Mission Confession

Mission Confession

“Guys, we are on in five, Get ready.”

“Stop I can’t find my shoes.”

“Does anyone know where my mike is?”

“The pants are loosening again. Somebody help me.”

“Leetuek hyung, the shoes are near the speakers, Kangin hyung, the mike in your jacket pocket and henry, here take this belt for your loose pants. Seriously, what would you guys do without me?”

“Yah, maknae do you want to die?”

“ If I am killed who will help you with your singing lessons. Do you want to end up standing on the stage mute?”

“leeteuk why don’t you talk to him, ask him to respect his hyungs.”

“Kangin, the most I have been able to eek out of him in the last eight years was to get him to address me as hyung, I do not have the energy to go down that path again.”

“If you girls have finished with your girl talk, can we proceed to the stage, the lift is about to rise up.”

As if on cue all the other members in the conversation said simultaneously to the new entrant, “you are the one to talk, pink bunny.”

They left a fuming sungmin behind and rushed to their pre-determined lifts. It was the start of their encore concert at Seoul Gymnastics Stadium, a perfect finish for their world tour Super Show 5. The guys were excited; living in a suitcase for the past six months and dashing from one location to another had exhausted them. But the last concert was a long party and they were determined to make the most of it.

The exuberant mood was evident from the starting itself with a lot of energetic performances, fist pumps, high fives; the audience was in for a treat. In all the buzz and frenzy and heartfelt smiles, there was one person whose smile did not quite reach his eyes. He had managed to fool everybody but there was a person who had been watching him with keen eyes the whole night.

Cornering the younger in the green room during other performances, siwon expressed his thoughts, “Hey kyu, what happened? You don’t look happy.” Meeting his concerned eyes, kyu shrugged, “nothing is wrong hyung. I am fine just a little tired I guess.”

“You just called me hyung, you never do that. Are you feeling okay? You know you can come to me with anything. If I am unable to solve it, I can at least provide a patient ear and a supporting hug.”

Removing himself from the hug the other had him in, he replied, “hyung I am perfectly alright. It is getting late; we have to go back for our next song. And either way it is not like my feelings matter,” he said the last part in a whisper ensuring it got lost in the din of loud music being played.

Siwon just stood there with his mouth wide open. He was shocked at the brush off he had just received from the maknae. He was busy scratching his brain trying to recall any incidents where he might have offended the other when heechul appeared beside him.

“Ouch, the maknae can sure act cold. Did you do something again simba?”

Horrified at the accusation, “me” he said pointing at himself “I honestly do not know what it is that I have done for him to act like this towards me.”

“Well for starters your daft and oblivious personality can be blamed. Has he been behaving strangely lately?”

“Now that you mentioned, he has been keeping a low profile ever since we came back from our show in China. There have been no attempts to corner or coerce me; he has hardly spoken to me since then.”

“Well you better act fast simba or he may end up getting fed up with all the games and decide to move on.”

Kyuhyun was watching his hyungs converse from the sidelines, the concerned face of siwon was not lost on him neither was the admonishing one on Heechul. If there was a person in Super Junior who could fix siwon it was Heechul. He was like the other’s conscience keeper. He had heard many anecdotes of the two losing track of time while chatting and also the affectionate gazes and the skin ship between them. The relationship that they both shared never bothered kyu because he knew it was more on the lines of bromance than full blown romance. Siwon’s loving, kind and compassionate nature was what had attracted him towards the other. He was always there when you needed support, he was always there to help no matter how big the problem, and he always stayed strong for the other so much so that in all these years he had yet to see him vulnerable.

It was when he saw his strong hyung breakdown that the image of him enduring everything and coming out of personal tragedies scathe free shattered. It was then he realized that he too was a normal human, capable of a broken heart.


It was during their stay in Beijing for their Chinese length of tour that one late night he happened to eavesdrop on a conversation taking place on the balcony of their hotel room. It was very late in the night and almost all the members had gone to sleep expect for a few who were glued to their electronic gadgets. Feeling bored he ventured out to see if someone was awake to keep him company. Unable to see any lights under the rooms he decided to go to the balcony for some fresh air, it was while he was nearing the door that he caught what sounded like muffled sniffles. Intrigued on the origin of the sound he decided to investigate. Slowly opening the door he came across two figures standing on the far right of the balcony facing away from the entrance. He was itching to unravel the identity of the figures. The silhouette showed a tall built guy crouching in front of a lean guy who was attempting to hold the other from collapsing on the floor.

"I-I don-I don't understand how after all these years he can manage to be so-so-so heartless."

"It’s okay simba, it’s in his nature to be like this, time cannot change everything. You should forget about him."

"How can I forget what he has done, how can I brush off his memories, hangeng was my first love rella. It was he who made me realize how wonderful love could be."

“And it was he too who ran away without so much as a goodbye. It was he who did not muster courage to pick up a phone to call you."

