TORN: Bloodline book 2

I'm back everyone. I'm sorry it took me forever to get a new chapter up, but I've been working really hard on my novel and going to school, so I haven't had much time. But here it is a new chapter. My writing has gotten better since the Bloodline book 1 so hopefully you enjoy this chapter as much as you enjoyed the others. i will try to work my scheduele around so that I can upload as much as I can. But for now enjoy. I'd love to hear from you.






Minho stood against the wall lining the school, his right leg up against it. He still couldn’t shake the unsettling feelings he got off of Taemin’s cousin. He stayed up all night worrying about Taemin’s safety. Right now he must have looked more dead than usual.

  Minho peeked at his watch. Taemin wasn’t usually this late. They always set up a plan to meet a good time before class, so they could spend some alone time together. With the rest of the guys around it was hard for them to find some time for themselves.

  “Did our king finally decide you’re not suited to be his queen?” Jonghyun stood at the top of the wall, walking it like a balancing beam with a snicker in his hand half eaten. After a while Jonghyun finally got back to his normal routine. A few witted sayings and some kind of candy in his hands or in his mouth.

  The Darklings had done a number on him and Jessica when they released the poisonous gas Darkling blood consisted of that was deadly to Nightlings. Just one prick of a needle and it could be the end of any Nightling in the vicinity. Jonghyun and Jessica let a little of the gas into their system and had it not been for Key’s healing he probably wouldn’t be scowling at his adorable and annoying older brother right now.

  Jonghyun jumped off the wall and gulped down the Snickers bar, only chewing a few bites. He elbowed Minho lightly on the arm.

  “You were the one that told me to fight for him and now you’re going to make a joke like that. If you weren’t already dead, I’d kill you and enjoy it.”

  “Ease up, little brother. I’m just racking your chain. Besides, I see how Taemin looks at you. There’s no way he’d waver.” Jonghyun’s ears spiked up and he stared in the line of the laughter that slammed against his heightened ear drums. “Or I could be wrong.”

  Minho’s jaw tightened and his nails broke into his skin as he clenched his fist. He had every thought to run to Kevin’s arm and rip it off of Taemin’s shoulder. He had no right to touch Taemin like that.

  Jonghyun grabbed onto Minho’s arm and held him back. He was stronger, so it made it hard for Minho to break out of the grip.

  “You need to calm down. If you let your useless emotions expose us we’re all dead, including Taemin. He may be king, but he isn’t immune to the laws. Just think about it before you strike.”

  Jonghyun was right. He had to calm down. If not for his family than for Taemin because there was no doubt in his mind that if he went off Taemin would probably hate him forever and he wasn’t about to have that.

  So he took a breath, unclenched his fist and tried hard not to imagine the worst.

  Taemin reached them and gave Minho a kiss. He was still shorter maybe an inch and Minho loved that he had to lift a bit to kiss him. Minho grabbed onto Taemin’s back and pulled him in further into the kiss. He tangled his fingers into Taemin’s hair pressed their lips harder together. He worked his tongue through Taemin’s lips and worked over the top of his teeth before entering his mouth.

  Minho didn’t know what had happened. Before he could stop himself he was already far into the kiss. Maybe he was trying to prove something to Kevin. Like the kiss was him saying Taemin’s mine, so back off.

  Minho finally pulled away and watched as Taemin ran his fingers over his lips. The kiss was painful, but not any less enjoyable. Being a Nightling made him less receptive to pain.

  “You’re late.” Minho’s eyes glowed a bit in anger, but Taemin knew how to calm him.

  He pressed his smooth hand on his cheek and gave him a sweet peck. “I’m sorry. I’ll be sure to make it up to you.”

  With every touch sparked a bit of humanity in Minho. “I’ll be sure to hold you to it. Let’s get to class before we’re late.” Minho threw his arm over Taemin’s shoulder and Taemin threw his arm around Minho’s waist. “I love you.”

