
The journey that we have come across


(Third person's view)
"How much longer do we have to wait for them?" Cl complained irritably.
"Sorry CL I guess we just have to wait for another 20 minutes." Jiyong answered while placing his phone inside his pocket.
"I'm not the one you should say sorry to! Look at dara, she's freezing! Who was one that kept everything as a secret as a secret and only revealed that we would go somewhere warm? Is it warm here?"
"Well I only wanted to give you guys a surprise, I never thought that it would be so cold on the harbour.  Plus Jeju island is pretty warm in this season." Jiyong pouted by cl's unfair accusations.
"Whatever by the looks of the sky, it would probably rain very soon. You better take care of dara before she catches a cold."
"I'm fine cl, don't worry about me." Dara mumbled while trembling from the cold.


(Dara pov)
Gosh, why didn't I take my jacket out of my luggage? I flinched  as gust of wind blustered against me and forced me to close my eyes. 
"I'm so sorry dara, I guess I didn't organise everything properly."
Jiyong looked down apologetically, he gently placed his jacket on me and stood in front of me to block the wind.
"Thanks you I  murmured inside the hood of the jacket." I smiled as I felt the warmth of the jacket slowly reached to my numb fingertips. 
"Jiyong-ah, aren't you cold as well? You should go back to the ferry, cl and I will  wait for others. Daesunggie must have been very bored looking after our luggages by himself."
I felt very guilty as I come to my realisation that jiyong had goosebumps all over his bare arms.
"I'm fine dara, by Daesunggie's personality I bet he can find someway to entertain himself and Seunghyun will arrive very soon anyways. Like what cl said, take care of yourself ok? The trip won't be fun if you get sick."  Jiyong  smirked kindly.
The sky was gradually darkened by the roaming dark clouds and I could faintly hear thunder rumbling far away. Even though the weather kept worsening, I feIt so warm inside Jiyong's large jacket. I guess jiyong really has a way to make sure everyone in the group is being taken care of. 
"where's seungri? I bet that little rat went to join daesung and leave us behind in the cold!" Cl asked grumpily out of no where.


(Seungri pov)
Am I crazy? What the heck am I doing? Well if that cat took better care of herself I wouldn't have even bothered to wait here 15minutes just for a cup of hot chocolate. I wrapped my jacket tighter around me, as drops of rain splattered on my hands. I bet that cat is freezing by now,  I just hope this cup of hot chocolate can warm her up a little. Why do I even think like this? Why do I always
get this strange feeling for her? No matter how tough she looks, she's still a girl right? Ah- bichanna, ne chinacha bichana. I covered the cup with my jacket and slowly made my way towards the group. 
Hmmp I knew it, jiyong only takes care of dara, can't he even see that cl is shivering?
"Where were you?" Jiyong questioned angrily.
"What's that? Hot chocolate?" After noticing the hot chocolate I held in my hand, Jiyong babbled again before I could I explain myself.
"So you only got one cup of hot chocolate for yourself and totally forgot about us?"
Urghhh, why didn't I buy more? Why did I only think about CL?
"I'm sorry, I got this for c... Wait what are you doing?"( ゚д゚)
"Well that's your punishment for being selfish." jiyong finished the drink in one gulp before I could even protest.
"Don't worry seungri you can have a hot drink when we go on the ferry later." Dara said warmly.
I looked towards cl pleadingly, hoped that she could somehow undertand my intention.
"Don't look at me like that, selfish rat."
Why can they listen for a second? I felt so devastated by the fact that CL would think I'm a selfish person from now on.


(Thirds person's point of view)
Unlike the enormous, luxurious ferry that could be traveled by hundreds of passengers. It was an affordable, private ferry that had a beautiful lounge and two warm, cosy cabins for the whole group.
"This is amazing!" Taeyang exclaimed excitedly to jiyong, after the group was guided to the ferry.
"Welcome to Spirit of Jeju! Thank you so much for choosing our company, I hope you would all have a great time traveling with us!" A crew said nervously and trembled as he busted his last sentence out.
"Hey dude, is it your first time to guide a tourist group? Everyone has their first- times, so calm down and don't be so nervous ok? Just treat us like your friends." Youngbae coaxed kindly.
"Neh, Kamsahamnida."


"I'm so sorry, daesunggie. You must have waited a long time for us." Bom apologised for what seemed the hundredth time since the group has united. 
"Oh hi guys!" Daesung looked up happily from the little booklet that he was exploring.
"Nuna stop apologising already, I bet he didn't even realise how long he had waited. Here, dry your hair with it." Seunghyun smirked, as he took out a towel in his luggage and placed it on Bom's drenched hair.
"Hey how about us?!We all know that you love bom more than us, can't care a little about us as well?" Jiyong complained teasingly.
"Here dara you can have it." Bom handed the towel towards dara feeling embarrassed. 

"Seriously..." Seunghyun muttered while walking towards one of the cabins and grabbed towels for everyone.

