For Rent

New Neighbor

"Yahoo! I still cant believe Im getting my own apartment. How exciting!"

Driving to your new apartment that you have rented. Your so glad to have found the apartment of your dreams you were very nervous you wouldnt get chosen after hearing so many applied for that exact apartment.


Walking all morning and afternoon around town looking for an apartment with no luck. The idea of calling it a day was tempting but Im really in need of an apartment soon. So I keep walking. Walking up a hill and turning a corner I find a FOR RENT sign. reading the address listed below, I make my way there.

Its already late afternoon when I get there. I see two women heading out and making theyre way towards me giggling while talking and overhear them.

"Yeah I heard that but that darn ajeoshi wouldnt talk."
"So its true right thats why I applied and theres no specific address to follow."
"Same here. I still cant believe theyll let an ordinary person get such a deal!"
"Itll be a dream come true!"

I have no idea what theyre talking about so I keep walking and head inside the office.

"Hello. Anyone here?"

"Oh no not another one."
(whispers a guy hiding behind a desk)

"Im here to apply for the apartment thats being rented."

(you say loud enough looking around hoping someone will come assist you)

(the guy carefully turns around puts his hands on top of the desk and pops his head out)

"Oh hello there."

"Y-your not here to scream at me or b-bombared m-me with q-uestions are you?"
(he ask cautiously)

"N-o i wont s-cream at you i just wa-nt to as-k abou-are you ok?"

(you ask worried. clearly this guy looks scared out of his wits. He hears your concerned tone so he stands up and walks toward you til hes infront of the desk)

"S-ir can you say something or atleast breath."
( with that the guy lets out a big breath and sits on the chair and relaxes)

"I feel like I just came from a warzone (sigh)...Im sorry miss its just been a crazy day. all day woman after woman have been coming in desperetly wanting to apply to this apartment they kept talking about some rumor but i couldnt understand any of them. Then they kept pestering me with questions and about names Ive never heard of like and some where even yelling at me demanding answers like I was hiding some secret but im just handing out the applications thats all. Ah Ive never been so scared in all my life."
(he lets out all his worries while massaging his temples)

"I see. Im sorry but I too wish to apply for the apartment. Do you still have applications?"

"Im not sure. Oh look what a mess those crazy women made in my neat workplace."

"Oh let me help you."

"You dont have to but thank you."

(after organizing everything you went to put the trashbin where it belongs)

"Oh found an application here you go miss."

"Kamsahamnida. Im _____ by the way. _____ Lee."

"I'm Kim Sung Oh, just Sung is fine. Nice to meet you. Heres a pen so you can fill it out."

"May I?"

"Sure then I can put it with the rest. The landlord of the building gave us these applications and told us to put out the signs out but only for two days which was weird and I told him he wont get but a few applications turned in but he didnt seen to mind. Hes buildings must be very popular and requested. Hes coming tomorrow morning to collect everything. We already got more than three hundred applications, most of them from today though wonder if its because its the last day."

He whispered the last part to himself but I clearly heard him and got a bit upset learning the odds of me being chosen are slim but finished filling out the application.


"Great and thank you for helping me clean up ______-ah your really sweet."

"No problem Sung-ssi and I really do hope I get that apartment the price is right and the pictures of it on the application are just beautiful."

"Wish I could help ______-ah but Im just collecting these. I too hope you get the apartment."

"Thanks well Im off its getting late."

"Ok bye ______!"


Week later~

Your phone rings..


"Yes hello is this ______ Lee?"

"This is she. Who's speaking?"

"Im calling to congratulate you agassi. Because you have been chosen to be our new tenant at One-Of-A-Kind Apartments!"

"Omo! Chincha?!"

"Yes yes. But I do wish to discuss a very important rule with you that you must always remember."

"Sure whats the rule?"

"If you do come to see or meet your new neighbors and are shocked please DO NOT i repeat DO NOT scream, yell, shriek, jump, pounce, hug-just please do not be loud or touch them arasso?"

"Um I dont know why I would do such things but ok you dont have to worry Ill always remember that rule."

"Very well Miss.Lee. Come Wednesday your new apartment will be all ready for your to move in I shall text you the exact address."

"Omg thank you so so much ajeoshi. Ill be ready to move in then."

"All right have a nice day Miss."

"You aswell thank you bye."


End of flashback~

Hello my name is ______ Lee. Im 23 years old and I just rented the apartment of my dreams...well it still feels like a dream and with a new job that Ill be starting Friday cant wait for that either. I do miss my roommates though. It that we need to go our separate ways now. I miss my girls and who wouldnt, after three years of sharing an apartment and becoming the best of friends it was hard to separate. But I am happy we promised eachother to meet up atleast once a year. I hope theyre doing good aswell, this agreement to not contact eachother unless for emergencies is not easy but it would be harder to stay away from eachother I guess. Well my girls Fighting!
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adding two chapters today working on the next two ^^


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Litoxcutie #1
Chapter 5: Loving it!- > ~ <