  “Aren’t those two just so cute?” Jonghyun teased Kevin. There was something off about the new boy, he could sense it. Was it good? He wasn’t sure. Evil? Still unclear. All he knew was that something was coming off the boy.

  Kevin dug his hands into his pockets. “Well every new bloomed relationship is cute until something goes bad.” He turned to Jonghyun and stared, giving him a smile. “You should know what I mean.”

   He gave Jonghyun a slight wink and continued into the school.

  What exactly did this kid know? It was going to bug him all day.




  Key jumped into his uniform, his hand shook with each button he closed. He had been stricken with a fever after the battle was over, only the fever didn’t die down and he felt like his body was deteriorating with every day he didn’t find a cure.

  “Lay back down with me.” Onew laid down on the bed, his perfectly sculpted abs ran down his stomach forming that sensational V at the pelvis cut off by the sheet that covered him from the waist down. His sandy hair was bit messy from all the fooling around they did last night.

  “Just because we’re a few hundred years old doesn’t give us the liberty to skip school.” Key finished the last button and sat down by Onew. “We have to keep appearances. You taught me that.”

  Onew ran his fingers through Keys hair. It was soft and cold. Perfect for the beauty.

  “Why did it take me so long to figure out that you’re perfect for me?”

  Key flicked Onew’s forehead. “Because you’re a blockhead.”

  Key grabbed Onew’s hand and intertwined their fingers together. He leaned forward; very aware of how hard his chest was and kissed him.

  “Now get up and get ready. I don’t want to be known as the couple that only screws all day.”

  Key stood up, his limbs began to shake and the rush to his head made him fall back down on the bed.

  “Are you okay?” Onew helped him get steady.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” He forced a smile, knowing that he was lying to the one guy he never wanted to lie to. He wasn’t fine. His whole body felt like it was on fire on the inside. His head felt like someone was crushing it in between their hands. And he was beginning to look thinner than usual.

  But as he held Onew’s hand the only thing that crossed his mind was not to make him worry.




  “You’re a real pro at marking your territory.” Kevin squeezed into the urinal beside Minho. In this light he didn’t look as threatening.

  Brown hair that fell to his chin, almond shaped brown eyes and white skin that looked sun kissed next to Minho’s. He smiled nonchalantly, making Minho uneasy. There was a hidden saying under that smile and Minho knew it. But for Taemin he had learned to back off for most of the day.

  “I plan to do everything to keep my cousin away from you.” He zipped up his pants and turned to Minho.

  “Threatening is not smart. I’m not good with it. Let’s just say I have a bit of a temper.”

  He got closer to Minho, their lips almost touching and whispered. “So do I. And I’m going to make sure that my cousin doesn’t get wrapped in all of your baggage.”

  He moved away and Minho could see his eyes fill in white then quickly change back to brown. Kevin definitely wasn’t any normal human, but that’s what he was. Human. And Minho could easily take him.

  “Don’t underestimate me. I’m more knowledgeable than you think.” He gave Minho another show of his white eyes and left the bathroom, whistling, taunting Minho.

  Minho fangs had retracted and he did everything to calm himself. It was school and there was no way he was going to start a fight in broad day light and in one of the most crowded places you could be in. He walked over to the sink and splashed cold water on his face. He wasn’t going to let Kevin take Taemin away from him. If he had to kill him to keep him from doing it then so be it.


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SuDarkWind #1
Chapter 6: Yikes. Heechul sound like a wad. Wonder what we'll learn about him in the next chapter.
Yonghyunism #2
Please please please update!!
Chapter 6: Welcome back. Can't wait to read about what will happen between Minho and Heechul.
Chapter 5: I will be waiting patiently for your return.
Chapter 4: Please update soon!
Chapter 4: Both this and Bloodline are very good, please don't abandon this story, hwaiting! <3
ZoeChaomaniac #7
Ooommmoo update!! Hwaiting!