You're My Forever

It Takes Two


Waking up I look around, confused until I remember I’m in Korea now; the aching in my chest hurting, the jabbing at my heart almost too much to bear. Of course it’s not just Willis my heart is pained for, it was me pushing Kevin away, telling him he’s not good enough. Getting up I look around at the apartment, I remember Eli telling me about the place, but not really what he said. Looking at a table of pictures I smile sadly. Willis, Eli, Fina and me all smiling this had been years ago, but looking at it I remember the day perfectly.


“Paxton let’s go, get up already!” I hear the voice reverberating in my ears. “Sweet heart you’ll miss the audition.” It was Willis, waking me up early, again. Rolling over I see a smiling Willis with my dance shoes in hand. “Paxton you need to wake up.”

Pushing myself out of the bed I look to see that he’s cleaned my room, again. “You know it’ll just become a mess.” I tell him pointing to the space in front of my closet. “Right?”

Playfully he glares at me. “When we get our place together there won’t be that mess.” He says a smile coming back to his face. “I can’t wait.” He whispers leaning forward to kiss me.

Happily I meet him half way. Pulling apart Willis leaves for me to get dressed. Being that happy seemed impossible but I was that happy and it was because of Willis.

“Done?!” Willis asks from the other side of the door, always the gentleman, opening it I walk out my shoes in hand. “Finally, we’re going to have to hurry.”

“I know Willis.” I tell him hopping down the hall to put my shoes on. “Are you driving?”

Scoffing he holds my waist. “That’s dangerous, how in the world are you still in one piece?”

This time I scoff standing tall, coming up to his chest I haughtily state “Dancer’s grace thank-you.”

Willis playfully pushes me. “Well I suppose you’ll just have to keep reminding me.” He mutters grabbing my hand pulling me out the door and to his car. In there waiting are Eli and Fina, like always. It’s been the four of us for a long time. A long, long, long time; all best friends and enjoying life.


Blinking away the tears I stare at my face how happy I was; I’d gotten into the college of my dreams on my own. My dance audition going smoothly and my interview. Everything seemed to be falling into place, me getting in, Fina getting in, Eli leaving to Korea for his own dreams, and Willis going to a prestigious school only a short car ride away from my school. My life was just lining up how it was supposed to. How is it that it turned out so wrong then?


Glancing at the next photo I push it away from me, it was of Willis proposing to me, Eli and Fina tagged along to get pictures of it. An important moment of our lives, us deciding to be together always, to be each other’s strength, to be soul mates, only for it to be cut short.


Willis was down on one knee smiling up at me, a simple ring in his hand held out to me, his great grandmother’s engagement ring. “Paxton Kim will you be my forever?” Smiling at me, that smile that he only ever smiled at me for me, oh god how I miss that smile.

Nodding my head Willis gingerly takes my hand placing the ring on my finger. “I love you.”I whisper as he stands up leaning his head on mine. “I love you so much.”

His serene smile only reinforced just how special I am to him, made me remember that Willis was mine and I was his. “I love you too, I love you so much Paxton, and I love you, only you.”


Crying silently I try to wipe my tears away, completely lost in my memories, all of them paining me to remember, the sick reminder that the only way I’d ever see Willis was through pictures and to hear his voice was the phone message. My phone message.


“I thought you said you were on a trip.” I whisper my tears blurring my sight, none of it mattering any more, the fact that I’d just gotten a huge opportunity to go to New York to be a dancer after I graduate, the only thing that matters was that Willis was dying and all I could do was hold his hand. “Why’d you lie to me?” I ask him fighting the sobs. “Why Willis?”

“I hated lying, but look at me.” He says, Willis’s voice seeming weak, fragile, his hand cold and a pasty color, rough and withered. “Paxton I couldn’t put you through watching me get to this point.”

“Willis it wouldn’t have mattered.” I whisper squeezing his hand. “I’d have been with you.”

The bitter chuckle surprising me I look at his face, his once lively face now serious, the once black hair that was shiny and soft all gone. “I couldn’t let you Paxton, you’d get so depressed. I want you to be happy.”

“Willis…” I whisper my lips trembling. “Don’t talk like that please.” I whisper looking back down at the white blanket, my tear drops making damp spots. “You’re my forever.”

“No I’m not.” He whispers squeezing my hand. “I’m not, Paxton you still have a life ahead of you.”

“You’re my forever.” I repeat looking at him. “Willis.”

Frowning he shakes his head. “You’re my forever, but I’m not yours. Ah Paxton.” He mumbles placing his hand on my face. “Don’t make that face, don’t cry.”

“How can I not cry Will?” I ask him trying to stop, but unable to. “You’re telling me that you’re not my forever.”

“I’m not, you’ll find your forever, and I wish it was me.” He says softly. “I really do, but you and I both know you’re too amazing to go through life waiting on me.”

“I’m always running to catch up.” I tell him leaning my face into his hand, the simply gesture enough to comfort me. “Always Willis.”

“No, I’ve been chasing you. You and your big dreams, I just happened to land there. Pax don’t hold back waiting, just go and do it, go and accomplish everything, I know you can.”

I shake my head, grabbing his hand I hold it to my face. “How can I?” I whisper. “You’ve always been there for me.”

“I’ll still be there Pax, play for me?” He asks his chapped lips.

Smiling weakly I reach over to grab my violin case. “One song.” I whisper.

“You know you’ll play me as many songs as I want.” He teases. “You always do.”

We both smile we because we know it’s true, I’d play until my fingers fell off if it’d same him, I’d dance until I couldn’t then get back up and dance more just to save his life. Playing him his favorite song I watch him nod off to sleep, some tears streaking his face. Stopping I hold his hand. “I don’t care what you say, you’re my forever.” I whisper kissing his hand.


“Paxton are you alright?” Eli asks coming in. “Are you…” Stopping he rushes over to me. “Paxton?”

I crumble into Eli, I need Willis, I need him. “I can’t…”I whisper gripping his shirt. “I can’t stand it anymore.”


Sudden inspiration for a chapter ^^ Enjoy, I promise it'll get happier soon.

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ssweetdreamer101 #1
poor jelly kev :'(
ssweetdreamer101 #2
starlightdust #4
finish finish finish!
Finish it! I love this one!!
ssweetdreamer101 #6
EHHH? YAHHHH! (not to be rude lol) FINISH THE STORYYYYY!!! i LOVE this fanfic!
ssweetdreamer101 #7
i won't hate but now i want to read more!
ssweetdreamer101 #8
Kevin don't ever give up she coming around :)
starlightdust #9
yay she agrees to move on :D