My Horrible Life...

Long-Lost Princess from Exo Planet!


Crash heard from the kitchen as you cover your mouth in shocked, 'Omo, I did it again...' you thought as you bit your bottom lip. You always dropped the plate or glass of cup no matter how much you tried to be careful with. It's always slips out of your hands and fell on the floor as it crash. Your umma is really ticked off when she has to go and buy another plates or cup of glass. You grabbed the tray from the counter and you bent down on your knees and clean up the broken plate pieces one by one. "It's a good thing that umma left to work early." you mumbled while you gather all the broken pieces on the tray. You pick up your tray and walk to the garbage; you throw the broken pieces in the garbage and set the tray down on the counter.

You look at your hands carefully, somehow whenever you pick something sharp object, you never actually got hurt. You hardly have scars and wounds for so many years. You shake your head and glance at the clock, "I better get to school before I'm late." you thought out loud as you quickly grabbed your backpack and leave the house to your school.

Long-Lost Princess from Exo Planet!

Chapter One: My Horrible Life...

You quickly walk fast through the school gate while you heard the murmurs and stares from the people but you attempt your best to ignore them. You walked straight to your locker, you quickly unlock your lock and open it but you squeak in fear when you saw fake spiders in your locker. Students are laughing while you look at your locker in shock, 'Not again! How did they find out my numbers?!' you thought with gloomy. It's already the third time that they find out your combination and put stuff in your locker. Your really despise so badly and you really don't like the horror stuff in your locker. You just grabbed your book and shut your locker as you turn around and run to your classroom. However, you bump to someone and fell on your bottom. 'Owwie.' you thought as you look up and saw the most popular girl in the entire school, Lee Choi.

"Arg, watch where you're going, loser." Choi glare at you with disgust eyes as she walks away from you. You bit your bottom lip as you heard students around you snicker and throw some paper ball at you. You stood up as you gabbed your book and run to your class.

Your eyes watery, 'Why?'

-Exo Planet-

Beeping heard from the computer as the young boy suddenly appear and look at the screen, "What's this?" the young boy thought out loud as he tap the screen as the screen popped out in the air like the 3-D. He look at the red blinking dot, he zoom it where the location is and his eyes wide in shock when he saw it.

"No way, she's alive...and we finally found her!" the young boy smiles wide as he quickly disappeared to tell his friends the good news.


You sigh softly while you sat down on the bench, "Why is everyone hate me so much?" you mumbled as you look down at your lap. Suddenly you heard noises; you turn your head over your shoulder and saw him.

Your eyebrow raises, 'Oppa?' you thought.

You saw your oppa doing drugged again and you frown sadly, 'He never use drug at all, he hates drug but he changed his mind couple of years ago.' you thought. You and your oppa are really close, you always trust your oppa no matter what and he always swears to protect you from harm and dangerous. However, he broke the promise he made for you. He's now become so violent and always takes out on you whenever he's on drugged. You frown, "Oppa..." you never called him oppa ever since he started to use drugged; he's not your oppa who you knew. He's a different person and completely stranger to you.

You sigh while you look away and glance up at the sky, "My horrible life." you bitterer while your smile fills with bitter and sad.

After school, you walking to your house as you stopped when you saw a car park on the freeway. Your eyes wide in shock when you saw a familiar car, "No..." your eyes fills with horror and scared as you turn to your house. You are very scared of going back to your house; you can't even walk, let alone brave enough to go inside the house. You were about to leave but stop when you heard crash in the house. You turn around as your eyes wide when you saw the curtain-open window. It's your oppa fighting with appa, "Aneiyo... that's not good! He'll get hurt!" you bit your bottom lip worry for your brother's health.

You quickly run toward the house, you open the door and close it behind you. You heard the shouting from the living room. You gulped in nervously as you walking slowly toward to the living room and peak out in cautioned and carefully. Your appa and oppa are shouting in heat and they look like they were ready to kill each other.

"YOU NO GOOD BASTARD SON OF A MINE!" Appa shouted in fury as Jin-oppa glare at his so-called father, "Whose fault do you think it is?!" Jin-oppa shouted and appa glares at his son. "YOU BRAT!" appa raise his hand and your eyes wide in horror, "No.... NO!" you shouted.


Slap heard from the echo through the house, appa looks like he's in pale while Jin-oppa eyes wide in shock and confusion. You stand in the middle between your appa and your oppa. You look at your appa with helplessly while cover your pain cheek and your appa started to glare at you, "Stupid girl. What do you think you were doing?!" you filch from your appa's hateful voice. You didn't think clearly, you just jump in and take the slap for Jin-oppa. You smile bitter, "I won't let you hurt Jin-oppa." you said it as Jin-oppa eyes wide in shock; it's been couple of years since you called him oppa.

Your appa glares at you, "You." appa look at his son, "Leave. I've something to teach this stupid girl not to get in business where it's none of her business." Jin-oppa just stood there and he walks away while past you. You bit your bottom lip while still cover your cheek, Jin-oppa stop and lean on the wall, "Pabo, you shouldn't have done that." Jin-oppa whispers then he walk out of the house.

You glance up at your appa, "Next time, if you ever do that again. You will be in punishing. I hate when people just jump in my business when it's not their business." you gulped in fear as your appa cross his arms, "I'm going to the overseas and I won't be back in few months." your appa turn around and walk away from you. You mentally sigh in relief and you quickly run ascended to your bedroom.

You shut your door and jump on your bed; you lied down and curl up. You were shaking in fear as tears slipped from your eyes, "This is the most horrible life I ever had." you whispers in choke as you close your eyes and fall asleep.


Six boys appear on the Earth, in South Korea as they all look around their surrounding in night time.

"So, this is where she's raise in this country?" the voice asked while he looks around as the other boy nodded his head, "Ye, our princess are somewhere." the boy said as the other boy smile.

"That's great! We've been waiting for 16 years and now she's finally here!" the boy said with happily tone.

All six boys look up at the nighttime sky, "We will find our Princess." all six boys said at the same time.

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V11605 #1
Chapter 5: Please update soon i really really love this story ☺
V11605 #2
Chapter 5: Please update soon i really really love this story ☺
Chapter 5: LOVE IT!! but its Chanyeol not Changyeol.. haha
Chapter 5: Please try to update authornim hwaiting!
minchanhun #5
Chapter 2: KEEP UPDATING AUTOR-NIM!!! I really like ur story jinjja!
Chapter 5: good chapter!!! but one thing...isn't chanyeol spelt without a g...
that's all that I notice but I love the story!!! KEEP UPDATING!!! HWAITING!!!
Smileyblu #7
Chapter 5: Omg, gets better and better, keep it up ! Update soon !....
Smileyblu #8
Chapter 4: Update soon !...
Smileyblu #9
Chapter 3: Update soon !....
Smileyblu #10
Chapter 1: Awesome chappie ! Keep updating, I hope soon !...