Increasingly Alive

the grid


Yongguk found stacks of albums and CDs that he hadn't listened to since he was just a pre-teen. Yongguk particularly liked playing music he and Junhong could dance to, simply because he loved to see Junhong giggle and smile so much.

Zinger's voice was becoming more active as Junhong worked on her CPU little by little. Speaking was mostly her choice, so even if Junhong managed to have her voice active, she didn't absolutely have to speak if she didn't want to. Junhong thought her voice was so Yongguktiful though, why wouldn't she want to hear it?

But the empyreals had no left the town yet, which was troubling because Yongguk was constantly grumpy when they were around, and since they went out in public frequently, Junhong was squeamish when the officers stared at him, and Yongguk was constantly having to create some sort of diversion to keep the officers away. While Yongguk hadn't heard of anything on the officers taking a robot yet, he didn't want to rick losing Junhong, or any of his bots for that matter.

“Master.” Junhong squeaked after a few empyreals walked past the candy shop, eying everything in it before starting down the square. “When are they going to leave?”

“I don't know.” Yongguk sighed. “They should have been gone already.”

“The rogues, are they still within the town?” Junhong said quietly. Yongguk searched his mind. If the empyreals had some suspicion of the rogues being in the town, they should have put the town on lock down or something. As traveling was already regulated, they would have no problem stopping others from traveling until the rogues were caught. Sealing the gates should have been no problem for the government.

Junhong poked Yongguk's shoulder. “Am I asking too many questions? I'm sorry if I am....”

“No, no.” Yongguk replied quickly. “I don't know if the rogues are even here. I haven't heard anything of the other towns having empyreals walking around. Just ours. But maybe they're just being really thorough.” Yongguk said, although he knew that was a complete lie. Then a thought hit him. “So that means they have no idea where the rogues really are! What the hell?” Yongguk shouted. He threw his hand over his mouth quickly as the others in the store stared at him. “Don't say that word, Junhong. That's not a good word.”

Junhong nodded. “Yes, master. But are you worried about the empyreals?”

“A bit.” Junhong leaned his head on Yongguk's arm, since he couldn't reach Yongguk's shoulder. “They will be gone soon. I'm sure of it." He said with confidence. Yongguk ran his fingers through Junhong's soft and feathery hair.

“C'mon, Junhong. Let's get that candy you wanted.”


Junhong ran around the store without much thought for other people. He picked up packages of chocolate covered marshmallows, rainbow lollipops, gumballs the size of golf balls, jawbreakers, licorice whips, peanut clusters, caramel chews, and two candied apples. Junhong walked to Yongguk with a nonchalant smile on his face, and handed him a candied apple.

“Oh, Junhong. They're for you.” Yongguk denied the sweets. “It's all right.”

“Don't you want it?” Junhong looked confused, furrowing his brow.

“Do you want me to have it?” Yongguk said. He thought the whole reason he was buying Junhong all the candy was because Junhong wanted them, not for others. Junhong nodded quickly, pushing the candied apple towards Yongguk again. “Really? O-oh, thank you then.” Yongguk took the candied apple in his thumb and forefinger, taking a small bite of the tender, juicy apple. The taste filled his entire mouth, and the caramel stuck to his teeth like glue. He laughed, and wiped away juice that trickled down his chin.

“You're a messy eater, master.” Junhong giggled.

“I know, I know.” Yongguk looked away in embarrassment as he the caramel away from his teeth. “Would you like to visit Tia?” Junhong pursed his lips in deep thought, and Yongguk stared and smiled without shame. Yongguk threw his hands over his mouth after he cooed ever-so-quietly, and he tried to hide the undertones of a rosy pink blush on his cheeks. Junhong recognized the coo to show that somebody was doing something cute. Hyosung did it plenty of times when Yongguk would kiss Junhong's cheek, or sometimes hold his hand.

“Did I do something cute, master?” Junhong asked, sounding out the word, “cute,” so he made sure he got it right. Yongguk nodded, his cheeks returning to his normal shade of skin tone. He pulled his hands away from his face when he was sure his cheeks weren't flushed.

After paying for the bag of candy that Junhong allowed his master to look at this time, they started down the sidewalk towards the coffee shop. The town was quiet, and a little boring, so they figured just a little visit to Tia, and then a walk back home would be nice. The girls didn't want to go out in public, for fear that they would be taken by the empyreals. Yongguk didn't even want to be in public, but they would, and then Yongguk would hack more before he shut down his system until the empyreals left.

