Soohyun (U-Kiss) x Baek Lehya (OC)

Idol One-Shot Cafe


A/N: So guys, this is the fic that won the poll and I hope that all of you like it! The other runner ups will be posted soon and I’ll keep you guys updated.

Time To Tell Them


I sat in the car, tensed as he drove steadily on with a goofy smile on his face.

“Yeobo, today you will meet the members of U-Kiss. Are you excited?” Soohyun didn’t remove his eyes from the road as the goofy smile was still plastered across his face.

“YAH! I’ve met them before! We’ve been dating for 2 years now; of course I’ve met your band mates.” I pouted and crossed my arms. He just looked over at me and laughed.

“Yeah, but you haven’t met them personally.” His emphasis on the word ‘personally’ was slightly unnerving. I’ve met the whole of U-Kiss on numerous occasions; I don’t need to be introduced to them again.

“But baby~” He whined, “We have to tell them now!”

“I don’t understand why they need to know we are dating. It’s none of their business and they never seemed to be interested anyway. So why don’t we just skip it and go eat out, okay?” I looked hopefully up at him but he didn’t seem to be swayed.

“Oh, I’ve heard that before. The answer is no. That’s final. I want them to know who the reason for my smile every morning is.”

Well, if he puts it that way, I can’t complain. Instead, I just sink back down the car chair and wait for the dreadful moment to come.

I still remember the first time we met. I just started my hairdressing career and was thrown in the deep end when I was given the opportunity to work with U-Kiss as their personal hair stylist. I was so shocked. I’ve loved U-Kiss ever since Man Man Ha Ni and have always dreamed of meeting them. But, now I’m styling their hair? It was almost dreamlike.

Among the members, I was entrusted with the responsibility of making AJ, Hoon and Soohyun’s hair fabulous. I agreed to the terms and quickly introduced myself to my newfound clients.

“Hello! My name is Baek Lehya and I’m your personal stylist from now on!” I bowed deeply and straightened up, revealing a bright smile. They all smiled back and introduced themselves; completed with 90 degree bows.

After the formalities, we started our jobs. I started with AJ; taking 30 minutes, and then moved on to Hoon; taking a further half an hour. When it was Soohyun’s turn, he sat on the chair, flashed me his famous heart-wrenching smile and said ‘Please, take care of me.’

Once he was settled, I started my actions. I was so nervous. Since these guys are my first big-time clients, I shook a lot whilst doing my job. When I was doing AJ’s hair, he just smiled at my shaking had and casually went back to his phone. When I was doing Hoon’s hair, he chuckled at my shaking hand but returned to taking selcas of himself in the mirror. But then, as my hand shook combing Soohyun’s fringe to one side, Soohyun grabbed my arm and looked at me through the mirror. His eyes were smiling mischievously and his lip was curled into a smirk.

“Baek-ssi, stop shaking. Don’t be scared of me, I’m just like any other client you have.” He was still smiling; staring deep into my eyes. I just blushed under his gaze. Why was he so good looking? Sending me back to reality, he then started to comb his own hair using my hand. I took this as an opportunity to restart my job. And that’s how we first met.

Now, looking at him whilst driving the car, I can still see that flirtatious dork I met on the first day. His eyes still had the same smile and his charm was just as strong as it was before. I sighed and thought to when I first felt real feeling develop for him.

It was in their ‘Stop Girl’ promotions. They were being interviewed by a famous YouTube group called ‘Eat Your Kimchi’. I was a there to do their hair but ended up doing other errands for the stylists. I never knew how physically demanding it was to work for idols; but ever since I became their hairdresser, I have been running around more than I ever have.

I was standing in front of the room used as a wardrobe’s door and rested my hand on the knob. I looked down at the piece of paper in my hands and read what it said.

2 White Pants (L and S)
White blazer (S)
Black Shirt (S)

Sighing, I turned the door knob and entered the dressing room; my eyes still glued onto the piece of paper in my hands.

“Urrghh!” I heard a deep manly grunt, surprising me and forcing me to look up.

There he was, in all his glory; well kinda. Soohyun stood in front of me with just white and tight boxers on; blushing madly. He was covering himself with his hands and looked at me with shock evident in his eyes. We just had a mini staring competition, when my eyes started to wander elsewhere. His collarbone was so defined; it was so prominent on his neck, so kissable. The six pack was so clear on his abs that I felt myself drooling slightly whilst staring. It was like a chocolate bar. Real chocolate abs. I drooled inwardly. His muscly biceps, paired with veiny fore-arms. Urgh! He was so gaddamn y that I just wanted to keep staring.





Finally realising that I have been staring for about 5 minutes now, I dropped the piece of paper and covered my eyes.

“I’m so sorry, Soohyun Oppa! I didn’t know you were in here! I didn’t know anyone was in here. Sorry!” I turned around and made my way quickly to the door, with my eyes still covered. But, instead of smoothly going through, I rammed myself onto the doorframe. I fell backwards onto the floor. I didn’t even remove the cover on my eyes for I feared I would see his wonderful body again and start drooling.

“Lay-ah, are you okay?”

