Chapter 3

Baby Hold My Heart

Luhan brought me to Namsan Tower and I couldn't help it but melt. Golly wow betsy, of all places, it's the freaking Namsan Tower, which is really prominent of its love locks in trees for couple. My heart couldn't stop going berserk over Luhan and even myself, the innocent *wink wink* Lee Soo Ah, couldn't stop musing that maybe Luhan really do like me! Goodness! My heart, stop beating wildly! Oh please behave! Hush, my heart or else we might die from happiness. I couldn't help but giggle due to my silliness. We walked silently, looking around until Luhan pulled me to a bench and we sat. Few minutes had already passed but Luhan didn't say anything, he was looking around, smiling to himself as he watched some couples passing, locking locks and taking silly pictures of themselves.

"Errr... L-Luhan..." I called out, breaking the silence between us. Luhan, as if he was mesmerized by the sight, got startled. But instead of looking at me, his gaze rested upon those love locked tree ehich was infront of us.

"What is it?" he asked.

I hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words to say but I couldn't. I struggled for a bit, simply weighing things. If I will ask him, I might get hurt, if I won't, I wouldn't be able to find the answers for my question that was confusing me.

"Ah... I.. Uh..."

Luhan looked at me worriedly, "Is there anything wrong, Soo Ah?" he asked. He held my hand and it in a relaxing way. I instantly feel relaxed but quite flustered with the way he held my hand. Little by little, courage was slowly coming back to me, creeping to my system until it arrived to my heart. I took a deep breath before courage leaves me again. I mentally encouraged myself and hope for the better. It's now or never.

"UhLuhanwhoamItoyou?" I quickly asked. Those worried stares turned into disbelief. I knew I said it quickly and was quite impossible for him to understand.

"Soo Ah, can you speak slowly? You're eating your words. How would I know what you are asking." Luhan tittered. Another thing to die for Luhan, his laughters, whether its irritating or not, I really like, no scratch that but I really love the way he laughs. If only I could be the sole reason of your laughters not anything else but only me.

"Luhan, who am I to you?" I asked again. Luhan stared at me, puzzled. His smile suddenly disappeared as he become serious. He didn't say anything but his silence was deafening me.

OMG! I think I made a big mistake!

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FrozenGirl33 #1
Chapter 7: This is amazing!
Naila414987 #2
OMG! i found the trailer for this fic accidentally on youtube while watching "Miss Granny BTS" and i can't wait to read it... > <
Chapter 5: This is such a great story! UPdate soon
natz123 #4
Chapter 2: Sounds pretty interesting! I can't wait for the next chapter!