Since there is only one bathroom available on the whole ferry, everyone unanimously insisted bom to shower first.  After all they couldn't stand seunghyun's glares for rest of the day. 

"I'm so bored... Bommie is taking a long time" Dara complained.
"Let's play this game then, I found it when I packed my things yesterday." Daesung exclaimed excitedly.


(Bom's pov)
"Hi! sorry that I didn't formally intorduce myself back there, I'm Park Bom." I greeted the same crew as I walked along the corridor.
"oh." the crew replied blankly as if Bom was invisible.
"Are you still nervous? You don't look too well, are you..."
" What's the problem with that guy? Did he have a really bad day to start off his career? Why did he ignore me like that, can he be more respectful towards his customers?" I mumbled grumpily towards the crew who walked away before I even finished talking.
Whatever its not like my first time meeting someone disrespectful, I   better hurry up and take a shower before others wait any longer for me. 
"Ouch!" I yelped as a sharp pain shot up my right foot, streams of blood soon followed the shampoo foams and flowed down the drain. To my surprise what caused my cut was a beautifully elaborated butterfly necklace that's as abandoned on the ceramic floor. why would someone wear such a beautiful necklace while they shower? such a pity that its owner didn't treasure it. I guess the necklace must have belonged to the last group of tourists who traveled in this ferry, it would be way to hard to find its owner now. Without hesitation, I happily claimed it as my possession. When I looked at the necklace in detail, I noticed that rather than a butterfly necklace, the necklace was only a wing of an indigo butterfly. What was even more intriguing was that it had the serial number curved at the back of it 80.6.6, which was somehow saying that it is the one and only in the world. I'm so lucky that the crew didn't found it before me!


while I slowly made my way towards the cabin,  Jiyong's laughter filled the entire corridor. like a five year old girl, I totally forgot about my injury and ran to our cabin wanted to join in the fun. I lost my balance when I put pressure on my right foot. Without warning, blood oozed out from the wound and bleed through the towel that I wrapped my foot in. Luckily, seunghyun who was closest to the door caught me before I landed face first on the floor.
"Nuna gwenchana? Aigoo your foot's bleeding, Minzy can you help to stop the blood?" Seunghyun placed me on one of the bunk beds and then searched the first-aid kit for minzy.
"Omo unnie what happened?" Minzy gently unwrapped the towel and examined my cut.
"I'm ok, I accidentally stepped on this necklace while I was taking shower. Im sorry for being so clumsy." I felt so embarrassed by the fact that all the attention was on me and I've caused another trouble for everyone.
"Bommie why didn't you shout out to me in the bathroom? It must have been painful to walk all the way here." Dara chided worriedly and put a cushion beneath my foot to help minzy.
I couldn't help but to laugh out loud by the fact that the santoki had markers drawn all over her face which made her look like an old worried grandma. 
"I'm fine, you don't have to be worried, it's just a scratch." I barely choked out my words between my laughter. "I guess even if I called you can't hear because of all the craziness going on right?"
"I can't believe you can still laugh so loud.(⌒-⌒; ) sorry unnie this might hurt a little."
 I winced while minzy pressed the bandage against my wound.
"Appo?" Seunghyun helped minzy to change my bandage.
"Ani... I'm so sorry for being a nuisance to everyone." I mumbled guiltily.
"Don't worry nuna, you are not, just be careful and don't hurt yourself anymore ok?"
"There unnie, the blood has stopped. Just be careful and don't pressure on it until it heals completely."
"Komawo minzy-ah. By the way, why is santoki like that? What were you guys doing while I was taking shower?"
With the mentioning of dara, everyone started laughing their heads off while Dara hid herself behind jiyong.

Author: thank you so much for reading! Again I apologise for the boring chapter 😓, I will try my hardest to make next chapter more interesting!😄



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Chapter 4: Update plz?
topbom_gbom #2
Chapter 4: Ahhhh they drugged them..... Save them!!!! Update soon....o.0 TT.TT TT_TT
BommieLuv #3
Chapter 4: omo~! ? what happen to bommie? seunghyun tabi! help bom ~! please update u r a cliff hanger -_-
Chapter 4: Oh I think they are in danger(;o;)
goldheart37 #5
Chapter 3: YEA!!!!! o(^▽^)o
NEW UPDATE AT LAST!!!! ♪( ´▽`)
CI so mean...... =_=
topbom_gbom #6
Chapter 3: UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 3: Oh Jiyong and Dara is sweeeeeeet(^-^) they are all funny(^^)

Authornim thank-you soooo soooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ fighting (^^)
goldheart37 #8
Chapter 2: This is so good!!!xD
I want more!!!:D
Chapter 2: Please update moooooorrrrrrreeeeee!!! Jiyong give his jacket 2 Dara!!! Sweeeeeeet(^-^)

Thank-you soooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ fighting \(^_^)/
Chapter 1: Don't worry Authornim It's not bad(^-^)

I want 2 read moooooorrrrrrreeeeee!!! It's very interesting (^^)