Increasingly Alive

Something About Us


“The Magnet Game?” Junhong said while his master lifted Junhong's hands up in front of him. Then he just barely pulled his hands away from Junhong's.

“Yeah. Y'know how a magnet has two sides to it, and when you try to push the negative sides together, they repel?” Yongguk whispered slightly as his fingers just barely trailed over his soft skin. “Well, that's what this game is. We try to get as close as possible without -hic- touching.” Junhong nodded gently, while Yongguk's hands made the gesture as though to cup his chin. “Wanna play?” He said against Junhong's skin.

“I-if you want to, master.” Junhong stuttered. Yongguk smiled.


Yongguk's hands were already “traveling” down Junhong's sides, a ghosting feeling dragging across Junhong's shirt. Junhong, unsure of how to play at first, hovered his fingers over Yongguk's cheeks. Junhong longed for his master's touching, even just an embrace. It was like Yongguk wasn't even there in front of him, Junhong thought, and he didn't like that feeling.

Yongguk leaned close, and his lips were just barely grazing over Junhong's cheeks. His hot breaths lingered upon Junhong's skin, while his master's breath hitched in his throat. Whatever hiccups he had had suddenly disappeared. It was only him and Junhong sitting together. He didn't know if Hyosung, Jieun, and Zinger were watching. He really didn't care either.

Yongguk let out an impatient breath before he placed his hands on Junhong's waist. Junhong squeaked and giggled.

“You lost, master.” Junhong laughed. Yongguk's lips were near Junhong's.

“I don't care.”

Junhong's hands locked together behind his master's neck, and Yongguk pulled Junhong onto his lap. Junhong squeaked again, his breath hitching then becoming faster, more erratic as Yongguk leaned closer. He had never kissed his master on the lips as he had seen Himchan do. What would it be like?

Yongguk was ready to lock his lips together with Junhong's, to make them fit each other like two puzzle pieces. His bottom lip grazed Junhong's, and Junhong gasped quietly. Yongguk took it as a sign to slow down, so instead, he trailed soft kisses along Junhong's cheek. Junhong didn't gasp when Yongguk kissed the corner of his lips. Yongguk's hands rubbed circles around Junhong's sides to coax him into the kiss.

Just as Yongguk's lips leaned closer to touch Junhong's, their hot breaths the only thing between them, there was a loud ding from the computer. Junhong jumped at the sound, and Yongguk sighed heavily, almost in anger, but not before he kissed Junhong's cheek ever-so gently. Junhong felt something in his core tingle when they were close, almost like there was something fluttering in his stomach, as ridiculous as it seemed.

“Really?” Yongguk said, pushing himself off of the floor to walk to his computer. Whatever alcohol that was in his bloodstream had been washed away easily, either by lust or by sudden disappointment. Whatever the reason, Yongguk was sober, and had a slight back ache from when he rolled off the couch. Being drunk had its repercussions, he guessed. That was just what he got for being stupid.

When Yongguk sat down, he was greeted by another red screen. He was getting so sick of Youngjae's little chatting sessions. How could a criminal be so calm about speaking with someone?

Hello again, stranger.” Youngjae said first.

Yongguk responded with a loud huff. He had no right to hack into his computer, especially when Yongguk's system was idle. Just because Youngjae could hack with his bot, didn't mean he should.

You're ruining my life.” The sentence seemed a bit overdramatic, but Yongguk didn't care. It's what he was feeling at the time.

Oh, quit your whining. I haven't done anything but say hello.

At the worst times ever. Shouldn't you be on the run or something?

Or something. I found a good hiding spot. They'll never find me, unless you choose to out me. But you wouldn't do that, would you? You wouldn't risk your bots, would you?

I'm thinking about outing you! But... I wouldn't do that to my bots.

Are you done throwing a fit?

Yongguk shoved his keyboard away, almost ending the conversation right then and there. But he couldn't do that. Youngjae could wreck his computer for leaving.

I am not five.” Yongguk's response said.

