Need help?

New Neighbor

I look up and find three pairs of eyes looking at me. And again Im starstruck but this time times three.

Wow I think I just died and went to heaven.
What?! No way!
What do you mean no way! Just look whos standing infront me.
Yes I see them but keep calm.
Its Jiyong, Leo and Top!!
No come on you need to calm down remember the rule-

"Excuse me miss"
Im suddenly cut off from the conversation in my head.


"I asked if your hurt?"
I see Jiyong and Top kneeling infront of me with concerned faces while Leo has a stern look straighting his shirt just looking straight ahead.

I must of bumped into him.

"Oh I-I-Im fi-ne sorry"

"Come on guys lets go"
(Leo ignores your apology while looking elsewhere)

"Can you stand up?"
(ask Top standing up and streching out his hand for you to take. Leo just scoffs)

Whats his problem? I didnt mean to bump into him.
"I-Im fine really"
(you say standing up all by yourself)

"So whats the rush?" ask Jiyong.

"Guys lets go shes fine."
Leo rudely states and earns a glare from Top to be respectful.

"Aish Im outta here. Catch up if youre coming."
(he pushes the button to go down the elevator)

"Please go ahead and dont mind me."
I quickly reply to both of them dont wish to bother anyone else.

"Nah its cool if anything please forgive Leos attitude agassi. Anyways back to my question."

"Huh? Oh- um (scratches back of head) I sorta forgot my keys inside my apartment and now Im locked out."
I see this put big grins on both guys probably thinking its funny and being embarrased I look down.

"Its ok you may laugh if you want to."

"Haha its not that."
I look up at Jiyong who turns to look at Seunghyun.

"Its just that the same thing happened to me when I first moved here aswell."
Top says and I turn to look at him smiling.


"Yup but luckily Jiyong who was already living here helped me out."
(he turns to look at jiyong)

"What do you say? Wanna help out another dansel in distress?"

"Mmm I think I can."

"Oh you know how to pick locks?"
I whisper to him like where about to bust a mission and he starts laughing out loud.

"No come on show us to your door miss?"
(he streches out his hand for a handshake)

"Oh my names ______ Lee pleased to meet you."



I shake both their hands and start making my way back to my apartment door and give Jiyong room to work on my door.

"Its very simple ______-ah."

Wow Jiyong just said my name kyah! ok ______ focus.

"See the landlord always uses the same passcode for new tenants and if you wish to change it just hold this button down here for 5 seconds then punch in your own and press the bottom button again to save your new passcode but you can only do it once so make sure its something youll always remember."
(Jiyong explains and punches in the code that lets you open the door)

"Gasp that was simple. Thank you so much Jiyong-ssi."
Im about to bend down to pick up my boxes but Seunghyun beats me to it.

"Here let me help."

"Oh you dont have to Seunghyun-ssi. Im sure you guys are very busy at the moment."

"Hey its alright"
(he makes his way inside your apartment and you both follow)

"Now where would you like these?"

"The kitchen counter is fine thank you."

"Besides we were only going to hangout with Leo after he kept bugging us to go to the bar. But weve been going with him three days straight and he just acts out. Something is seriously wrong with that dude."
(Jiyong says while looking around your kitchen)

"Oh I see. Will he alright? You guys should go check on him."

"He'll be ok he already knows the owner and bartender. They'll keep him out of trouble tonight."

"He must be lonely or maybe hes mad at someone he-gasp Im sorry sorry its none of my business I shouldnt-"

Top- "No ______-ah what you just said is right...listen you seem like a trustworthy lady and you live here now where youll dump into him and should be cautious. You see he recently broke up with his girlfriend of four years. He was planning to propose to her but two months ago he walked in on her and some guy in her bed. He wanted to surprise her with coming home early from his tour and was going to propose that day but it came to end a really sweet relationship. He took it very hard at first being very depressed. He stayed locked up in his apartment for a week til all s and managers came to help him but he just looked so heartbroken. Then little by little he started talking and acting like himself til one day he went to work like nothing happened. Everyone was happy and thought he got over it but then he started with the drinking and acting out. Its been weeks of non stop drinking but no ones been able to talk sense into him we tried but nothing. Its like girls are all the same to him now."

Ive been looking down while listening to Leos story not wanting to show my moist eyes til a tear escapes my eyes.

"Hey are you ok ______-ah?"
Jiyong ask coming to stand next to me putting his hand on my shoulder and gives it a little squeeze letting me know its ok. I lift my head and quickly wipe my eyes.

"Im sorry Im such a crybaby."

"Hey its ok"

Seunghyun takes out his handkership and hands it to you.
"Here ______-ah please stop crying I apologize."

"No no its ok. I sort of know what he's going through with losing someone you love and dont know who or what to turn to for comfort."

(they both look shocked to hear such a confession from you)

What? Whats with the shocked faces?
Did I say something wrong?
I dont think so.
Maybe they think I too-oh no!

Conversing with yourself in your head certain they misunderstood you. Get wide eyed embarrassed not wanting them to imagine you acting like Leo. You start to shake your head.

"Oh no I didnt mean me but it involves someone precious to me."

With that everyone relaxes but both guys are surprised by their behavior and now feel akward.

"Well we should leave you ______-ah so you can have your privacy come on hyung."

"Yes well good night ______-ah welcome home."

"Thank you so much. You were both very helpful bye."
Wow that was a bit akward at the end.
(shrugs) "nah Im just nuts ok time to unpack."

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adding two chapters today working on the next two ^^


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Litoxcutie #1
Chapter 5: Loving it!- > ~ <