Niel (Teen Top) x Seo Hana (OC/You)

Idol One-Shot Cafe

Please Teach Me

Finally. The day I’ve been waiting so long for has finally come.

Months ago, I entered in a meet and greet raffle for my favourite boy group. Teen Top is famous around the world and, since the raffle was for international fans, it was really unlikely for a Korean fan to get chosen. And that was me; a Korean fan living in Korea. And, yet, I still haven’t even been to one of their concerts or fansigns. This was mostly because of work and such. Being a 25 year old fangirl did have its downfalls.

However, luck struck exactly one week ago, when I went on the official Teen Top Google+ website.

‘Winners Of Meet And Greet Raffle’ – Was the post that caught my eye.

‘1. Mina Frances (England)
2. Francesca Alfraeda (Brazil)
3. Seo Hana (Korea)
4. Heather - ’

Wait. ‘Seo Hana’? Seo Hana! Seo Hana, that’s me! I got chosen. What? How did this happen?

I stopped reading the whole article and just stared at the screen; where my name was clearly printed in black and white. I couldn’t believe my own eyes. There were only 6 fans that were chosen and, as it turned out, one of them was me? I stared at it for hours until the information finally sunk in.

Now, I’m standing outside of Top Media’s building, preparing for my once in a lifetime chance to meet my favourite idols. I’m thinking over all of the possible things I could ask them, all of the things that I could say to leave an impression for them to remember me.

How would I do that?

What should I say?

How should I greet them?

While I was submerged in my own thoughts, I didn’t notice the doors open. A man came out with a friendly smile and looked over at the five girls standing in front of the doorway.

My companions were all squealing, barely able to contain their excitement when the doors finally opened.

“Meet and greet?” he simply asked.

He was met with lauder and higher pitched screams. He looks like he was used to these things as he just smiled and lead the way, muttering a ‘follow me’ while he held the door open for us. We all bowed and thanked him as we entered the clean and crisp building.

“Please sit down,” The man indicated to a set of chairs before him and we all obliged to what he had said, “So, you will be sat here for another ten minutes while I go to the back to notify Teen Top - ”

The man was rudely interrupted by one of the girls screaming loudly at the sound of the group’s name.

Clicking his tongue, the man gave up in trying communicating to the screaming fangirls and silently left the scene. He went unnoticed by the girls since they were too busy screaming their lungs dry; composure completely out of the window. 

I just sat there, quietly bubbling to the brim, and decided that I shouldn’t let my emotions get to me.

Not this time. I chanted in my head. I won’t freak them out. Not this time.

But, alas, as the boys neatly entered the room I abruptly stood from my seat; knocking the girl next to me over. But did I care? No. Teen Top was there and all I could think of doing was scream like those annoying fangirls I was mocking just minutes ago. It’s funny what a few guys you’ve never met before, yet stalk incessantly, do to you when you meet them in person.

The girl on the ground grumbled and her sore head.

Sorry! I mouthed down to her in English, shrugging my shoulders as I continued to clap my hands.

The six boys took a seat right in front of us and we were instructed to do so as well. The screaming had finally died down, but we were all still at the edge of our seats in excitement. A woman entered the room after the idols and took a seat next to them. C.A.P. stood up.

“It’s really nice to see you girls here, are you all excited?” He started to speak. The woman that sat down spoke at almost the same time in another language; which I assumed to be English. “Teen Top is very grateful for all the support fans have been giving us and wanted to give something back. So, as a present from us to you, we have arranged a day spent with one of the members while they did one of their everyday schedules. We want to show our supporters the hard work that we have put into getting this far and show you guys that you spent your money well.”

Being the only Korean, I laughed first; earning me a few glares from the girls. But, soon enough, they caught on to the joke as the woman translated it for them. The leader bowed low to us and sat back down. The translator stood up from her seat and started to speak to the girls in English. They all nodded profusely, with big toothy grins on their faces. But I did not understand a word of what she said. I sat there, patiently waiting for the explanation as she continued to speak to the other winners.

“Miss?” She was stood in front of me directly when she finished her speech to the international winners. “You’re the only Korean here?” I nodded my head.

“Oh, that’s a shame. Anyway, the rules are simple. We will draw a name out of the hat and you will get assigned that member to spend the day with. You will follow him to his schedules and accompany him to practice and such. If he has a show, you are only allowed backstage for a limited amount of time before you will be escorted away. If it is a radio show, you are allowed outside of the booth but never inside. If it is a practice, feel free to accompany the idol inside. Is all that clear?”

Once again, I nodded my head. As the woman was about to walk away, I called out to her. “Wait! What are we allowed to ask?”

She smiled sweetly at me, “Anything you want, sweetheart, I’m sure the boys are old enough to know what they should and shouldn’t say. Is that all?”

I nodded my head for the umpteenth time. “Thank you.” I smiled warmly at her, showing all of my teeth.

With all of this happening, the boys were writing their names on a piece of paper and folding them neatly to be placed inside a bag. We all settled down into our seats and watched the draw happening before our eyes; all crossing their fingers in hopes of getting their bias. And I was no different.

Lee Byunhun. Lee Byunghun. Please let it be Lee Byunghun. This was my mantra for the next minutes as the boys stuck their hand into the bag. I couldn’t concentrate on the other girls’ names for I could only concentrate on my own fortune.