Then stop acting like it.
Are you ready to do a favor for me? If you're worried about the government finding out,
they won't.
They won't know you're the one who sent it.
I really need this, Yongguk. They may have you convinced
that I'm the bad guy here, but I'm

Again, Yongguk pushed the keyboard away. Does Youngjae assume that Yongguk can't think for himself? Does he think that Yongguk believes everything the government says? Of course he doesn't! But Squadron ST was destroyed because of Youngjae, and that much was true. Yongguk tried to crack his neck, but failed, and a pain shot through his neck halfway down his spine. Junhong heard his master groan, and he pulled up a chair, sitting behind Yongguk at the computer screen. He placed his hands on the back of his master's neck.

“May I, master?” asked Junhong. Yongguk nodded, although he told him he didn't have to do it either. Then Junhong pressed his thumbs into Yongguk's tense muscles, rolling the tender flesh under his fingers. Yongguk sighed softly before he continued to speak to Youngjae.

So what are you, Youngjae? Are you this
murderer that the government says you are,
or is the government just
playing you?

I knew you would be hard
to convince.
Listen up. I'll tell you my story after you send these codes.
Please just do it.
For me

I hardly know you! All I know
is that you're some
lethal, armed, and extremely dangerous criminal,
who is the only one that
believes he is innocent

Yongguk paused, letting out a breath of relief as Junhong continued to push his fingers in between pressure points on his neck. Sweet relief rushed through his muscles like adrenaline.

I could go to jail just for speaking to you, Youngjae.

That hasn't stopped you before. You're still talking to me right now,
and you'll keep talking to me until you get
tired of me.

..Give me the stupid codes. I'll email them.
Don't tell me your sob story.
Just give me the addresses and the codes. I'll get it done.
But you can't threaten my bots anymore. Junhong almost lost
everything because of your stupid robot.

Junhong.... Is that your bot's name?

I swear, if you do anything so much as utter his name
to your bot, I will
hunt you down, and kill you

I'm sure you would.
I don't doubt the love you have for your bot.
I respect that.
The codes are coming your way.
The addresses are encrypted in the message. Just
hit the enter key and it'll be sent automatically.
No trace to you, or your precious bot.

Thank you, Yongguk.

Don't thank me.

You don't realize it, but you're saving my life.

Really, it's okay.

Perhaps we'll meet in the future. Until then, Bang Yongguk.
Oh, and I'll erase our conversations now. Adieu.

The red screen disappeared for one last time, and Yongguk heaved a heavy breath of relief. Did he really chat with a criminal everybody thought was dangerous? Apparently. But why was he claiming to be innocent? He was so obviously guilty of the demise of a town that hardly knew his name. Youngjae would be so lucky to be shot on sight when the empyreals find him, instead of tortured slowly, or sent back to prison.

Although the idea was puzzling, Yongguk realized he was almost falling asleep in the chair while Junhong massaged his shoulders. Yongguk was like putty in his bot's hands.

“Oh, Junhong. I apologize. It's so late.” He murmured. “I didn't even think about the time.”

“It's okay, master.” Junhong whispered and nodded. “Would you like me to go to bed?”

“If it's fine with you.” Yongguk said. Junhong nodded again, and Yongguk cupped his chin, kissing Junhong's cheek softly. His lips that were as soft as feathers soothed Junhong. “You too, girls.” Yongguk said past Junhong to Hyosung and Jieun who were sitting on the counter, and Zinger who was babbling away to the teddy bear in her arms. It seemed that now she could talk, she couldn't stop.

The girls groaned, but walked to Yongguk's bedroom, instead of Junhong's. Yongguk embraced Junhong while it still rained outside. It was a bit louder than the other night, and the drops were bigger. Yongguk pecked another kiss on Junhong's nose before sending him off in the direction of his own room.


Junhong couldn't sleep. The window near his bed would flash as lightning did in the background of the city. Thunder crashed like glass shattering on the ground, and the rain smacked against the roof of the apartment. Junhong wasn't used to this kind of weather. He had grown accustomed to the frosty days, windy afternoons, and slightly chilly nights. There hadn't been rain, and Junhong usually fell asleep to the sound of music, but tonight, the rain was louder than the music.