"But I never called him back too rella, I never had the nerve to confront him"

"Simba, do not guilt yourself into taking the blame for that god awful person. You waited for him to call because it was he who left in the first place. And now he has the guts to come in front of you asking for a second chance. I do hope and pray to that lord of yours that you will think this through rationally."

“I do not know what to do rella. Help me.” The pain in his voice was clearly audible and the soundless night made it echo. Kyuhyun stood there with his back to the door clearly listening to the conversation that somehow was amplified. His heart was aching, hearing the person who he loves the most in pain due to a broken heart. He was aware that hangeng and siwon shared a special relationship but never realized that they were in love. Now looking back he could put the pieces together. After the Chinese member left, siwon started spending less and lesser time with them. Everything was blamed on his hectic solo schedules but he rarely met them and he did often end up going to china more frequently. They also did spend every time together when everyone were in China with SJM. Had he been blind to overlook such a vital thing? He claimed that he loved siwon but never bothered to see how he felt.

Seeing how shattered he was when meeting him after all these years, he could only imagine what he must have gone through when his lover left him in the dark and fled. If only he had paid a little more attention and peeled out the masks siwon had placed, he would have been there for him through those trying times.

“Simba tell me, do you still love him.”

“I am not sure what to make of the feelings I have for him.”

“When hangeng left you I let you cope with that loss in a way that you deemed fit. I never forced you to open up to me or tried to get you out of your shell, because I knew you would when you were ready. I always thought that it was the best thing to do. But I will not allow him to play with your heart second time around, not when I have realized that there is someone that is worthy of your love and who I am sure loves you very dearly too.”

Siwon, who was still wiping the tears that were freely flowing, looked up to face heechul. “You couldn’t possibly mean…”

“Yes, I meant kyuhyun. Only a blind person or a daft person like you can miss the look of love he has when he sees you. That kid loves you and from what I have seen, you are tilting towards him too. Tell me how he makes you feel. Don't you feel any love for him?”

There was a long pause and kyuhyun almost thought that they had left even though he was standing near the only exit from the balcony. He waited with bated breath to hear what siwon had to say. What siwon said now will be absolute and it will make him probably the happiest man on earth or finally allow for some closure.

“When I was with hangeng, every second felt labored and burdened. He loved me but would not openly accept it. I had to hide my feelings for him from everyone so much so that I stated doubting myself as a worthy person for his love."

After taking a deep breath to calm himself he continued " the feelings I have when I am with kyu is that of being light and free. He is easy to be with, whenever I am around him, our interactions seem effortless. It was he who had noticed my ankle injury during the European leg of the shows. Since you were unable to come, he took good care of me and made me feel good about myself. He brings out the old jovial and full of fun side of me and I love him for that. The games he plays with me, sometimes I feel I should just give in and let him win. But..”

“So you love him, then why do you have to bring a ‘but’ into the equation.”

“I am afraid rella. I opened my heart once and all I ended up with was a broken one. It has taken great pains to put it back together, I am still not ready to give it to someone else just yet. It might take me some time to fully evaluate if the love kyuhyun has for me is worth the pain that I risk a broken heart.”

Heechul held siwon in a hug, “I know you are afraid simba, but shutting yourself from love is not the answer. Experience love once again, you deserve it. And who knows maybe the maknae might just be the one.” He smiled seeing the macho man in front of him turn pink. He knew in his heart that if anyone deserved unconditional love it was siwon and he was almost sure that the one to fulfill this would be kyuhyun.

Silent tears of joy were streaming down kyuhyun’s cheeks, it felt as if he was finally vindicated. His love was reciprocated though in private but reciprocated none the less. All these time he was playing games to test siown’s endurance but it was just the opposite, these games had made kyuhyun realize  how much dearly he loved the other man and how he could go to any great lengths to express it.

“This is our last song for the night. I thank all the Elfs for supporting us through thick and thin, this is for you guys.”

The last song ‘Marry You’ rang through the stadium that was overcome with Sapphire Blue Ocean. The members were emotional as well as amused seeing all the ‘I do’, ‘have my babies’ and other marriage props flung on to the stage by the fans. The members were enjoying the last song for their Super Show 5, it was a little sentimental but it also made them aware of how far they had come.

The song soon came to end and the members were about to say there final words when kyuhyun came forward. "Guys before we end the concert there is something that I wish to tell."

Leetuek who was about to start his ending speech was interrupted by kyu. He started walking towards the maknae to ask for an explanation when heechul who was holding his hands gave a sharp tug and motioned for his to stay where he was and let kyuhyun speak. Seeing that their leader was letting kyuhyun continue the other members too decided to wait and watch.

"There is one person here today who has made a place in my heart and has become my reason to live. Today i wish to let that person know the importance he holds in my life."

