
TORN: Bloodline book 2

Hey guys, I'm back and better than ever. I have been gone for so long. I didn't want you guys to think I forgot. I didn't. Anyway here is a delicious chapter. Lots of secrets are coming undone. I hope you guys like it and leave some comments. I like getting them.



Chapter 5


Jonghyun’s arms wrapped around the small waist of the owner of the old food stand by the school. Night had just falling and as his eyes fixated on her. When his tongue s across his lips and she fell into the gap of his body, snuggling deep into his chest, he knew one light touch of his lips and she would be more than willing to allow him to feed from her.

His neck extended, exposing the bouncing Adam’s apple that kept his mouth moist as he swallowed. Her lips parted. His lips parted. She came forward, begging for the kiss more than him. She was eager. He must have been the first guy she had in a while.

Such a pity to have an inexperienced meal. Jonghyun couldn’t stop himself from thinking. Just as his lips found their way inches from hers the wind picked up a whistling melody and carried it toward him.

He looked up.

Sitting in one of the empty tables, helping himself to a shot of Soju was Kevin.

“Anyeoung, Hyung,’ he said taking down another shot.

Jonghyun released the girl. She had still been under his spell, waiting for the siren to kiss her. To make her part of him, so she wasn’t going to be moving.

“Don’t call me that. We’re not that close and I don’t trust you.”

Kevin kicked the chair out from under him and in those few seconds that he walked toward Jonghyun something stirred in him that he couldn’t even understand. He had no interest in men. He wasn’t like his brother or the rest of them. He preferred long hair and good rack. So what the hell was he thinking when Kevin came up to him and his jaw line.

“It’s a pity that you don’t remember,’ his cryptic words only making Jonghyunh even more confused.

“Remember what?”

“Ani.” He walked over to the girl. He eyes were flickering. He waved a hand over them. “Beat it!”

She woke up from the trance and walked out of the stand, not saying a word, zipping up the plastic on her way out. As if it were any other night and she was closing.

Kevin turned back to Jonghyun. “I hear the curse has spread and that you and your friends have come up with a plan to find Heechul of all beings.”

“That’s none of your concern.”

“Yah. It is if my cousin is part of it.” He walked closer to him, threatening him with as little distance between them as possible. “I don’t want him any more involved with your sick brother. Let’s me be honest, all you creatures disgust me.”

Jonghyun lunged at him, his fist tightly clenched while his other hand pinned him against the brick wall.    

“What’s so wrong about us, saekiya,” he whispered almost ally. “All we’re trying to do is protect the people we love. How can that make us so evil to you?”

Kevin’s heart pounded uncontrollably. Why did he intentionally put himself in these situations? Where he gave Jonghyun an opening to get him against a wall? It was too close to home, but he couldn’t lie that the little touch was enough to send him swirling down memory lane again.

“You stay out of our way, Gypsy.” It wasn’t until then that Jonghyun truly knew what Kevin was. Only a gypsy had access to any kind of looking glass. That would have been the only way he would have found out about their plans. “Next time I won’t be nice. Hell, I may even take a chunk right out of you. I’ve grown pretty immune to Gypsy blood.”

He gave him a good er punch in the gut, making Kevin heel over and by the time Kevin looked back up Jonghyun was gone.

“Meeanae, Jonghyun. Meeanae.” He felt the tears stream down his checks as the image of Jonghyun walking away from him again imprinted in his brain.




Minho panted profusely, his fingers nearly breaking into the creamy skin of Teamin’s back. He didn’t know how long he would be gone and he wanted to indulge himself in as much of Taemin as Taemin would let him. One final brought him to his and then there were lying beside them panting and covered in sweat.

He pushed back Taemin’s damp hair and kissed his forehead rolling over until he was on top of the younger boy.

“How long will you be gone?” Taemin asked, leaving small kisses on Minho’s arm.

“That depends.”

“On what?”

“If Heechul knows we’re coming. He’s not an easy guy to find. But if he knows we’re coming, he’ll show himself.” Minho smiled. “Why? Are you going to miss me?”

“Just promise me you won’t look at any other Nightlings while you’re there.” The way Taemin’s face revealed a slight insecurity made Minho smile even more.

He bent down and kissed him. Their tongues dancing with each other. “When I have you in my bed, why would my eyes look anywhere else? My heart will never waver from you. I promise you that.”

They kissed. A kiss that felt like it lasted a century.




“Were any of you ever going to tell me?” Onew banged the side of Jonghyun’s hummer, denting him and garnishing him a glare from Jonghyun.

“He asked us not to tell you,” Minho said.

“Didn’t you think I needed to know?”

The edge of town was as quiet during the night as it was during the day. No one would be able to hear them. Good too because Onew punching the concrete sounded like a bulldozer taking down an apartment complex.

Eunhyuk walked up to Onew, touching his shoulder slightly as a sense to calm him, but got himself flung across the empty road instead.

“Help us stop him.” Minho yelled at Jonghyun, knowing that all that damage was going to bring questions. There would be no earthquake reported on the news or in the paper, so it was something they wouldn’t be able to cover up.

“Just let him punch it out, eventually he’ll realize how stupid he is, knowing he can’t break his bones.”

 They all watched Onew for a few minutes, watching the punches slow down until they died down all together. Onew stood up.

“You good?” Minho asked.

“Where are we headed?”

Jonghyun and Minho looked at each other. “We were going to go find a cure. You should stay by Key’s side.”

“If he didn’t want me to find out about this then he probably doesn’t want me by him. Donghae’s staying behind anyway to look after Taemin, he can take care of Key while I’m gone.”

They didn’t bother arguing with him. There was no way you can talk reason into a Nightling hell bent on destroying himself.

They’d all said their goodbyes. Jessica had promised to be a second eye on Taemin along with keeping their parents out of the loop. She usually wasn’t one to fight against their parents, but she knew the urgency in their actions, so she understood.

Minho kept staring at the text Taemin had left a few hours ago.


Saranghae, I’ll be waiting here for you, Minho-ah.


How had he become so lucky? If Taemin new about him and Heechul’s past would he still look at him the same? What was worse is the lengths he would possibly have to go in order to get Heechul to agree to their demands.

He thought back to that last night. The night the council had barged into their apartment and dragged him out of their bed stark . Heechul had laid there with a grin spanning his entire face, pointing a finger at him and announcing that he had killed two humans by the river. That he showed no remorse and the humans didn’t pose a threat that would have garnered their death.

That night Heechul had killed any feelings, any hope that Minho had for them to be happy. Really happy.

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SuDarkWind #1
Chapter 6: Yikes. Heechul sound like a wad. Wonder what we'll learn about him in the next chapter.
Yonghyunism #2
Please please please update!!
Chapter 6: Welcome back. Can't wait to read about what will happen between Minho and Heechul.
Chapter 5: I will be waiting patiently for your return.
Chapter 4: Please update soon!
Chapter 4: Both this and Bloodline are very good, please don't abandon this story, hwaiting! <3
ZoeChaomaniac #7
Ooommmoo update!! Hwaiting!