Junhong crept out of his bed, carefully tip-toeing over the wood floor. He was careful to miss the spots on the floor that creaked loudly before he reached his master's door. His hand stretched for the doorknob, but then he remembered what happened the night with Himchan and Yongguk, and he hesitated, pulling his hand away. Should he knock first? That would wake his master up. Then again, Junhong was just going to wake him anyways. So Junhong brought his knuckles down on the hard door. Not even a second later, he heard a reply from Yongguk.

“Come in.”

The door opened swiftly, and Junhong peeked his head into the room. Yongguk laid on his bed, arms behind his head, though he wasn't sleeping in the slightest. He had been awake for the past few hours, picking his brain for something, a hint perhaps, that Youngjae could have given him as to where he was, or what he wanted. What were the codes for? But Yongguk was gladly interrupted by Junhong.

With the blanket only pulled over his stomach, Yongguk loved the low temperatures outside. He always had a feverish body temperature, which was why all the blankets Yongguk owned were silk, and why he hated the summer season. The coolness of the air soothed his warm body.

“Master, I apologize.” Junhong whispered. Yongguk motioned for him to walk in more, and there was another flash of lightning that illuminated Yongguk's face perfectly. Junhong gulped quietly. “I couldn't sleep. The rain, it bothers me. I'm so sorry, but—“

“C'mon.” Yongguk moved his body to the other side of the bed, and patted the soft mattress. Junhong's stomach went aflutter again, and when Yongguk moved the blanket away, he was eager to shut the door behind him and slip into the bed with ease. Junhong leaned his head against Yongguk's warm chest, staring at a few ink markings that he had never had the chance to see. Junhong's fingers traced the outline of one ink mark.

“What's this, master?” Junhong whispered. Yongguk only glanced at what Junhong was pointing to.

“It's a tattoo.”

“Tattoo....” Junhong repeated quietly. He thought about how warm his master was. “Are you always sick, master? You are always warm....”

“No.” Yongguk whispered. “I've always been like this. Does it scare you?” Junhong shook his head quickly. In fact, he was a bit jealous. He could never be that warm. While he wasn't freezing, his body would never be as warm as Yongguk's. Robots never had the privilege of a changing body temperature.

“Go to sleep, Junhong.” Yongguk mumbled, running his hands through Junhong's feathery hair. “It's just a bit of rain. I'll always be here when you wake up.”

“Okay.” Junhong said, struck by a sudden wave of sleep. “Are you going to sleep as well, master? You seem very tired....”

“I'm just thinking of other things. I will definitely sleep soon.”

“Promise?” Junhong looked at Yongguk who was already staring at his bot.

“I promise.”

Then Junhong fell into a deep sleep with his master's arms caressing his frail body. Never could the night have been more perfect.


After a rather pleasant morning, Junhong asked his master if he could see Tia. It had been a few days since they had spoken. She was probably worried about him, and he just as worried for her. He wanted her to be okay, although he wishes she could be out of that man's hold, rather than just okay.

“What are you gonna say when you see her?” Yongguk asked. His fingers were locked together with Junhong's as they walked down the sidewalk. Many people cooed loudly while they walked together, while others simple gave a smile. That was how Yongguk preferred it. He was never one to make a big scene about relationships. He was either in one, or he wasn't, and that was that.

Was it really a relationship though? The idea was nerve-wracking. Did Junhong love Yongguk enough to be in a relationship with him? Was Yongguk ready to admit that he loved a bot? Even he, himself, could not answer that. He guessed it would become clearer as time went on.

Junhong shrugged in response to Yongguk's question. “I don't—“

“Don't touch me!” There came a loud squeal of a woman's voice that Junhong immediately recognized. He jerked his hand away from Yongguk's, searching desperately for the source of the voice. There was a deafening shatter of glass.

“Junhong.” Yongguk said cautiously. There was a dark vehicle sitting in front of the coffee shop where they could find Tia. Yongguk pulled Junhong away a bit. “Please, stay away from there. The empyreal's—“

“Stop touching me!” There was another shout, and then Yongguk recognized the voice as well; it was Tia's. She was shouting, and there was a loud thrashing before the door to the coffee shop opened. A few empyreals walked out empty handed.

