Truth or Dare part 1

The journey that we have come across


(Third person's view)
The game Daesung found was just a slightly more complicated version of truth and dare. The group was divided into pairs. Each player would get a special ability where they could use at any time during the game. A team would be eliminated immediately if any play in the team refuse to complete a dare or question, therefore last team standing would be the winner. Youngbae and minzy were already out, so as the dongseng Minzy went to shower next. Daesung switched with Bom, so Seunghyun can be partners with her.


(Dara pov)
*Sigh*this game is so embarrassing... How is it a double dare when all jiyong had to do have to do was doodle on my face while I have to act like an old woman. This is so unfair.
"Sorry Dara, but you should have seen how funny you were with the doodle and that ajumma accent."(1) seeing my displease jiyong tried to comfort me.
Whatever it's cl's turn now.
"Oh no~ why do I have to do that with seungri!?" Cl protested when she read the card that she picked.
"Hahaha you are doing a secret garden parody? Are you doing the coffe shop kiss scene or the classic sit up scene(2)?" Daesung teased
"Neither!" Cl exclaimed while placing her diamond shaped counter in front. Apparently I can reduce the difficulty of task by half.
Poor little panda seemed a bit disappointed.
"Seungri let's do the sit ups. I certainly don't want to lose this game."
"Wait what are you doing..."
Rather than Cl doing the sit ups,Cl pulled seungri's arms like a rag doll that I thought poor seungri would dislocate his arm before they even finish the scene.
"Oh Seungri-ah why aren't you as good looking as  Kim joon won(3)? When can you become that handsome? Next year?"
With that said cl gave poor seungri a nasty bang on the head, which earned everyone's laughter.
"Appa! What was that for? Do you really hate me that much?" Seungri pouted, feeling hurt.(T ^ T)
"Mianne, I just felt changing the script since the original one doesn't suit me. I didn't waste my special ability for nothing." Cl smirked.
"Cl you shouldn't be so harsh towards seungri, bommie's turn now!" Even though the dare was really funny, I felt sorry for little panda.
Yeah it's my turn! Bommie was super excited after seunghyun explained the game. 
"Mwoya? Do push up on top of your partner? I can't do that! I can barely stand up." Bommie complained.
"Then i will count it if seunghyun do it in your place."  Jiyong added.
"No! It's been a long time since I've done any push-ups, I will hurt nuna if I accidentally land on her!"
"That's the point you know. Seungri smirked cheekily, which caused another slap from cl." (−_−#)
"Fine then here is a question for you bommie. Don't tell you can't even do 'truth'." I suggested. "So Bommie do you like corn more than seunghyun? Which one can't you live without?"
"Hey seunghyun why don't I have any ability?"
"Miane Bom, I used the pass when I was partner with seunghyun." Daesung explained.
"Aigoo, Dara you are so mean you know I can't live without eating corn..." Bom signed.
Seunghyun facial expression changed and looked very hurt by Bom's response.
"So you choose a food over Seunghyun?" I questioned disbelievingly.
 "No! Of course not. Seunghyun is definitely more important to me. It's just that every since I could remember, there had never been a day when I didn't eat a corn, I think corn somehow became like water to me, I might die if I don't eat it."
"Don't you won't." Cl confirmed while laughing.
"That's good, incase it happens, seunghyun you will save me from corn-deficiency right?"
"Nuna, you really are an alien. I will make sure you eat corns everyday." Seunghyun face palmed himself while smiling.


(Third person's view )
Seungri picked a card and with a glance he used his counter as well.
"Sorry Dara I really don't want to get you out so early, but for the pride of my name I have to win." Seungri chuckled since he had the ability to pass the task to someone else.
"What a double dare? Salt and Ice challenge for 30 seconds?" Dara uttered.
"Hey how can you let santoki do salt and ice challenge?" Cl defended.
"Otherwise you have to do it, you are a girl as well, just to remind you. It's my ability so I can use it how I wanted." Seungri said with a bit annoyance.
Cl was stunned by seungri's comment.  
"Here." Dara placed placed her diamond counter as well.
"If we complete the dare then you are out." 😝 Dara had the ability of eliminating a team if her opponent admit the difficulty of the task.
"Do you want to gamble on this one?"
"Fine, I'm not called seungri for nothing."
"Dara let's just give up ok? There's no point of doing it." Jiyong protested.
"Are you scared?" Dara teased.
"Aneyo! Of course I'm not scared. Shouldn't you be scared? It's a dare for namja."
"If that's the case then lets do it. Seungri would have to change his name by the end of the game." Dara smiled at the thought.
"But—"  Jiyong wanted to object but he would dare to disappoint that smile. 
"Jiyong covered his hand with salt and grabbed an ice cube that seungri got from the kitchen.
"Wait I need some as well, it's a double dare."
"I know it's a double dare."  Jiyong  held Dara's hand on top of his hand where there weren't any salt. 
"See, since both of us are holding ice and salt, it's a double dare."  Jiyong said in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Ooooh that's so sweet." Bom exclaimed.
"I would do the same thing if we are doing the task." Seunghyun looked somehow displeased at bom favouring jiyong.
"That's if your bingu head can think of it." Daesung joked.
"Umm ji I don't think that's what it meant, Dara is pretty much doing nothing." It was probably one of the lamest excuse seungri had ever heard from Jiyong.
"Then why don't you try. I put double amount of salt you know." Kwon-leader eyed seungri sternly.
"let's stop now, you put too much salt on your hand. Dara insisted, after 20 seconds.
"I'm ok." Jiyong confirmed and didn't even budge from the pain.
"But my hand hurts, it burns!" Dara lied.
"Chincha? I thought there wasn't salt on your hand!" Jiyong immediately released his grip, scared that there might have been salt on Dara's hand.
"Babo, why didn't you release the ice cube? You hand is all red now." Dara pulled jiyong to the kitchen and held his hand under warm water. 
"I only agreed to this task because I would do it as well. Doesn't your hand hurt?" Dara gently dried jiyong's hand with a towel.
"I'm fine komowo. Are you ok?"
"Of course I am, my hand is totally fine. sorry that I lied."
"hmmmp, how dare you lie to me Dara." Jiyong pinched dara's nose teasingly.
"Anyways from now on seungri shall be called 'defeat'."  Jiyong smirked.   


(Seunghyun pov)
"Nuna, I really can't think of  anything bad about you." I said after looking at the card.
"Come on, no one is perfect in this world." Nuna looked at me expectantly.
"Seunghyun-ah our Bommie must be perfect in your eyes!" Dara winked at me teasingly.
"Ah, Stop teasing me! Fine nuna if  I say it, can you tell me as well?" I pleaded like a kid.
"Hmmm... Sure, if that will help you to complete the task."
"Nuna, the only thing that I can think of is probably your clumsiness."
Everyone nodded in agreement.
"I mean you burn the corns nearly every time you try to cook them and have ink on your face every time you have to write lyrics."
"Chincha?! Oh I never realised that before..."
"Wow Seunghyun you notice everything about bommie don't you?" Seungri exclaimed.
"You are just too much of a babo to notice." I hit his head jokingly.
"Plus nuna, who could hurt themselves this badly just from taking shower?"
"Sorry for creating trouble for everyone." Bom apologised again.
"Nuna you are not. I'm just saying that you should really take care since you can get hurt so easily. Well it's your turn to say something."
"Since you really want me to say it. There's something that I've wanted to ask for a long time now." Bom started.
My body tensed up on what nuna was about to say, *sigh* looks like I've disappointed her for a long time.
"Seunghyun, you don't have to be so formal with me just because I've spent one of my uni-years on studying psychology(3).   I just hope we can forget about the . Even though I'm the eldest  in the group, I'm possibly the most immature one as well. I always felt that you guys are more mature than me. So is it ok if you call me Bommie like others?"
"Erh... Nuna- no I...I...mean B...B...Bommie" I stammered. 
"Bom in case you haven't noticed seunghyun is not called bingu for nothing! He may look very charismatic but he's actually an eight year old little boy inside." Daesung joked.
"Yeah, I'm really immature." Even though I'm super annoyed with daesung's comment, I cant deny the fact that I'm actually way more immature than nuna.
"I'm not trying to be distant with you. Bom....mie can I call you that when I feel I'm more sensible than who I am now? I feel I'm being very impolite since I'm so childish all the time." I explained, hoping nuna would understand.
"If that's the case then I'm fine with it. As long as you are comfortable with me just call how ever you like." Bom smiled understandingly.

*Special note

1) Dara, Bommie and Cl used their ajumma accent in 'Strong Heart-YG Special'.

2) The scenes are in Bigbang's Secret Garden Parody.

3) That's the name of the character that Top was portraying in Secret Garden.

4) Park Bom had enrolled in Lesley Universty major in psychology before she started her career in music.

Author: thank you for reading! Special thanks to Goldheart 37 and Sandaragon for commenting on my story!

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Chapter 4: Update plz?
topbom_gbom #2
Chapter 4: Ahhhh they drugged them..... Save them!!!! Update soon....o.0 TT.TT TT_TT
BommieLuv #3
Chapter 4: omo~! ? what happen to bommie? seunghyun tabi! help bom ~! please update u r a cliff hanger -_-
Chapter 4: Oh I think they are in danger(;o;)
goldheart37 #5
Chapter 3: YEA!!!!! o(^▽^)o
NEW UPDATE AT LAST!!!! ♪( ´▽`)
CI so mean...... =_=
topbom_gbom #6
Chapter 3: UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 3: Oh Jiyong and Dara is sweeeeeeet(^-^) they are all funny(^^)

Authornim thank-you soooo soooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ fighting (^^)
goldheart37 #8
Chapter 2: This is so good!!!xD
I want more!!!:D
Chapter 2: Please update moooooorrrrrrreeeeee!!! Jiyong give his jacket 2 Dara!!! Sweeeeeeet(^-^)

Thank-you soooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ fighting \(^_^)/
Chapter 1: Don't worry Authornim It's not bad(^-^)

I want 2 read moooooorrrrrrreeeeee!!! It's very interesting (^^)