.” Kevin says pulling his arm away. “What are you even doing here?” He asks her ignoring her pouting.

Feigning hurt she pouts at him. “Kevin- Yeobo…I missed you. I was just being stupid before.”

“Before? Try always.” Dongho mutters under his breath.

Giggling I turn into Hoon’s shoulder to conceal my giggling. “Stop it.” I mutter laughing a little.

“Yah, quit laughing you, who are you to even be here?”

Looking over at her, I look around the room; all the guys are smirking at me. “I was invited to come here; I practically live with these guys.”

“She’s our friend from America.” Kevin clears up shaking his head, a smile tugging at his lips. “Anyways you should probably get going.” He says to Xiao.

She waves at me, standing there. Confused I drag Hoon to the couch, the others following. “I think she misunderstood Kevin.” I say to Hoon.

“She always does.” Hoon says rolling his eyes, leaning his head on my shoulder. “Yeobo what’s for dessert?”

Giggling I poke his stomach, “You mean you can still eat?” I ask him.

“Yah, Yeobo you’re supposed to be sweet.” He complains glaring at me.

Eli takes a seat next to me. “You guys need to quit cut it out, it’s starting to sound like you guys are really dating.” He says rolling his eyes.

Hoon and I both look at each other before turning to Eli. “We are.” This is said jokingly of course.

Eli turns to look at me, confused before a smile comes to his face, then a frown. “Date someone else. Hoon is stupid.”

Giggling I whack Eli. “Be nice Eli. Just because Miss Prissy is here.” I tell him sticking my tongue out at him.

“Yeah, no need to take out your frustration on a happy couple.” Hoon says.


As Hoon and I continue to joke around with the guys all chuckling in walks Xiao, she takes one look at Hoon and me before she says the most ridiculous thing in the world.

“Let’s go on a double date, help me win Kevin back over.”

Without thinking Hoon nods his head, causing me to nod my head, causing Dongho to say “You’re still here? Xiao go home already.”

Glaring at him, she leaves.

“Wait what?” I ask Hoon. “Why’d you nod your head?”

He points over to Kevin, “He told me to.”

“She needs one last date, we’ll go somewhere terrible and she’ll leave.” Kevin says rolling his eyes thinking about her. “Besides you two make a convincing couple.”

“That’s because they are one.” Eli says without looking up from his book he’d started to read. All our heads spin to look at him. “I’m glad Paxton found someone to date, even if it is Hoon.”



Alright an update ^^

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ssweetdreamer101 #1
poor jelly kev :'(
ssweetdreamer101 #2
starlightdust #4
finish finish finish!
Finish it! I love this one!!
ssweetdreamer101 #6
EHHH? YAHHHH! (not to be rude lol) FINISH THE STORYYYYY!!! i LOVE this fanfic!
ssweetdreamer101 #7
i won't hate but now i want to read more!
ssweetdreamer101 #8
Kevin don't ever give up she coming around :)
starlightdust #9
yay she agrees to move on :D