Up in the air

Mission Confession


“Thank you very much hyung”


“I am so excited”


“Oh My God!!! I can’t believe it, we are going to Spain”


“Not Spain Hyung, its España. Haha”


“Shut up smarty , it is Spain in English”


“Ah, I am so happy that henry and Zhou mi can also join us”


Leetuk had just broken the news to the members that they were going to Spain for a short vacation to celebrate the success of their new album. And the great thing was that the whole super junior was uniting after a long time, all 15 of them.


On the plane, there was feverish planning taking place on the activities that they would do once they reach Spain. Seeing the huge number of members of the group, it was difficult to reach a consensus. There were many suggestions that included; bull fighting which was rejected by eunhae and wookmin who did not want to see any bloodshed, siwon’s suggestion of going to Camino de Santiago a pilgrimage to St James Cathedral was vetoed by everyone much to his dismay. Kangin suggested canoeing, which was very passionately opposed by siwon, the reason a mystery to everyone. Sky diving, skiing and shopping a suggestion from Zhou mi was rejected in the favor of Hot air balloon ride in Igualada, Catalonia at European Balloon Festival.


The European Balloon festival attracted a lot of crowd from across the world, the boys were very excited to meet people from various countries and interact with them. When they reached the place of the launch, leetuk faced with the prospect of controlling 14, twenty something kids on a sugar rush. He knew this was going to be tiring from the beginning itself; but how could he complain on seeing the joyous faces of his kids. It had been a long time since he had seen them so happy. So he went running to gather the boys and have them partnered up so that they won’t get lost alone, in a foreign place.


After everyone had their fill of running around, leetuk managed to get as many members as he could together, to go for the hot air balloon ride. The eunhae and wookmin couple were very excited to ride first and leetuk was forced to join them keeping siwon and kyu waiting below. As the only members who were near the launch area, kyu turned towards siwon “Why don’t we go for a ride too. It seems a waste to just stand here waiting for them.”


“I guess you are right, I can’t see anyone here anyways. Let’s go.”


They went on the ride, siwon having the company of kyuhyun and kyuhyun having siwon. It was perfect. As the balloon kept ascending, siwon and kyuhyun were mesmerized by the view they saw in front of them. The sky was a clear blue, without a cloud in sight. There were balloons floating in the deep blue sky background having different colors and patterns. The ground below was also breathtaking. The lush green pastures of the launch area looked like beautiful dotted with few deflated balloons waiting to be filled with air and ready to launch. There were some white cottages at a distance that looked like popup buildings in story books; so surreal. “It’s beautiful wonnie, isn’t?” siwon was busy looking at kyu, who looked every bit as beautiful as the scenery in front of him, replied “Yes, it’s beautiful kyu; very beautiful.”


“Say wonnie, what is your favorite song from our album?”


“From the latest one or the most favorite from any album?”


“Any one, be it from SJ-M, happy or trot”


“I guess it will be A-oh from breakdown, what about you?”


“Mine, I guess it has to be Confession from super girl.”


Siwon became pale when he realized where this conversation was heading. Siwon backed up from kyu who was now slowly creeping towards siwon making him backup in a corner of the basket. Siwon suddenly felt cornered and helpless 25,000 feet above ground. Siwon began sweating at the prospect that he had no way of getting out of the situation he was in. What he could not comprehend was how kyu had managed to pull this plan off. As far as he could remember, hot air balloon ride was leetuk’s idea and he was not the one to be easily manipulated. Then how did kyu manage to bring him alone on the trip. “What are you thinking so hard about won? Aha!!!!How did I manage to persuade leetuk hyung and get you all by myself? Isn’t that right?”


“Well it was quite easy you see hyung still has that hangover where he thinks that he is an angel without wings. All I had to do was put the idea of flying in his head. He was quite afraid to try sky diving, so I suggested the second best thing of hot air balloon ride. He couldn’t refuse the chance of sharing his flight without wings with s, so he readily agreed to it. Now all I had to do was find a way to keep the other members occupied so that no more than five members were with us when it was time for the ride. Keeping them busy was easy, all I had to do was find a group of elfs that were more than happy to keep the members occupied for our solitary flight. So what do you think of my plan?”


Siwon was torn between saluting the pure genius of the guy in front of him and contemplating jumping from the balloon. He knew that was not an option, since he was sure to die if he jumped from such a great height. He didn’t know what to do. Sensing the dilemma he was in kyu moved forward and whispered in his ear “This is no lake that you can swim across from. You can’t run from me anymore siwonnie.” Siwon took a deep breath from the shivers that ran down his spine due to kyu’s breathy voice. He was barely able to hold himself back when suddenly…


“Did anyone see my ddangkoma, I can’t find him anywhere” said a harried looking yesung from below the basket. Both siwon and kyuhyun were surprised to find their hyung there. Kyu quickly removed himself away from siwon and was staring in disbelief at yesung who was crouching and searching for something. Siwon was the first to break from his shock and went near yesung kneeling down asked “What is it that you are searching for hyung?”


“I can’t find ddangkoma anywhere siwon”. Cried yesung “I am worried for him.”


Taking yesung in his arms to console him, swion said “Didn’t you leave ddangkoma in yuhno hyung’s care back in Korea?”


“OH, you are right” Yesung said returning to normal. “I guess I forgot all about that, thank you for reminding me.”  


Kyu who was watching this drama unfold from a distance said “But how did you manage to get on this balloon?”


“I don’t know. I must have come inside searching for ddangkoma. You know how he loves hiding. The balloon was turtle shaped, so I thought….. ”


Kyu face palmed himself at the sheer stupidity of his hyung. He was angry at the loss of such an opportunity. He knew that he won’t come across such a lucky chance of getting siwon to himself once again; but with such a brain as his, he does not need fate to be on his side.



Wae only two comments. Doesn't anyone like my writing? IF i , tell me. I am willing to improve.

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richan24 #1
Chapter 3: just keep on trying kyu!siwon will finally falls on your trap later on.Aza!
montselech #2
Chapter 7: Awwww Kyuuuu~~~
I want more pretty please, ne?
Good job. I like it.
Chapter 7: enf already? Awww:( but it ends beautifully :') thought that kyu alrd give up on his effort to make siwon confess.. Turn out that he was doing the sweetes confession everrt
Chapter 6: So wonnie's confession is just kyunni's dream??? XD
heartbabykyu #5
Chapter 6: LOL!! I have never been trolled so bad be4!

But does this mean kyu is aborting this mission?
Beniikyuwon #6
Paradise trolled us lol
Beniikyuwon #7
Chapter 6: I miss this u.u hope you feel inspiration to continue this soon.
rottensmiles1013 #8
Chapter 6: omggggggg im your new fan!!!!
Chapter 6: Poor Kyu must've been very disappointed! I really thought they finally came around >_<
Wonder what will happen when they'll meet again! They must be missing each other!