I felt someone rush to my side and kneel beside me. Next thing I knew, my head was softly lifted and placed onto his lap. His BARE lap. Still, I kept my eyes covered with my hands and refused to remove them.

“Aishh. Lay-ah, you should be more careful. Such a pabo.” He placed both his hands on mine and removed them from my face.

Above me, he was still half- and his well-defined abs were in full show along with his beautiful  pecs.

He smiled at me.

“If you wanted to on me, you should’ve just said so.” Damn. He knew I was looking…

He still had those beautiful features he did years ago. Even whilst sitting in the car, his muscly fore-arms were clenched onto the steering wheel and were revealing numerous veins I found really y.

“Yeobo, what are you staring at?” He suddenly asked.

“Oh, nothing. Just your fore-arms.” I smiled sweetly at him, momentarily forgetting where we are heading and how nervous I am.

He chuckled at me and tore his head from the road as we stopped in front of a red light.

“Yeobo, do you remember when I confessed to you?”

Of course I did. I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember the way he looked icily at me while I fixed his hair before a live show. I remember how he ignored me. He was just playing on his phone and busying himself with twitter. His ear-phones were in and he refused to listen to the outside world as he went over his song again and again.

He was never usually like this towards me. Ever since the wardrobe incident, we became closer. We talked; we texted, we even called each other from time to time. But, on that day, he was ignoring me. Did I do something wrong? Still worrying, I let go of his head and busied myself with looking for the final touches for his hair. Suddenly, in the corner of my eye, I saw him moving and reaching for something. I finally found the clip I needed and turned to see what he what he was grabbing but he was already up. He looked into the mirror and walked away. He didn’t even say thank you or goodbye.

Hurt by his actions, I took out my phone, planning to call a taxi to pick me up. I wasn’t in the mood to stay the whole night. I would just be ignored and that would be a waste of time. As my phone slid out of my back pocket, I felt something fall onto the ground. I looked down and found a piece of paper lying between my legs. Picking it up, I opened it and read the message.

‘Watch the broadcast tonight. I’m going to sing a song for you. Remember: I mean it.’

He means is? What does he mean? A song? He’s going to sing a song for me? Then why was he so cold? Various thoughts ran through my head and I decided the only way for these questions to be answered is if I watch their broadcast.

Hours went by and U-Kiss was finally on stage. They performed Dora-Dora amazingly together before leaving Soohyun on the stage alone.

This is it. I thought. I’ll finally understand what’s going on.

When the song started, I heard a familiar mellow sound. Wracking my brains, I tried to figure out what song he was singing. Finally, after a whole minute, it hits me. ‘Confession’ by 4MEN! One of my favourite songs! I listened intently; still oblivious to what he was trying to say with his song. He was leaving? Wait, he doesn’t want ME to leave? Or, he thought I was leaving?

Being left with more questions than answers when the song finishes, I groan in disbelief. What was that supposed to tell me? When did I ever tell him I was leaving?

 I saw him come into the dressing room and head my way.

“Wha-” but before I could finish my sentence, he grabbed onto my wrist and dragged me away.

“My hair is a mess, come help me.” He shouted out loud.

He dragged me all the way to the back of the set. We were secluded and away from the eyes of the public. If anyone saw us, I would commend them since I couldn’t even see myself in this dark hallway.

“Soohyun I didn’t under-” I tried to, once again, start to explain what I thought of his performance but was cut off by his index finger on my lips.

“Let’s go out.” And that’s how he said it. My eyes widen in disbelief at what he said and stood there frozen.

I snapped out of my daydream and found myself standing in front of a fogged glass door. I see 6 people inside practicing diligently to their newest song. With his had already on the door handle, Soohyun looked straight into my eyes.

“Are you ready?” He asked.

Staring into his eyes, I see how much this means to him. I see the happy smile still plastered on his face after all this time and I could see the twinkle in his eye he had since this morning. Sighing, I placed my hand on his hand that was already on the door handle.

“Aishh! Let’s just get this over and done with.” Nervously, we pushed the door open, catching the attention of all 6 boys.

Credit Gif:

(If you heven't already noticed, my favourite colour is Purple. Same as Eli and Hoya! ^^)

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New chapter up! After ages of hiatus.. Not proud of this, but I guess it'll do ...


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*O* Let me order please! A fluffy and sweet story between Jo Kwon and Ga In <3
Chapter 7: lol. xD made me crack up here
KpopLoverSelina #3
The Taemin one-shot is quite suprising but it is good. AND i just read your introdution. The Idol One-Shot Cafe, quite different in a good way.
KpopLoverSelina #4
Chapter 11: *Pouts* I wanted it to be longer with drama! And tears like in Disturbance. Taemin & BoA cries in the video. But good try anyway. Not trying to say it is bad and all but....yeah.
KpopLoverSelina #5
Chapter 5: Cute.Cute.Cute.Cute.Cute.
brattysehun #6
rollingbuffalos #7
Yah Ate! Aren't you supposed to be studying... -.-
Chapter 5: OMG! I can't believe the amount of mistakes T.T Sorry for hurting your eyes, faithful viewers <333
KpopLoverSelina #9
Chapter 5: Lee Joon, Baekhyun, Taemin, LuHan! Request!