PRS | Sirzelochoi |

Poster Requesting Shop [ Closed ]




DESCRIPTION : 145 centimetres.

It's not a bad height if only it were for a middle high school student but for second year of senior high school? Guess it's a big problem.

Ahra has a short height since dont-know-when. All she could remember is she was one of the tallest student on elementary school period but turns to be the shortest once she entered middle school. She stops growing. That's all she could think of. 

Being the shortest isn't good at all, at least, for someone like her.

She was born in an overrated height family consists of super tall parent and two giant older brothers which doesn't help at all. Being questioned of how could she becomes the only one of their family trees that's having an abnormal height is so frustrating, as she doesn't know why either. Got to be teased by family members are embarrassing enough, but the school life is much harder and depressing. 

Not that she's distinctly being bully or somewhat near those statement but the jokes are getting serious by each day. She's okay though since she got best friends later that are always prepare to support her whenever it is and the height issues are so last decade for her. She spent the school days smoothly, having no problems besides the lame jokes about her height from classmate.

But not until the tallest guy alive come to their class.

He has 184 centimetres and it's more than enough to make him as the tallest student at their class---or even for the whole generation.

She was trying to avoid being on the same scene with him and people seemes to forget about her shortness since they got busy of commending about his height and dashing looks. Not to mention that some of the girl students even fangirl-ing about him. But it was no use when their former teacher put him to sit behind her.


She has those sharp eyes which make her capable to see everything so clear and that's why she got the seat on almost back line while in the other hand, he's so tall that he would distrubing the other's view to the board so he sat on the back row of the class which unfortunately, just behind hers. It makes people realize their differences and the old jokes come out again.

Morever that he seems to pay attention to her existances due to the everlasting scoffs. 



Here's your poster Sirzelochoi, hope you like it. I'm not sure if the poster looks cute or fluff, ahas I tried my best. You can use three of these poster. 

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LovelySoulmate #1
Can I cancel my request? Thanks!!
Chapter 21: Thank you for the poster!! I really loved both!! I will be using the both of it for my next chapter!! Thanks!! And sorry for the late pick up ,,..
RJayKim96 #3
I requested <3 Kamsahabmnida. :)
i requested again! ^^
RJayKim96 #5
I requested ^-^ thank you very much <3
Nisa_Jiyeon #6
Hey there! I've picked my poster already! Thanks a lot to you, my beloved! I likes it <33
Chapter 20: i picked up my poster! thanks a lot! i luv it a lot! ^^
I requested~
Chapter 19: Thanks for the poster totally love it!!!!
I've requested again, submitted the form.