Hot and Bothered

Mission Confession


It was a lazy afternoon; the super junior members had just arrived from their photo shoot and had a whole day to themselves. The dorm had erupted in frenzy of activity ever since leeteuk had agreed that they could spend the day in sauna, relaxing. All the members were very excited; bets were placed on who would last longer in the hot baths. The only person on whom the feverish enthusiasm had not rubbed off was kyuhyun, who was standing in the corner sulking. Ever since his accident, kyu had not allowed anyone to see his bare body and going to the sauna would include him disrobing in public, something he wanted to avoid. It was not that the scars on his torso were visible; a vary faint line from his right side of the chest running down to the left hip could be seen on very close inspection, but regardless he was very conscious of his body, hence never ever appearing topless. He had started working out and could boost of having a lean hard body not very muscular but just enough to see the outlines of chocolate abs. But no one was ever going to see them.  


While he was busy sulking and thinking of an excuse to get out of this trip, heechul came sashaying towards him “Hey why so glum?” seeing the look that kyu was giving, realisation dawned upon him “oh, right. You won’t remove you clothes and let us see the breathtaking beauty that your body is.” Kyu rolled his eyes “Hyung, stop this. I am just not in the mood to bake myself like some cake in a hot oven”.


“You know that the hot and closed atmosphere in sauna is perfect and can be used to make people do things, things they wouldn’t feel very receptive to, under normal conditions.” he walked away from kyu winking at him. “Think about it. And then decide, if you want to come or not.”


Kyu stared at the pink blur who had managed to knock the living wind out of him. His mind was filled with dread; he had never disclosed his plans of getting a confession out of siwon to anyone. Then how did the living embodiment of Lucifer get whiff of his agenda. He knew that he had to work fast or else his senior in evil ways would find a way to put the spanner into his plans, just for his entertainment. “Kyuhyun, you are coming, right?”


Kyu was forced to reality by the wookmin couple, who were using all the aegyo power they had on him. The combined force of two sets of puppy eyes melted the defiant heart of kyu. “Alright, alright I am coming. Sheesh, you guys. You should not be allowed to do that thing on people” he waved his hand at their eyes, earning giggles from the couple.


The group finally reached the sauna and soon like a twister all the members ran inside without a second glance at the receptionist, who was trying to get the admittance fee from them. The only ones who were standing by the entrance were kyu and siwon. Kyu, because he still had to draw all his willpower to compel his stubborn legs to walk into the sauna and overcome his fear of semi- and siwon, who had apparently seen what he swore to be a painting of the last supper, which in reality was a bunch of dots and lines claiming to be abstract art. Nevertheless siwon was handed down the responsibility of paying the fees for all the 13 members.


They entered inside and found all the members in the common area; they had changed and were playing rock paper scissors to see who gets to eat the boiled eggs first. “Seriously guys, did you come all the way down here to stuff your face with more food?” kyu said walking towards them and squeezing himself between sungmin and shindong.


Siwon entered with a dark look on his face “I can’t believe that you guys left me with the bill once again”. Laughing at the pouting look siwon was giving, “Well you are our piggy bank and it serves you right.” Heechul said and pulled siwon by his hand to sit beside him. “And besides, weren’t you trying to locate god or some of his messages in the paintings in the hallway?” “You will say that god is there in these eggs, but for me they are just plain eggs”, and proceeded to pop one in his mouth.


“What you are eating hyung, is symbol of life and all life is the gift of god”. Everyone groaned at this and the members cleared from the area like school of fishes escaping from a shark. “Wow, they ran away in less than 5 seconds, this has got to be a new record. Siwon is progressing well as human repellent with his god speeches” kyu murmured.


“What did you say?”


“Nothing. You better hurry if you want to catch up with them.” Siwon walked in the direction of the runaway members with kyu proceeding to a different area, where they had different gadgets for massages.


Kyu was having a blissful time at the massaging chair, when he decided that he was not running away from overcoming his fear. He was kyuhyun, damnit! the boy genius of super junior, he can’t let such a trivial thing in his way. He changed and went to find s. H found the members huddled together in a hot steam room. He was welcomed by the sight of sweating, half men that would have been straight out of any fangirl’s wet dreams.


“Hey kyu you came.” Leeteuk saw that kyu had come to sauna like he was going on an expedition in the artic. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and a towel that he had ingeniously managed to mimic as a coat covering his upper body, if that was not enough, his head was also covered with a hand towel. “Hey maknae, you feeling cold?” Kangin’s statement invoked laughter from all the members. Stifling his laughter, leeteuk said to kyu to try out a more private sauna, so that he doesn’t get sick sitting here with a fully covered body. Kyu felt that it would be a more appropriate place and goes to a private sauna, bumping into siwon on the way there.


Fanning himself from the heat in the sauna and from seeing siwon looking so inviting, he decided to finally rid of the unwanted covering and enjoy the sauna. It was while attempting to remove the makeshift coat; it got tangled around his ear. Kyu looked like a headless chicken, while dancing around in an attempt to remove the towel. Sensing footsteps outside the room he appealed for help. With his sense of vision lost, he could make out faint sounds of something entering the room and coming towards him. He could feel someone was in front of him from the heat the body was emanating. Soon a pair of hands joined his and the towel was removed quite easily. After the blackout when kyu opened his eyes he was welcomed with a sight of his saviour, his sweaty, topless prince charming – Siwon.