The whole stadium was silent when kyuhyun started speaking, but the collective sigh from all the girls present at the revelation of the gender of his love interest was humorous.

With a small smile on his face, he picked up a bouquet from the stage floor and the walked from where he was standing to his love. The members who were unaware of this development were waiting eagerly like the elfs to know the identity of the maknae's love. Taking his own leisure time he walked from one end to another and when he came in front of siwon he went down on one knee and held the bouquet up. Gasps were audible from all around; siwon was taken aback from the action and wore a surprise expression.

While holding the bouquet up in one had and a mike in another he spoke,

"All i can do is love you and hope and wait till that one day when you will be able to witness the depth of my love for you and see my heart beating for you and only you."

"I promise that I will be with you and by your side forever. I just hope you will show the heart to accept my love for you. Today I stand before you as a guy madly, wholly and irrevocably in love with you and confessing for the whole world to hear that I Love You."

"So choi siwon would you do me the honor of being my boyfriend and keeping me company from now on till forever."

The silence that had penetrated the stadium was still in place. If earlier it was to know the identity of kyuhyun's love, now it was in anticipation of siwon's answer. Every eye was on the two, the concert director had done a good job in playing the proceedings live on the giant screens for everyone to see.

"I- I don't know what to say" it was clear that the macho man was overwhelmed. The members had now made a semi-circle around the two and were egging siwon to say yes. Siwon looked up to heechul, meeting his eyes he made up his mind.

"I must warn you that I would be a crappy boyfriend who is always busy and has erratic hours. I do have a serious skin ship addiction too, so you have to be prepared to be ambushed with hugs and kisses at any time and place."

"So is that a yes, because my legs are hurting from the kneeling," kyuhyun laughed with a clear nasal tone showing that he too was being overcome from emotions.

"Of course it means yes, paboya." He pulled up the younger in a tight bear hug and the whole stadium erupted in cheers.

Pulling apart from the hug, he placed a kiss on kyuhyun's lips effectively sealing the deal; much to the others chagrin he had turned the color of sungmin's favorite plushy, dark pink.

While the chants of wonkyu gripped the stadium, siwon placed few more butterfly kisses on kyu, "you know now you have to stay good on your promise and be with me."

Placing a lingering kiss on his lips, kyuhyun replied "I will be there with you till you are tired of me love, but don't think you can easily leave me too."

The love birds were in their own world, exchanging loving glances, touches and whispering sweet nothings to each other; it was when they were hit by the Super Junior infamous water screen that they realized their surroundings, all the members were either holding water bottles or had water filled mouth waiting for another round of attack.

Grabbing kyuhyun by hand, siwon ran to other side of the stage in an effort to protect his lover and himself from the onslaught. Needless to say they were caught in mere seconds and completely drenched.

The night had to come to an end, the fans were still delirious over the new development and were crazy happy to know that the wonkyu OTP was indeed now real.

The members soon lined up for their final bow, "congrats maknae, you managed to get simba."

"Thanks heechul hyung, and I will appreciate if you will allow me to spend more alone time with my boyfriend and not play a er."

"Aish you maknae, wanna die?"

Kyuhyun was laughing at his hyung's expression, “but didn't you fail your ‘Mission Confession’ by confessing to simba first?”

“Well though the mission was a failure I won the battle of love” he said while looking longingly at his new lover who was being bullied by the other members. “And either way there is still ‘Operation Proposal’ in the pipeline, and I aim to win that one,” he gave a smirk that made it evident why he was called the evil maknae.



So...i came to know what happens when the hide chapter button is clicked...

Hehe i did not mean to do it, it just came to my notice later. Sorry  ^_^

An update after a long time. I hope you can forgive me for the long wait.

The chapter gets a little melodramatic in the middle, hoping it did not dampen the whole chapter.

The mission confession finally comes to an end, what are your thoughts about it, please let me know.


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richan24 #1
Chapter 3: just keep on trying kyu!siwon will finally falls on your trap later on.Aza!
montselech #2
Chapter 7: Awwww Kyuuuu~~~
I want more pretty please, ne?
Good job. I like it.
Chapter 7: enf already? Awww:( but it ends beautifully :') thought that kyu alrd give up on his effort to make siwon confess.. Turn out that he was doing the sweetes confession everrt
Chapter 6: So wonnie's confession is just kyunni's dream??? XD
heartbabykyu #5
Chapter 6: LOL!! I have never been trolled so bad be4!

But does this mean kyu is aborting this mission?
Beniikyuwon #6
Paradise trolled us lol
Beniikyuwon #7
Chapter 6: I miss this u.u hope you feel inspiration to continue this soon.
rottensmiles1013 #8
Chapter 6: omggggggg im your new fan!!!!
Chapter 6: Poor Kyu must've been very disappointed! I really thought they finally came around >_<
Wonder what will happen when they'll meet again! They must be missing each other!