Not a chapter. Update

TORN: Bloodline book 2

Hey guys I love all of you for sticking with this story even though I am not quick on updating. I have been very busy writing books. You have all pushed me to write actual stories and not just fan fiction. I am sad to say that my computer is broken and I am waiting to get it fixed. Don't worry I am not abandoning torn because there is another book to come after. I just need some time to get my files back and update this book. There is still a Lot of mystery and evil guys to be revealed so be patient my grasshoppers the chapters will come. In the meantime you can catch me on or on goodreads as mayapdejesus. Wait for it it's coming.

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SuDarkWind #1
Chapter 6: Yikes. Heechul sound like a wad. Wonder what we'll learn about him in the next chapter.
Yonghyunism #2
Please please please update!!
Chapter 6: Welcome back. Can't wait to read about what will happen between Minho and Heechul.
Chapter 5: I will be waiting patiently for your return.
Chapter 4: Please update soon!
Chapter 4: Both this and Bloodline are very good, please don't abandon this story, hwaiting! <3
ZoeChaomaniac #7
Ooommmoo update!! Hwaiting!