He then swiftly pushed siwon against the wall while placing both his hands on his either side, making sure that he would not run away. It was foolish to imagine that a muscular siwon was being pined to a wall by a smaller and leaner kyu. Aware of the humorous scene they were projecting, kyu desperately hoped that the older doesn’t think of resisting.


Siwon was not sure what the reason for his mild subjugation was. Was he shocked at the younger’s actions or was the heat finally getting to him, making his reflexs go lax. A small voice in the back of his head, reasoned that it was probably the y thing pinning him down, that made his common sense fly out the window, a voice that was immediately clamed down. “Wonnie is it that hot in here that you are sweating puddles?” kyu asked slightly dapping siwon’s brow with his towel. Siwon was still staring at kyu and managed to let his eyes travel on his torso. Kyu’s pale torso was covered in a film of perspiration and gleaned in the dim lighting of the sauna. His eyes roamed all over his chest to his narrow waist and below. But fortunately or unfortunately a towel restricted access to his increasing voyeuristic eyes. It was the fist time that siwon desperately wanted to hold down kyu on the sauna floor and the perspiration off his abs. He swallowed hard so that the saliva that had accumulated while he was drooling would not come out and betray his inner most intentions.


Seeing siwon’s adam apple bobbing, kyu leaned forward and in his most husky voice said “Like what you see? Everything you see can be yours and much more, if only you say what I wish to hear.” Siwon was almost on the verge of succumbing to kyu’s wishes when, a yell was head and in came the eunhae couple crashing through the door.  The shrill combined yell of eunhae combined with the door dashing to the wall, immediately made kyu fall back from siwon, who stood, supporting himself on the wall. Both of them looked puzzlingly at the entrance staged by the duo. The reason became plain as water, when a wet, angry looking kangin entered the room, once again banging the door, till it hit hard on the wall. Siwon and kyuhyun were used as shield by the duo to protect themselves from kangin on whom they had thrown a bottle of cold drink when they were in the hot baths. Leeteuk soon arrived to pacify the enraged kangin, who resembled a bull about to charge with steam coming out of his nose. This statement made by donghae got him a painful whack on the head by sungmin who had come with leeteuk to act as a shield to protect the foolish duo.  Soon all the excitement died down and leeteuk took away eunhae pulling by their ears making sure they apologised to kangin properly with sungmin still maintaining a distance between the two.


Siwon, who was feeling a little light in the end with all the events that had taken place, decided that it would be best to keep some distance from kyu, at least when he is looking so hot both literally and figuratively. When he was about to walk towards the door, he felt kyu’s hand slid something in his. He opened his hand to see his lost crucifix on his palm. He looked at kyu in confusion. Sensing that siwon was slow in putting two and two together, he explained. “You were looking for your crucifix when you came to help me right?” siwon nodded like a student in full concentration, who was listening to his teacher explain. “I had taken it off you, when I bumped into you while exiting the sauna. I knew you would come searching for it, since this part has been reserved for us; you were bound to come here sooner or later. All I had to do was pretend to need help, I knew your bleeding heart would respond to my heart felt pleas” kyu said dramatically with his fist near siwon’s chest.


Siwon instantly swatted kyu’s hand and ran away from the room with a look of awe and horror. He could not comprehend how he could get fooled by the kid three times in a row. His experience gave a new meaning to the saying, ‘Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.’ It needed addition, ‘Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.’ But fool me thrice, certify me as an idiot’. That sounded more like something that described siwon. Calming his nerves and wishing away the mental images of top less kyu, siwon ran helter skelter looking for a cross, or a bible, anything to alleviate the sinful thoughts he had about kyu. The thoughts of what he might have done to him, if eunhae had not barged in scaring him. Kyu started laughing seeing siwon panic induce running. He knew that his plan was not successful, but he had come closer to his desired goal. A small push was all that was needed to send siwon tumbling into his arms. And next time he would be certain to finish the job he started.




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richan24 #1
Chapter 3: just keep on trying kyu!siwon will finally falls on your trap later on.Aza!
montselech #2
Chapter 7: Awwww Kyuuuu~~~
I want more pretty please, ne?
Good job. I like it.
Chapter 7: enf already? Awww:( but it ends beautifully :') thought that kyu alrd give up on his effort to make siwon confess.. Turn out that he was doing the sweetes confession everrt
Chapter 6: So wonnie's confession is just kyunni's dream??? XD
heartbabykyu #5
Chapter 6: LOL!! I have never been trolled so bad be4!

But does this mean kyu is aborting this mission?
Beniikyuwon #6
Paradise trolled us lol
Beniikyuwon #7
Chapter 6: I miss this u.u hope you feel inspiration to continue this soon.
rottensmiles1013 #8
Chapter 6: omggggggg im your new fan!!!!
Chapter 6: Poor Kyu must've been very disappointed! I really thought they finally came around >_<
Wonder what will happen when they'll meet again! They must be missing each other!