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Poster Requesting Shop [ Closed ]

I will be doing poster and for that i will use three to four color on background and on the poster so you'll have 3-4 poster. Depend on the poster how you request. Isn't that nice? * giggle. * :)) 

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LovelySoulmate #1
Can I cancel my request? Thanks!!
Chapter 21: Thank you for the poster!! I really loved both!! I will be using the both of it for my next chapter!! Thanks!! And sorry for the late pick up ,,..
RJayKim96 #3
I requested <3 Kamsahabmnida. :)
i requested again! ^^
RJayKim96 #5
I requested ^-^ thank you very much <3
Nisa_Jiyeon #6
Hey there! I've picked my poster already! Thanks a lot to you, my beloved! I likes it <33
Chapter 20: i picked up my poster! thanks a lot! i luv it a lot! ^^
I requested~
Chapter 19: Thanks for the poster totally love it!!!!
I've requested again, submitted the form.