PRS | Parksohee |

Poster Requesting Shop [ Closed ]



Do angels exist? The question run to every persons mind right?

Well yes they exist, but their only philosophy is love. What if an angel meets a guy who doesn't believe in love? How can this angel help this certain guy? Or will the two end up falling for each other?

A cold hearted idol meets an angel. Most people would fell in love with her cause of her charismatic aura but this guy is different way different. This cause the angel to help him believe in love again. But what if they both fell in love with each other? An angel and an Ice prince together? Isn't it kinda weird? But love comes in all forms.



First thing, Parksohee mianhae.! I have only made you one poster, I know this isn't fair and im totally sorry. But form now on, I would probably make one poster for each only now. Sorry. Thanks for requesting at PRS.


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LovelySoulmate #1
Can I cancel my request? Thanks!!
Chapter 21: Thank you for the poster!! I really loved both!! I will be using the both of it for my next chapter!! Thanks!! And sorry for the late pick up ,,..
RJayKim96 #3
I requested <3 Kamsahabmnida. :)
i requested again! ^^
RJayKim96 #5
I requested ^-^ thank you very much <3
Nisa_Jiyeon #6
Hey there! I've picked my poster already! Thanks a lot to you, my beloved! I likes it <33
Chapter 20: i picked up my poster! thanks a lot! i luv it a lot! ^^
I requested~
Chapter 19: Thanks for the poster totally love it!!!!
I've requested again, submitted the form.