TORN: Bloodline book 2




It had to be a nightmare. That was all that Minho could think of as he watched Taemin disappear. His body shattering, turning into particles of dust and blowing away. Sending the leaves from the tree above to earth.

His only words "Our love was never meant to be. Forget me" still rang in his ears, making his restless heart plead for help. Anyone's help. His friends, his family, even god, who he knew turned his back on him the moment he turned in his humanity, like the rest of his family.

Minho reached out, hoping to clasp onto one particle of Taemin. That way maybe he could bring him back. Find a witch, one whose true power still existed and compromise with them to bring him back. But all Minho managed to grab was air.

"Taemin!" He growled. It was loud enough to make the earth rumble underneath his feet. "Taemin!"



Minho sat up, the soft bed of hair rubbed against his bare stomach. Minho looked down at Taemin and pushed the hair out of his face. He wanted to see him. The face he made when he slept had to be the most adorable. Minho thought. What would my life be like without you in it?

He couldn't believe it's already been two months since the Darklings attacks and things have gotten back to normal. Well, as normal as you can get when you transformed your boyfriend into a Nightling and made him the future king of your world. Normal is overrated.

Minho gently rested Taemin's head back down on the pillow and stood up, picking up his shirt from the ground and slipping it on along with his jeans. Even as a Nightling Taemin was still light as ever. He felt so comfortable in Minho's arms.

He was so cute the way he snuggled up to Minho's chest and created a bed within his arms.



Minho set Taemin gently on his bed, taking care of the body that was so precious to him. He had never thought that another guy would ever be able to arouse him the way Taemin did. It was pure pleasure and excitement every time they touched or even kissed.

If anyone tries to take you away from me...Minho began to think. I'll rip them apart limb to limb until they couldn't beg for me to stop anymore. Minho never thought that Taemin would become an essential being to his survival. Even till this day his parents object to them being together, but there was really nothing they could do about it. Minho's choice had been made before he was even born.

Destiny. His parents always laughed at the word when the council kept talking about their lives.

Minho ducked into a dark corner by Taemin's crowded desk and book shelf once he heard footsteps approaching the room.



Little did Minho know that Taemin's eyes had been open a centimeter since he first picked him up to when he hid in the corner. Taemin enjoyed watching Minho. The look of love and sincerity that he always carried with him made Taemin love him even more.

The way he held him so dear to worry more about his wellbeing than his own, Taemin loved and hated it all together. He needs to take care of himself. Taemin thought watching the door to his room open. I can't bare to lose him now.

His mother walked in and sat at the end of his bed. Her hand came up to brush his hair away from his face.

Life with her had become better since the council stepped in out of a favor to their new king. They made her forget. Forget her disgusting husband who his boyfriend had killed and turned out to be a Creptor. And forget the fact that she hated Taemin more than life itself.

Now she truly cared for him as a mother. Breakfast was on the table every morning for him and she was always home for dinner. Taemin couldn't believe that Onew managed to swing that for him. Get his dad to remove her overtime so that she could spend time with her son. He might have been ruthless and cold at the beginning, but now he was more than a friend to Taemin. He was a brother. One, who had risked his life to save him.

"Is he okay?" The voice that Taemin had only gotten to know two weeks ago asked from the other side of the door.

"Is there supposed to be something wrong with him?" His mother had asked.

That question not only raising Taemin's suspicions, but Minho's as well.

The man said nothing and Taemin's mother gave him a quick kiss and left the room.



Minho didn't know why, but he didn't trust the motives he swore he could hear behind that voice. There was no human that made him clench his fists ready to attack before, except this one. His defenses were up and best believe he was ready to use them.

Taking each step carefully, he walked over to Taemin, kissed him on the forehead and was ready to leave when the small hand latched itself to his.

Minho turned around to see a very awake Taemin.

"Can't you stay?" He asked, his innocent eyes begging him.

Minho sat on the bed, one had on either side of Taemin. "It wouldn't be smart for your mother to walk in and catch me hugging her son so intimately." Minho bent down to Taemin's ear, making sure that his lips were touching it. "Because i won't be able to stop at just a hug."

Minho smiled and kissed Taemin so intensely, so patiently that he would have lost control had he not pulled himself away and headed for the window.

"Hey Taemin?"

"What?" Taemin asked rising on his elbows.

"Who was that talking with your mother?"

"My cousin. He just came two weeks ago from America." Taemin answered.

Minho stared at the door of the room, not sure if he should order Taemin to lock it. Not for the safety of their future king, but for the safety of his most beloved boyfriend. Minho kicked the thought out of his head. He was just probably imagining it because he didn't want another accident to happen to Taemin.

He turned to Taemin. "I love you."

"I love you too." Taemin said back, blowing a kiss to him before watching Minho jump out of the window and into the darkest night.


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SuDarkWind #1
Chapter 6: Yikes. Heechul sound like a wad. Wonder what we'll learn about him in the next chapter.
Yonghyunism #2
Please please please update!!
Chapter 6: Welcome back. Can't wait to read about what will happen between Minho and Heechul.
Chapter 5: I will be waiting patiently for your return.
Chapter 4: Please update soon!
Chapter 4: Both this and Bloodline are very good, please don't abandon this story, hwaiting! <3
ZoeChaomaniac #7
Ooommmoo update!! Hwaiting!