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Poster Requesting Shop [ Closed ]






Those were the 4 word Suzy used to believed when she was still young. Her family was wealthy and happy. They were a perfect family that everyone would dream of. But when her mother and father seperated she felt like a part of her was broken apart, a part that she would never be able to mend again. That was the day when she decided to change herself into a new person, a person who will never believe in love caused she thought that " LOVE RUINES EVERYTHING ". She also change in appearance, a look that would never seduced boys, a boyish look. 

Since her father and mother broke up, she decides to live with her friend Jiyeon's house. They were friends since childhood because their family were really good friends; so Jiyeon's family gladly accepted her. But she didn't last long on Jiyeon's house because she felt like she was a burden to them and besides she found herself a new place to stay. She bought an apartment. Where did she get the money from? Well her father left her with a huge big of money for her to survive and to live on her own. She was thankful though.

When she met her friend Myungsoo, they got along very well and Suzy got very close to him. Every second, every minutes, every hour, and everyday she gets closer to him. But for her, they were just " CLOSE FRIENDS ".

Will Myungsoo be the one that break her frozen heart and turn it into a gentle and loving heart? Will " CLOSE FRIENDS " be " LOVERS " ? 



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LovelySoulmate #1
Can I cancel my request? Thanks!!
Chapter 21: Thank you for the poster!! I really loved both!! I will be using the both of it for my next chapter!! Thanks!! And sorry for the late pick up ,,..
RJayKim96 #3
I requested <3 Kamsahabmnida. :)
i requested again! ^^
RJayKim96 #5
I requested ^-^ thank you very much <3
Nisa_Jiyeon #6
Hey there! I've picked my poster already! Thanks a lot to you, my beloved! I likes it <33
Chapter 20: i picked up my poster! thanks a lot! i luv it a lot! ^^
I requested~
Chapter 19: Thanks for the poster totally love it!!!!
I've requested again, submitted the form.