Between Devil and deep sea

Mission Confession


“So siwon is there anything that you wish to say to me, now that we are alone” said kyuhyun in the most persuading voice he could muster. Meeting with silence form his companion, kyu ventured again “You don’t have to say it now; we have all the time in the world. No rush”. They did have lot of time in their hand and were in a spot that kyu had specially chosen to have an uninterrupted conversation with the older one.


Yes, the spot was undeniably the best; as they were sitting in the middle of the lake, early morning, with kyu volunteering to paddle. It had take a lot of effort on the maknae’s part to come up with a plan that could corner the elder, in such a way that it would leave him with no choice but to yield to the younger’s wishes.


Kyu had been planning for this conversation ever since he found out that siwon shared his feelings. Since that moment, kyu had been trying all the tricks in the book to elicit a confession from the other. It could be said that kyu himself could confesses his feelings first, since he his aware of siwon’s feelings he will not be rejected. But he had decided that if someone was going to do the confession among the two, it would be siwon. And he is going to make sure that the elder does this sooner then later.


It was a beautiful morning; super junior members were staying in a cottage to wind off form their exhausting schedules. The cottage itself was nestled in the lap of nature with tress surrounding it from three sides and a lake providing with a beautiful view of the sunrise. The members were very happy and plans were made to have a bon fire and go swimming and canoeing in the lake. Hunting was also in the agenda. With all the members busy deciding what activities were to be done the following day; there was one among them, whose brain had started turning ever since he laid his eyes on the canoes and the vast lake. He knew that this was the place where his planning will led to fruition. He went to siwon after dinner and suggested that they go canoeing in the morning. This was enthusiastically agreed upon by the latter.


Kyuhyun and siwon were the first to rise and they soundlessly made their way to the back of the cottage where the canoes were kept. Covering their body in woollens, both of them embarked into the lake. It was a pleasant atmosphere; the sun was yet to rise, causing the fog to lie thickly above the water. The chill in the air was making it presence known, but with the time for sun rise coming closer the climate was nicely warming up. Both of them were engaged in seemingly nonsensical conversation on, if the super junior members were to be supernatural beings, what they would be. Engaged in the chat, siwon had paddled to the middle of the lake, when kyu volunteered to paddle. He reasoned that he should have knowledge about these life saving skills, if he was ever abandoned in the middle of the lake alone. Siwon laughed at the dramatic response but continued to teach kyu how to paddle, and in within a small amount of time, the genius proved why he was called thus.


With the paddle firmly in his hand and siwon distracted by watching the sun rise, kyu decided to put his plan into action. Siwon instantly knew what the other was implying when he asked him to say anything he had on his mind. He was not that dense as others had come to believe him to be; but was dense enough to voluntarily get caught in the well crafted trap laid by the maknae. All the pieces fell into place, the suggestion of the younger to go canoeing, when he obviously hated any recreational activity that made him move away from his beloved computer; the waking up before the crack of dawn, a feat that few people will believe if they did not witness it with their own eyes, and finally kyu volunteering to paddle, so that siwon would be effectively under the whims of kyu.


Siwon quickly evaluated his options; he was in the middle of the lake, a lake that contained ice cold water; with the paddle firmly in the hands of his evil companion, who siwon saw was thoroughly enjoying putting him in such a situation. There were not many options that siwon could choose from. He needed to think fast if he was to escape form the clutches of the evil maknae.


“So wonnie, have you decided to come out and say those three magical words. I know you want to.” Smiled what kyu thought was an affectionate smile but was in reality something that could be seen in the eyes of a predator who had successfully managed to corner his prey and was now in the process of ravishing it up.


Siwon now faced the proverbial dilemma of being caught between devil and deep sea. He had to decide fast and seeing that he was painfully shy of expressing his innermost feelings, siwon took a chance on the deep sea and jumped in the lake with a big splash.


Kyu was jolted to reality from his fantasy world where miniature versions of himself were busy congratulating him for being so smart for tricking siwon into confession. The backlash of the splash that siwon had created by jumping in the lake, chilled kyu to the bone. The water was indeed very cold. Soon kyu found himself stranded in the middle of the lake with a wet to the bones siwon shivering on the shore and urging kyu to return soon, as otherwise he risked catching cold. Kyuhyun scoffed at the utter stupidity of his crush, there he was standing soaked form head to toe in ice cold water and instead of going inside and warming himself, he was waiting at the shore and urging kyu to paddle faster, so that he doesn’t get sick. Siwon indeed was an idiot but he was an adorable idiot at that. While paddling to the shore, kyu sang “You can run, you can hide, but you can’t escape my love” whishing if only siwon could hear him now. 

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richan24 #1
Chapter 3: just keep on trying kyu!siwon will finally falls on your trap later on.Aza!
montselech #2
Chapter 7: Awwww Kyuuuu~~~
I want more pretty please, ne?
Good job. I like it.
Chapter 7: enf already? Awww:( but it ends beautifully :') thought that kyu alrd give up on his effort to make siwon confess.. Turn out that he was doing the sweetes confession everrt
Chapter 6: So wonnie's confession is just kyunni's dream??? XD
heartbabykyu #5
Chapter 6: LOL!! I have never been trolled so bad be4!

But does this mean kyu is aborting this mission?
Beniikyuwon #6
Paradise trolled us lol
Beniikyuwon #7
Chapter 6: I miss this u.u hope you feel inspiration to continue this soon.
rottensmiles1013 #8
Chapter 6: omggggggg im your new fan!!!!
Chapter 6: Poor Kyu must've been very disappointed! I really thought they finally came around >_<
Wonder what will happen when they'll meet again! They must be missing each other!