Will You Be Mine? (Banghim)

BAP Oneshots and Drabbles


Nobody's POV (maybe letter POV? idk)
Dear Kim Himchan, 
To say that I like you would be an understatement, but then again, to say I was in love with you might be an overstatement. It was right around in the middle. We've never spoken but the way you walk and the way your lips move when you talk always has me mesmerized. I want to tell you my name, but I alway end up flaking out last minute. Why must you be so perfect. Why must you be so amazing that I can't talk to you. Why can't I do a thing about it. But enough feeling sorry for myself, today is the day I'll change this. Today is the day I'll ask you to be mine. Today is the day you'll know my name. My name is Bang Yongguk. I like you, do you like me back? 
Dear Bang Yongguk,
Yongguk POV:
I looked up from the letter to the boy sitting on the other side of the classroom. The boy who just said he liked me back. He looked up from his book and at me. A blush immediately crept onto my face, but funny thing, the same happened to him. A mustered up even more courage than I did to write the letter in the first place and I mouthed the words, "Will you be mine?" 
He thought for a second and smiled, then nodded and mouthed back, "Yes."

Himchan POV:
I sat there at my desk thinking about what just happened. The guy I've been liking for the past forever has just asked me if I liked him like he likes me. And I said yes. I felt a pair of eyes looking at me and I looked up. My gaze met his, his cheeks turned red, causing mine to give the same reaction. We sat staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity before he smiled at me and mouthed a few indistinguishable words. It took me a minute to understand that he just asked me if I would be his. A grin instantly plastered my face and I answered silently back, "Yes."
I don't even kn0w.
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Chapter 1: Its short but so fun to read..hehe
Chapter 21: Read this all at once T^T! I will never be the same *^*! Jk!! It was funny
iamabaplover #3
Chapter 1: I don't know if to whom should I pity, You or the Daejae
split_personality #4
Chapter 18: Hahahahahahahahaha. ZELO!!! SO CUTE!!!
Chapter 21: Idk how many time I reread these chaps , it's still filling me with overloaded feels ..

Ergh. This is too much kkkkk
Chapter 9: what... this is cute xD
cheesecakesoulmusic #8
loserwhowrites #9
Chapter 21: Oh wow i just dl this song few days ago. Hmm wat a Weird coincidences...