Chunji was taken away first.
Then it was Ricky.
It was my turn and L.Joe was still ready to be chosen.

Come on. Come on. For god’s sake, just get me my bias, please!

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets, my fingers almost breaking from the severe crossing I was doing. It was my moment of truth. I will spend the day with my bias and it will be wonderful.


Ahn Daniel’s name was shouted out and all I could do was look at him with a small smile. He looked at me and smiled back warmly. I hope he didn’t notice the slight disappointment hidden in my eyes. I mean, Niel isn’t bad, but I wanted L. Joe.

Just appreciate it! I scolded myself, It’s not like a chance like this would ever come again.

I took my own advice and just let the events occur.

We were done with the draw and were asked to meet the idol we were going to spend the day with.

“Hello, my name is Ahn Daniel but you can call me Niel!” Niel extended his hand out to me and I shook it gingerly. I bowed low and smiled wide as I let go of his rather large hand.

“Hello Niel-ssi, my name is Seo Hana, but you can call me Hana.” He smiled brightly.

“Ahh, Hana-ssi, I have practice during the whole of today. Normally the other would come too, but we’ve been split up for today.” Niel chuckled as he rubbed his neck. “Let’s go, shall we?”


Niel had been dancing for almost 2 hours now. We didn’t really talk for the whole duration of us being here. When we arrived, he just went straight to getting changed into practice clothes and showed me what his life consisted of. I’ve just been here, sitting while admiring his graceful moves; occasionally handing him a water bottle or towel to show my support. Who knew such thin hips were able to do the smoothest of body rolls? Who knew such a tall guy was able to bend so low? Who knew the young were able to dance like that. I thought kids that age were into these things like breakdancing and street dance. This was no street performance. It was more of a private performance, just for me. For my eyes onl –

“Hana-ssi!” I jumped out of my thoughts, and apparent stare, as a large hand waved frantically in front of my eyes. Niel was right in my face staring at me straight in the eye.

“Are you ok, Hana-ssi? You’ve been staring at the same spot for about 10 minutes. Are you bored?”

“Ahhh, no, Niel-ssi. I was just thinking. Hehehe.” I smiled at him. Niel moved beside me to sit on the wooden bench.

“So, Hana-ssi, where are you from? You speak fluent Korean, so I’m guessing you’re full?”

“Yes, I live just out of Gwanju. I was born in Hwasun, but moved when I went to college.”

“College? If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?”

I chuckled at his sudden bashfulness, “I’m 25 years old.”

“Waaaa, really? Can I call you noona?”

“I don’t think we’re close enough for that, Niel-ssi.” I chuckled again when a slight blush crept up to his cheeks.

“S-so what do you like to do?”

“I’m actually a dance instructor.”

“Wow! Really? You’re really surprising me noo – I mean, Hana-ssi. That’s so cool! What do you teach?”

“I mostly do ballet, but I teach contemporary too.”

“Con-tem-po-la-ly?” He repeated confused.

“No, no, Con-tem-po-RA-RY. It’s like ballet, but more... Modern, I guess you could say.”

“Ahh… Don’t you dance hip hop, Hana-ssi?”

“Well, I like it, but I can’t do it.” My hand rubbed my neck in embarrassment.

Suddenly, Niel jerked up with a knowing look in his facial features and a childish fire burning in his eyes.

“I know!”

I jumped right out of my skin as I anticipated what came next.

“I’ll teach you how to dance hip hop if you teach me contempolaly!”

“It’s contemporary, and no, I’ll just embarrass myself.”

“Come on! It’ll be fun!” Niel kneeled beside me and clutched onto my arm.

“Pleeaasse NOONA!”

“Yah!” I pulled my hand away, “Stop that!”

“Come on nooNA!” While kneeling on the floor, Niel did some puppy dog eyes and just generally acted like a 5 year old child. I must admit, him calling me noona was so cute that all I wanted to do was pinch his cheeks and cuddle him.

I sighed loudly, “FINE! Now stop, with the aegyo, it doesn’t suit you.” I lied, it does.

“YAY! Thank you NOONA!”

Hmm... Too fluffy methinks... I'm really not used to writing fluff, or something without , so sorry for the bad quality of this fic. I'm not proud of it and, quite frankly, lost inspiration in writing fics... idk


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New chapter up! After ages of hiatus.. Not proud of this, but I guess it'll do ...


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*O* Let me order please! A fluffy and sweet story between Jo Kwon and Ga In <3
Chapter 7: lol. xD made me crack up here
KpopLoverSelina #3
The Taemin one-shot is quite suprising but it is good. AND i just read your introdution. The Idol One-Shot Cafe, quite different in a good way.
KpopLoverSelina #4
Chapter 11: *Pouts* I wanted it to be longer with drama! And tears like in Disturbance. Taemin & BoA cries in the video. But good try anyway. Not trying to say it is bad and all but....yeah.
KpopLoverSelina #5
Chapter 5: Cute.Cute.Cute.Cute.Cute.
brattysehun #6
rollingbuffalos #7
Yah Ate! Aren't you supposed to be studying... -.-
Chapter 5: OMG! I can't believe the amount of mistakes T.T Sorry for hurting your eyes, faithful viewers <333
KpopLoverSelina #9
Chapter 5: Lee Joon, Baekhyun, Taemin, LuHan! Request!