“What's going on, master?” Junhong shook Yongguk's arm.

“I- I don't know.”

“Junhong!” Tia screamed from the arms of an empyreal sailor. Her voice was ragged from yelling, and her body thrashed in the tall officer's hold. Junhong gasped, and without thinking, ran to Tia's side.

“No, where are you going?”

“Make them stop, Junhong.” Her voice was nothing greater than a pleading squeak. She squirmed in the officer's firm hold, though it didn't loosen his grip any. Tia used her heel to kick an officer in the leg, who in turn, slapped her hard across the face. She gasped audibly, letting her gaze fall to the ground. They threw her into the car, and then slammed the door shut behind them, as though she were nothing more but a piece of trash.
“Hey.” Junhong grabbed one of the officers. “Where are you taking her?” His voice was a bit firmer than it usually was. “Where are you taking her?!”

One of them turned and pulled of his glasses. His eyes were a deep gray color, menacing in color.

“Said robot is suspect of harboring fugitives Yoo Youngjae and Sunhwa. She will be held until fugitives are captured.”

“What are you going to do to her?” Junhong asked quickly, brushing off Yongguk's pleading to leave.

“Possible deactivation.”

Junhong squeaked, and Yongguk jerked him away from the scene. He had to get out of there while he still had his bot. Asking too many questions caused the government to get suspicious.

“Master.” Junhong said, burying his face in Yongguk's chest. Yongguk his hair softly, rubbing small circles on his hips to coax him. “Th- they're going to deactivate her!”

Yongguk shook his head slowly, kissing the top of his bot's head. “She'll come back, Junhong.” He whispered. Junhong doubted it, and Yongguk could sense that. He could feel the doubt, the disappointment. “I'm sure of it.” Junhong whimpered, leaning his head closer to his master's chest. He didn't mind staying like that.

While Yongguk never liked the empyreals, he knew they had to pay. They slapped his bot's companion, and nearly threatened his own. They would pay their dues.

And he would do that with a bit of Youngjae's help.


Well it's been about five months since I've updated this, give or take... 
I'm sorry I disappeared for so long :c School and life got complicated, I hit a rough patch, now I'm back with... some exciting news to be discussed... but I won't tell you until the next chapter because I am going to use my excitement to share as motivation to write quickly! So a surprise will be in my next comments ;D
I hope you missed this story as much as I did! And I'll see you soon c:

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Chapter 12: will you update? :(
Chapter 12: Awwwwwwww congradulations! That is very exciting!

Oooooooooooo was this chapter very exciting even if it was short! I can't wait to read when Yongguk and Zelo meet Youngjae! I'm very excited for that part. I am also hoping that Youngjae can help them out. I like that Yongguk wants to help out Tia since it hurts Junhong so much! So sweet. I really enjoyed this again.
Chapter 11: I really loved this chapter. Yongguk is so cute with Junhong here. and their interrupted kiss made me groan! Oh and I thought we'd get a good kiss this chapter. I'm not too upset without a real kiss since all the other little kisses Yongguk keeps giving to Junhong are so sweet and I am enjoying those. All the stuff happening with Youngjae is quite interesting and I am very curious to see how it will turn out. I really, really, really enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for the update.
SedBau #4
Chapter 12: Gkihvbk you guys are such a cute couple ^-^ And I really love your storie, one of my favorites actually.
Chapter 12: Omg congrats! You guys look so cute in the picture! I wish the best for you two! ^^
Chapter 12: wow that's so cool! i'm happy for you haha if that doesn't sound weird. you two look great in that pic ^^
i'm looking forward to the next chapter too (:
Chapter 12: Congratulations :D
Chapter 12: Omg I am so happy for you!! You look so happy together :D (I am also very excited over the meeting with Youngjae)
lolcatsandstuff #9
Chapter 12: Congratulations! You two seem like a cute couple and I hope all the best for you! ^^