Junhong was getting used to his master doing things out of the blue because the officers were still in town. Yongguk would snake his arm around Junhong's hips, or sometimes kiss his cheek, or hold him close to ward off suspicion. From what, Junhong wasn't sure. The feeling of random touches from his master was seemingly normal.

Yongguk's fingers laced with Junhong's, and a spreading warmth surrounded Junhong's soft fingers. He looked at their fingers locked together. He smiled, and without realizing it, searched for empyreals. There had to have been one around for Yongguk to do this.

But there were none. No empyreals were parading down the streets with their loud marching, and piercing gazes. Junhong peered at his master, realizing that his master's cheeks were flushed. Hyosung explained to Junhong that the cheeks flushing was a sign of embarrassment or anxiety. Was Yongguk nervous to hold Junhong's hand? Why?

Junhong gave a small squeeze to Yongguk's warm fingers, and Yongguk's grip tightened comfortably around Junhong's, as if he had just received approval from Junhong. The corners of Yongguk's lips tugged into a weak smile. Junhong watched as he saw that his master was honestly nervous to hold his hand, and it was cute.


Yongguk typed quietly as the girls snoozed quietly in Junhong's bedroom. They had taken a new found fondness to his bedroom, which was good because sometimes Yongguk needed his room for himself (although he didn't mind when Junhong walked in.)

Sometimes Yongguk hated using Junhong for hacking. His eyes were an unnatural shade of gray that Yongguk didn't like at all. Junhong just seemed so robotic, honestly. He loved the Junhong that was sensitive, and kind, and sweet, not the silent, dark eyed robot.

So Yongguk quickly finished typing the encrypted source codes he was creating for a few friends in another town before he hit send.

The screen flashed white, and that was enough to spark Yongguk's interest. Flashing screens usually weren't a good sign. Yongguk tapped the keyboard gently, although what he was typing was a complex code that would allow him to see if there was something going on within the computer. The screen flashed again. In the corner of the page formed a paper clip. It blinked repeatedly. Somebody was trying to get into Yongguk's server.

“We'll see about that.” Yongguk laughed to himself. He cracked his fingers, and began to type vigorously into his computer. Files over files opened as the hacker tried to cover their tracks. Pictures, music, screenshots, all opened at once to slow Yongguk down. But Yongguk was smarter than that. In less than a second he had shut down all the files from opening with the flick of his wrist.

The screen went black.

“What the hell?” Yongguk shoved his keyboard away, standing up with anger. The screen flashed again, and a text box appeared on the screen.


While running his hands through his hair, Yongguk desperately tried to figure out how to counterattack the hack. If he didn't—

“Oh, .” Yongguk said loudly. The screen flashed red, and another text box appeared.


Yongguk reached behind Junhong, hastily pulling the USB out from his back. Yongguk waited a few seconds... and he waited... and waited.

“Junhong.” Yongguk touched his bot's face. “Junhong, say something.”

There was no response. Junhong's eyes had slid shut, so the eerie gray eyes no long leered back. Yongguk began to hyperventilate. “No, no, no, Junhong. Please, wake up.” He pushed the bot's hair away from his face. “Please!” Yongguk felt his heart speed up, he couldn't catch his breath. Junhong couldn't have been cleaned so fast. He was a complex bot, and they couldn't have gotten to his server so quickly, whoever the hacker was.

“Master?” Junhong's voice broke through Yongguk's mental breakdown. His master was grasping at his chest, hyperventilating. “Are you okay?” Junhong pushed himself off of the desk, and stared at Yongguk with worry filled eyes.

“Junhong, you're okay!” Yongguk said, throwing his arms around Junhong's shoulders. “You're okay, you're okay.”

“Um, master?” Junhong squeaked. Yongguk was mumbling things, but whether it was to himself or Junhong, he couldn't tell.

“You weren't reacting. I was so worried.” Yongguk pulled away, brushing Junhong's hair away from his face. “But you're okay.”

“Oh....” Junhong said. “T-thank you for caring, master.” He stuttered. He never thought Yongguk would worry so much for his well-being, especially since Junhong was just a robot.
Yongguk peeked at his computer. A bright, blood red colored screen waited for him. In the upper left corner, a text box blinked. As soon as Yongguk turned to the screen, it began to move, words filling the screen.

Should we introduce ourselves?” The text box filled with the sentence. “Since I attacked your computer just now? No hard feelings or anything. I just had to get your attention.

Get off of my server.” Yongguk typed back quickly. Junhong leaned over his shoulder, staring intently at the screen. “Get off my server right now.

Who are you to order me around?

Well, who are you to hack into my server? I never did anything.

