


We were high school sweetheart. Everyone was shocked to hear that we got together but we didn't care. Well, at least he didn't. She on the other hand, was cautious of what others would say about her. Because she was just a normal girl that no one really cares about. Whereas him, he was a popular guy who have a great voice.  
Her friends did warned her about him. They said he is not the one for her. She knew it herself but what can she do as she had fallen for him. 
People asked what they like about each other. Looks? Personality? She couldn't bring herself to answer that question. Neither did he. For her, she was certain that when they are together, she felt butterflies fluttered in her stomach. 
Later, she began to notice that her boyfriend loved to chat with other girls. At first she thought it was okay since they are her friends too. No doubt she was jealous of their conversation. Even though they are harmless, she is saddened by the fact that her boyfriend will just flirt with other girls while they are dating. 
During their senior year, he was offered a contract to train as an idol with a famous entertainment company. She encouraged him to accept the offer as it was his dream. He was excited but he didn't notice what she was feeling. Until one night when they are having their midnight conversation on the phone. She cried, asking him to stay which rendered him speechless. 
The next day in school, during lunch break, she overheard his friends asking him how was his preparation to move to another school as it was closer and more convenient for him to travel to and fro from the company. Her friends and her was sitting a table next to his. He was worried about her from their conversation, he noticed that her eyes were swollen indicating that she probably cried herself to sleep that night. He kept glancing at her hopping to catch her attention and face her alone, but she avoided him for the rest of the day. 
He had finally left their school. He was getting busy as a trainer and she was busy for her finals. Nevertheless, when he decided to accept the offer she knew that it was going to bring them further apart. Their phone calls are getting less. Their conversations are basically hello and what are you doing. I love you became just another meaningless phrase. 
She had decided to let go of him. Because they were a lot of rumors that he was courting a girl from the company. She dare not asked too much as she was afraid that he had found someone better. 
When she asked for a break up, he didn't even protest. 
Every now and then, he would suddenly contact her and asked how is she. Sometimes, she would give a cold reply and the other time, she found herself waiting for his replies to their conversation. 
He was her first love. He had a part of her heart that she gave out when they first said I love you. She loved the fact that he used to wait for her to be dismissed from class, walk alongside from her and help her carried the heavy books. She loved their midnight phone calls to each other, chatting about how the day went and how they missed each other.
It was part of the memories that she will never want to forget. She maybe just another girl for him. He will never know how important he was to her. 
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Sammy15 #1
Chapter 4: My fingers and toes were curling while reading your chapters~ Gosh I felt so fluffy all over xD
T-O-P-oppa #2
Chapter 3: Love love LOVE! Update soon!^^
Chapter 2: Update often! The idea is good !
duviet #4
Chapter 1: Cool story hope u'll update more soon <3
Chapter 1: Omygawsh this is really good! The end of the chapter was nice ^^