Chapter #4

7 Days to Kill

Hyorin examines the things in front of her. She folds her arms together on her chest, her eyes focus hard on the thing as if it's outspace thing. To be correct, outspace soup.

She just finished make the soup, but it's not easy like she thinks. It's not a soup.. it's more like.. eggs plus hot waters. Hyorin heaves a sigh. *But who cares? He wants soup, so that's what I made. I didn't come here to be his real maid.* Hyorin thought careless.

She puts the bowl and a spoon on a tray, she left the kitchen and walks to Kyuhyun's room.

As she arrives at the end of the top stairs, she directly confronted with some doors. *Ah, fool! I haven't know all the room here* Hyorin dares herself to try her luck, she knocks the left room. "Excuse me, Kyuhy-"

Hyorin quickly shut his mouth *Crap! It's not him! But... he is quite hot. *

"Excuse me?" The man snaps Hyorin sense. 

"A-Ah. Yes? I'm sorry. Wrong room." Hyorin about to turn back but it was too fast. The tray almost drops, but a hand help it. Hyorin looked up to see the hand owner. "...Kyuhyun-ssi"

Hyorin feels embrassed, she quickly straighten her body. She didn't know wheter she has to say sorry or thank you. So, she just stand still beside him.

"Who is she?" The previous man asks.

"It's okay, Donghae hyung. She is my new personal maid, I'll take care from here." Kyuhyun makes sign to Hyorin follows him to the opposite room, which is on right. "Come on, I'm hungry."




This story is going so late and I just updated a short chapter, it's because my parents already went home.

So, I have to turn off the computer :(

But, I hope you still love this story, okay ? ^_^

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missJ_panda #1
Chapter 5: please update authornim~~~
fridhowati #2
Chapter 5: Update please
Xane94 #3
Chapter 5: please update this story ><
Xane94 #4
Chapter 4: this part is great :D
Chapter 5: can u make dongrin moment actually I kinda ship them too hehe
Chapter 4: update I good part is near I can feel it in my bone hehe:)
Chapter 3: idk but if 7 day to kill is this fiction going to brme short since it seem hyorin need to complete her mission in a week
Chapter 2: oh...I cant wait for their meeting...update soon
Chapter 2: Um.. I don't get the poison pill in chapter 1.. lol, so can you explain it please? (: