
The journey that we have come across


(Bom pov)
"Aggghhhh!!!" A high pitched scream suddenly filled in my room.  
Following my instinct I immediately my lamp. "Minzy? Was that you? " I mumbled towards  the small figure in sleeping bag next to me.
After my eyes finally adjusted to the light, I saw Minzy trembling against the wall with sweat all over her face. Without saying anything I reached to my dongseng and hugged her tightly. After what seemed a long time , Minzy finally relaxed and calmed down.
" are you ok?" I asked her worriedly. " yeah, I'm fine, sorry for waking you up unnie... Can you keep the light on though?" Minzy said in an uneven voice.
" sure, lets sleep for now, we have a big day tomorrow."
Even though i really wanted to ask Minzy what had happened to her  however I shouldn't dig into her privacy if she is unwilling to talk yet. No matter what I will always stay by her side and I will always hear her out when she is ready . With that thought in mind, instead of going back to my own bed I snuggled inside the sleeping bag with my dongseng. 

"Unnie! Unnie! Wake up! We are going to be late!" Minzy shaked me gently.
"Hmm what time is it now? Let me sleep..." 
"Yoboseyo, " I mumbled to the phone as I got up unwillingly.
" morning nuna!   Well I just arrived at your house with youngbae. You sound really sleepy are you even ready yet?"
"Omg!!!  Im soooo sorry, can you please give me another 10 minutes? Agghhh otoke!!!" I shouted and hung off the phone hastily.
I rushed towards the bathroom and got even more frustrated by Minzy's giggles.

(Third person pov)
" unnie, it's already 8:40, you know, poor oppas stayed another 10 minutes in that stuffy car just for you to choose your t shirt?" Minzy shouted towards the bathroom teasingly.  
"Aigoo, aigoo, I'm ready now, shall we go?" Bom carried both of their luggages and stumbled down the staircase. 
" unnie!!! Don't get angry... Let me help you!" Minzy yelled as she chased bom down the staircase. 
Morning umma! Bom greeted her mother sweetly after she took one of the butter corn her mum had made for her.
"Hello girls! Did you have a good sleep last night minzy?"
Bom's mother asked as Minzy followed bom in the kitchen. Bom looked at Minzy warily,
"yeah, of course I had a great night with unnie, thank you so much for letting me stay over, ajumma!" Minzy exclaimed brightly. 
Bom felt the sudden urge to ask  Minzy about  last night however her insecurity stopped her again. 
"Umma we have to go now, seung hyun and youngbae are waiting for us !" 
"Bom wait!! Your phone! "
"No umma remember what I told you before? Only Jiyong and Seunghyun will bring their phones for our convenience. Please don't call them if it's not emergency, we don't want any distractions during this holiday,  we have waited so long for this!"
"I know, however can you at least tell me where you guys are heading? "
"No umma!"
Seeing that she couldn't convince Bom, Bom's mother looked pleadingly at Minzy.
"Sorry ajumma, the boys kept the destination as a secret. "
"Bom please bring your phone, I will be so worried about you! Bom's mother pleaded again.
"Seriously! I'm not a nine year old girl anymore! I'm a grown up! Stop treating like I can't take care of myself! It's only a two week holiday, it's not like I will never see you again!" Bom exclaimed while she rushed through the door.
"Sorry ajumma, we are in a rush you see... Well see you in two week's time! Take care!"

"Unnie you shouldn't be so rude to ajumma" Minzy said as she chased outside after bom.
"Yeah I guess, I'm in a rush you know, I will apologise to her after we come back." Bom smiled guiltily while she opened Seunghyun's car door.
"Minzy what took you so long???!!"! Youngbae asked after they greeted each other in the car.
"sorry oppa however unnie was the one who wasted so much time to prepare..."Minzy said innocently while Youngbae pitched her nose.
"How was your sleep over?" Youngbae asked minzy quietly as Seunghyun drove along the streets.
"Sorry for making you stay at bom's house it's just that our house is too far away from Seunghyun's house."
"It's ok oppa, I understand. Sorry for making everything so inconvenient for you. You shouldn't bring me to this trip, you should just enjoy yourself with unnies and oppas... "
"And you stay at home by yourself feeling lonely while I have fun? No way! Stop worrying ok?"
"Neh, oppa" Youngbae ruffled Minzy's hair playfully. 

At the front seats of the car a different conversation was taking place. 
"Sorry seung hyun for making you wait for so long. "
"It's ok nuna I actually enjoyed sharing my new rap with youngbae while waiting for you guys."
"Wow you composed another rap? I bet you would be really successful after you debut. "
"Anyways what took you so long?"
"Just tired I guess, I'm pretty nervous for this trip, I know we always hang out together however we have never really went on such a long trip like this one before. "
"Well it's time that we should, we may not have a chance like this when we audition for trainees."
"Neh, we would all be together in the future as well right?"
Before seunghyun could answer Bom question his phone rang...
While seunghyun explained their whereabouts to jiyong, Bom leaned against the window and occupied herself by her deep thoughts.

(Bom pov)
Come to think of it, we had known  each other for more than four years already. We are all graduates from Korea National University of Arts, except for minzy, who just graduated high school and would become a medical student at Hanyang university next year.  Minzy was introduced to our group by her over protective brother youngbae. From what I've heard,  minzy was often neglected by their parents who are both very busy with their job as doctors. Therefore as a big brother youngbae took care of minzy when ever their parents had failed to do so.  Minzy had always been the shy and timid girl, and she had only opened up to us in the resent years, youngbae might be the only one she can share her thougts with. Even though we are all very excited over this trip,  it still makes me wonder whether this would be the last time we can share special moments together.  After this trip we would have to go and pursue our dreams in the entertainment industry and devote our youth to our careers.  As much as we look forward to our future, we are also saddened for the things that we must give up in order to achieve our goals. We may never have our private lives back again and our friendship may also drift apart by the pressure of our careers. It not like I'm being pessimistic about things, I'm just think about the possibilities that's all.
However what I have never imagined was that what I said to my mother might have been the last words I say to her.

Author: sorry for my bad English or bad chapter.😿🙏 Thank you for reading!💕

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Chapter 4: Update plz?
topbom_gbom #2
Chapter 4: Ahhhh they drugged them..... Save them!!!! Update soon....o.0 TT.TT TT_TT
BommieLuv #3
Chapter 4: omo~! ? what happen to bommie? seunghyun tabi! help bom ~! please update u r a cliff hanger -_-
Chapter 4: Oh I think they are in danger(;o;)
goldheart37 #5
Chapter 3: YEA!!!!! o(^▽^)o
NEW UPDATE AT LAST!!!! ♪( ´▽`)
CI so mean...... =_=
topbom_gbom #6
Chapter 3: UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 3: Oh Jiyong and Dara is sweeeeeeet(^-^) they are all funny(^^)

Authornim thank-you soooo soooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ fighting (^^)
goldheart37 #8
Chapter 2: This is so good!!!xD
I want more!!!:D
Chapter 2: Please update moooooorrrrrrreeeeee!!! Jiyong give his jacket 2 Dara!!! Sweeeeeeet(^-^)

Thank-you soooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ fighting \(^_^)/
Chapter 1: Don't worry Authornim It's not bad(^-^)

I want 2 read moooooorrrrrrreeeeee!!! It's very interesting (^^)