
Infinite scenario: When you're attacked by sasaeng fans

“Myungsoo – ah” you giggled into your cell phone, “I'm literally inside of your building. I think we can hang up now.”


“Andwae, I've missed your voice too much! I'm staying on the phone 'till you get up here.” You couldn't help but laugh at how cute Myungsoo was being. You got into the elevator, not really paying much attention to the three girls that had followed you on.


“So what movie did you get for tonight?”




“I said “So what movie did you get for tonight?”” You said in a slightly louder voice.


“Ja-i? You-break -ng up.”


“Myungsoo?? I'm just gonna hang up! I'll see you in a bit!” You ended the call, sighing as you slipped it your pocket. You began to notice that the three other girls in the elevator were staring intently at you.

You awkwardly tried to look anywhere but their faces.


“So...” one of them spoke, “What's your relationship with Myungsoo Oppa?”


“U-Umm.....” You shifted uncomfortably, not exactly sure how to respond, “J-Just a friend....”


“Really? 'Cause it sounded a lot like you were planning a date with him.” They started to crowd around you, you felt your back hit the wall of the elevator.


“W-Well...that's because....”


“Are you his girlfriend?!” her loud voice caused you to flinch.


“I don't want any trouble.” You said in a small voice. There were only a couple more levels to go before you reached Myungsoo's floor.


“You should have thought of that before you stole our oppa from us!” She slapped you hard across the face. The slap disoriented you enough that it gave the other two girls a chance to hold both of your arms. You felt the wind get knocked out of you as the third girl's fist made contact with your stomach. She pulled back her arm, you closed your eyes and waited for the second blow.


“What's going on here?!” that voice made you all look toward the elevator doors. None of you had heard them open. They had opened just in time for Myungsoo to see you get punched in the stomach.


The girls squealed and the two holding your arms released you, you fell to the floor and gasped for air. Myungsoo rushed to your crumpled figure, everything about him was tense and rigid. He scooped you up and carried you out of the elevator without giving the other girls a second glance.


He started to walk down the hall with you when someone call from behind you, “Oppa!” The girl who had punched you in the stomach had manage to slip out of the elevator with the two of you before the doors closed.



Myungsoo stopped walking and took a deep breath, you could feel his fists clench even as he held you. He turned his icy glare to the girl, “What.”


She looked down and smiled shyly, “Could I please have your autograph?” She held up a pen and paper.


You could almost feel the rage radiating off of Myungsoo, you thought he was going to snap right then and there. Instead he flashed her an obviously fake smile, well, at least it was obvious to you. He gently sat you down on the floor so you could lean against the wall, wincing from the pain in your stomach. He looked at you with angry eyes, not angry at you but angry at what had happened to you, then he put on his fake smile again and turned towards the girl.


He made small talk with her as he walked her back to elevator, even pressed the button for her and filled out the autograph while they were waiting for the elevator, he was a very good actor.


The elevator doors opened, she bowed to thank him and he also gave a slight bow, as soon as she got on the elevator she read what he had written and her face fell in disappointment, she looked back at Myungsoo with wide watery eyes. When the doors started to close Myungsoo dropped the act and the last thing the girl saw before the elevator doors closed was Myungsoo's hateful glare.


He walked back to you with a much softer expression, sitting down next to you on the floor and pulling you to him.


He kissed your forehead and then pressed you to his chest.


For a while, the two of sat there in silence as he held you protectively.






“What did you write on that paper?”


“It's not important....I just hope that it's enough to stop anything from happening to you.”



I hope to never see your face again. And please tell the other “Inpspirits” that if anything happens to __________ I will no longer recognize you as my fans and will not hesitate to take legal action against you.


- Sincerely, Kim Myungsoo


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Rainbowzjulia #1
Chapter 4: finally updated! gomawo! <3
infinite_lovexd #2
Rainbowzjulia #3
Chapter 2: cool.. really cool. i love the moment where he sit down next to the girl and pulled her protectively. ^^
Chapter 1: Haha... Okay, this is going to sound so callous and all, but I just stop laughing at your line "he opened his eyes as wide as they could."
-_- Sasaengs...