Chapter 6

Baby Hold My Heart

Soo Ah was rushing towards the gate. Luhan sent her a message to meet him at the bubble tea shop where they always have their date and told her that he got an important thing to tell her. With her heart beating really fast she walked and ran, dodging every student that was on her way and being careful not to hit anyone. She was almost at the gate when...

"Lee Soo Ah!"

Soo Ah turned around and found Suzy walking towards her. Suzy's eyes were glinting with hatred and envy. Soo Ah doesn't know what she wants from her.

"What do you want Suzy? I'm in a hurry. I need to..." Soo Ah wasn't able to finish what she was saying for Suzy slapped her. Hard. She can feel the pain from Suzy's slap. The girl really hates her. She was about to slap Suzy back but she stopped her.

"And do you think I will allow a filthy girl like you to touch me? You wish Soo Ah! Even if you have Luhan the world will never bow down to you." Suzy looked at her with disgust and glared at her. "I really wonder how you managed to make Luhan fall for you. Did you seduce her? Pay him? Cast a love spell on him? Or maybe you offered yourself you to him?" Suzy asked. Then she held Soo Ah's face, "By the looks of you, I can't find anything special." 

Soo Ah managed to get herself away from Suzy. Soo Ah just don't understand why Suzy hated her that much where in fact she never did anything wrong to her. If loving Luhan is a mortal sin, she's not sorry for it. She doesn't want to argue with Suzy and make Luhan wait for. It was never her attitude to make someone wait so instead of wasting time on Suzy she decided to leave her and go to Luhan.

"How dare you turn your back on me, Soo Ah! I'm not done with you yet!" Suzy was surprised that Soo Ah didn't waste any single word on her. Suzy ran after her, pulling her before she can cross the road.

"Suzy let me go." Soo Ah pulled hard but Suzy's too strong for her.

"Why should I let you go? Huh?"

"Suzy, Luhan is waiting for me. So please let me go." Soo Ah pleaded.

"And so? I don't care if Luhan is waiting for you or not. Let him wait so that he'll have time to realize that you're not good enough for him!? Suzy screamed. A lot of people are now watching them. No one dared to interrupt the two girls who seemed to be playing tug of war.

"And who's good enough for Luhan? You?"

"Who else? I'm much better than you, you !" Suzy said while she pulled Soo Ah's hair and spank her. Suzy's minions came. They were about to approach them but Suzy saw them on her peripheral view and shouted at them. "Don't come near us! This is my problem!"

"Ahhh! Su-Suzy! O-ouch! Let me go!

"No! I'll never will!" Soo Ah pulled hard away from Suzy but she couldn’t. Suzy was holding her tight. Soo Ah already felt crying. She really wanted to get away from Suzy. She never wanted to make Luhan wait for her.

“Luhan help me…” she prayed.

On the other hand, Luhan felt something wrong. He’s been calling Soo Ah for a lot of time but she never answered and he knows Soo Ah very well. She will immediately answer his call no matter what.

“Soo Ah baby, where are you?”




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FrozenGirl33 #1
Chapter 7: This is amazing!
Naila414987 #2
OMG! i found the trailer for this fic accidentally on youtube while watching "Miss Granny BTS" and i can't wait to read it... > <
Chapter 5: This is such a great story! UPdate soon
natz123 #4
Chapter 2: Sounds pretty interesting! I can't wait for the next chapter!