The text box blinked for quite some time before the stranger bothered to reply. They typed a few times before deleting the entire sentence. Then the stranger typed the entire sentence. “I think I'm Yoo Youngjae, is who I am.- Now, are you alone?

Yongguk swallowed harshly. There was a ball forming in the back of his throat. This couldn't have been Youngjae talking to him. Youngjae was a criminal in hiding, wasn't he? He was afraid of being caught by the government, and only an idiot would tell somebody they were a wanted criminal just seconds after meeting them. But Youngjae knew Yongguk's name, so he must have had some reason to talk to him.

"I said, are you alone?" The sentence on the screen blinked twice. Yongguk tapped the keyboard on the desk a few times. Who was this hacker?


"Good. That's some computer you got there, kid."

"How stupid do you think I am? You're not Youngjae."

"You're stupid enough to use your computer while there are criminals and rogue robots on the run, after they warned you not to."

Junhong held onto Yongguk's shoulder tightly, barely breathing as he read the messages. They were talking to a criminal, somebody on the run. Youngjae was wanted. Not only could he hurt Yongguk and the others, but Yongguk could be arrested for associating with an escaped criminal. But Junhong would never let anybody hurt his master, no matter who it was.

“Don't call me kid. I have a name.And you don't need to know it.”

“I already know it, and more, Yongguk. Whatever you thought you could hide from me, you can't.”

The room suddenly got ridiculously cold, and chills ran down his spine. How did such a strange hacker know his name? And was he really Youngjae?

“So you know my real name. Big deal!”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Lying on the first date? I'm disappointed.”

“What do you want, 'Youngjae'? Cut to the chase. I have better things to do than speak to somebody like you.”

“I have no choice but to ask you, Yongguk. I need something from you. A favor. I can award you greatly if you help me.”

“No way! I'm not working with, or for a criminal.”

“It's a small favor. Please.”

“And stop saying my name. You don't know me. You only hacked me because I was on the servers.”

“I just need you to send a file to an IP address. That's all. Can you do that? I'm sure you can.”

“I'm turning this off, this conversation is over. Find someone else to find your dirty work."

The text box almost disappeared before one last sentence was typed.

Very well. You're probably useless anyways. Farewell, Bang Yongguk. But since I still have you here, one last thought; don't be surprised if the government officials are knocking at your door tomorrow, since I said you and, and mine in the same conversation. They do have ways to look for me, you know. I could get rid of this script. But since you're leaving... I bid you adieu.

Yongguk watched as the red screen closed and returned to normal. He heaved a mixed sigh of relief and worry, while Junhong twiddled his fingers on the couch. Yongguk sat down next to him, leaning his head against the back of the couch. Whatever just happened hadn't been processed in his mind. Yongguk had just spoken with the dangerous, lethal armed criminal, Yoo Youngjae, yet he didn't seem like a lethal criminal. They never do.

Yongguk pressed Junhong's head against his chest, and through silent breaths, Junhong drew a heart on Yongguk's chest again. Then Junhong dozed off, leaving Yongguk in a puddle of problems and silent arguments within his own mind.


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Chapter 12: will you update? :(
Chapter 12: Awwwwwwww congradulations! That is very exciting!

Oooooooooooo was this chapter very exciting even if it was short! I can't wait to read when Yongguk and Zelo meet Youngjae! I'm very excited for that part. I am also hoping that Youngjae can help them out. I like that Yongguk wants to help out Tia since it hurts Junhong so much! So sweet. I really enjoyed this again.
Chapter 11: I really loved this chapter. Yongguk is so cute with Junhong here. and their interrupted kiss made me groan! Oh and I thought we'd get a good kiss this chapter. I'm not too upset without a real kiss since all the other little kisses Yongguk keeps giving to Junhong are so sweet and I am enjoying those. All the stuff happening with Youngjae is quite interesting and I am very curious to see how it will turn out. I really, really, really enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for the update.
SedBau #4
Chapter 12: Gkihvbk you guys are such a cute couple ^-^ And I really love your storie, one of my favorites actually.
Chapter 12: Omg congrats! You guys look so cute in the picture! I wish the best for you two! ^^
Chapter 12: wow that's so cool! i'm happy for you haha if that doesn't sound weird. you two look great in that pic ^^
i'm looking forward to the next chapter too (:
Chapter 12: Congratulations :D
Chapter 12: Omg I am so happy for you!! You look so happy together :D (I am also very excited over the meeting with Youngjae)
lolcatsandstuff #9
Chapter 12: Congratulations! You two seem like a cute couple and I hope all the best for you! ^^