
Infinite scenario: When you're attacked by sasaeng fans

“Mmmm thanks for breakfast, babe, it was delicious.” Sunggyu said as he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, you were standing at the sink cleaning the dishes.


You smiled as he kissed your cheek and nuzzled his face in your neck, “Can I stay here today?”


You set down the dish you were washing and turned around to face Sunggyu, “You, mister, have a successful Kpop group to lead. They just might be expecting you to show up to practice.”


“Pfft those kids can manage without me.”


You laughed and rested your head on his chest, “You still have to go.” you said despite the fact that your arms wrapped around his waist and held him tightly.


He let out a light chuckle and held you tightly, closing his eyes in content as he breathed in your scent.


The next time he opened his eyes they widened as far as they can go.


Something was flying straight towards the window you and him were standing in front of.


“GET DOWN!” He screamed as he pulled you to the ground with him, shielding you with his body. The second you hit the floor the window shattered and you let out a scream.


You both stayed on the ground, trying to absorb what just happened. After a bit, Sunggyu got off of you and started to head towards the window.


“S-Sunggyu-ah...” you started to get up but he held up a hand to stop you.


“Stay down!” He ordered and you obeyed. He maneuvered his way through the sea of glass and carefully looked through the window. Checking for any more flying surprises or, if he was lucky, the person who threw something through his girlfriend's window.


He let out a big sigh when he didn't see anything. He made his way back to you and helped you to your feet.


“Are you okay? You didn't get hit by any glass did you?” He held your face in his hands.


You shook your head and placed your hands over his, “I'm fine, you?”


“Yeah, yeah, I'm okay.”


You sighed in relief and then you noticed the mess that was your kitchen.


“Well this is gonna be a joy to clean up....” you said as you started walking through the debris, “Sunggyu, could you go grab the broom? I think I left it in the hallway.”


“Sure thing.” He left the kitchen and your eyes continued to scan the broken glass, looking for the object that had caused it to break. Soon your eyes landed on a rock with a piece of paper attached to it. You picked it up. The paper had your name written on it.


Sunggyu walked back in just as you flipped the paper over and read what it said, “Watch out for whatever broke the window. Could've just been those one kids playing baseball again........jagi?” he grew worried when he saw how pale you had gotten.


“I-It's a threat, Sunggyu......from your sasaeng fans......they know where I live now.” You laughed a bit in your effort to not break down in front of Sunggyu, “T-They somehow got my did they get my address?” Your legs started shaking and Sunggyu noticed that you were about to collapse...into a pile of glass


“Jagi!” He dropped the broom and raced towards you, catching you in his arms. You were trembling in his embrace, clutching his shirt and burying your face in his chest, genuinely terrified. You had seen the horrible horrible things that sasaeng fans were capable of.


Sunggyu led you to the living room and sat you down on the couch. Gently taking the note from your shaking hand so he could read it


Surprise. Surprise. We know where you live. Stay away from our Oppa or we'll be forced to pay you a visit.


He crumpled the note in his clenched fist . He was angry. Angry at these “fans” for threatening you and angry at himself for getting you into this situation. He was ripped from his thoughts when a soft sob escaped your lips.


He knelt down in front of you and cupped your face, wiping your tears with his thumbs, “Shhh...Don't cry.....Everything will be okay.”


“B-But, Sunggyu, what if t-they come when you're not here? W-What am I supposed to do? I'm so scared ,Sunggyu.....”


“Listen to me, ______. They will not get to you, okay? I will not let them get anywhere near you.”


“ can't always be here to protect me...”


“No.” he reached into his back pocket, pulling out his cellphone, “But I am always a phone call away. If anything happens when I'm gone you call me. And I don't care where I am or what I'm doing, I will come to you, do you understand?”


You nodded and gave a slight smile.


“Now, I can't take off practice today, so I want you to go somewhere else. Do you have someone you can stay with?”


“Yeah...I think so.”


“I want you to stay there until I come pick you up.”






You grabbed him and pulled him in for a passionate kiss, “Thank you for keeping your head during all this. I don't know what I'd do without you.”


He smiled and brought you into his embrace, “I just want to keep you safe.”



A few days later


“Okay, guys, I think you've earned a five minute breather.” Sunggyu announced to the rest of the boys who instantly agreed. Myungyeol collapsed on the floor next to each other, DongwooHoyaSungjong sat in a circle to talk about random things, and Woohyun and Sunggyu went to check to see if their girlfriends had texted them.


“Aigoo my baby is so cute!” Woohyun spazzed over the selca his girlfriend had sent him.


Sunggyu smiled and shook his head, getting his phone out of his bag. He tried to keep it on him while dancing but soon discovered that that just wouldn't work out


1 missed call from _______ : 10 minutes ago


He excused himself to the hallway to listen to your message.


Sunggyu.” Your frightened voice instantly made him alert, “They're here. They're in the house. I'm in my bedroom but I can't hold them back for much long-” you were cut off by a loud bang and voices in the background “There you are!” “Hold her down!””No!NO!Stay away from me!” “We warned you to stay away from Sunggyu oppa and now....we're gonna make you pay.” your scream got cut off as the message ended.


Sunggyu slowly lowered the cellphone from his ear. His whole body was shaking with fear.


Suddenly he popped his head back into the practice room, “I have to go. Woohyun, you're in charge.” with that he left the rest of infinite with confused looks on their faces....and Woohyun with a mischievous smirk on his face.


Sunggyu sprinted out of the building and dialed your number, “Please pick up please pick up please pick up.”




“_____?!Where are you?! Are you okay?!”


Several voices giggling answered him. He was surprised but never stopped running.


“Oppa, I'm hurt..... does my voice really sound that much like hers?”


“Where is she? Did you do anything to her?!”


“If all you're going to do is talk about your dead ex girlfriend then I'm hanging up.”


That made him freeze on the spot, “D-Dead? What do you mean.... “dead”? Where is she?! Let me talk to her!”


“That's it, Sunggyu, I'm hanging up. Call me back when you've gotten over her.” they hung up.


Sunggyu stood there, his mind reeling. can't be dead....I was supposed to protect her “Calm down, Sunggyu. They're sasaengs. Sasaengs lie for attention all the time...” but what if they weren't lying. He started running faster than ever towards your place.


When he got there he saw three girls standing outside of your door. They jumped and squealed when they saw him approaching, he took note of the half crazed look in their eyes.


“Yeobo!” He assumed she was the leader. He recognized her voice from the phone conversation, “You came!”


“Where is she?” His voice was deep and icy.


“Where is who?” She asked with an innocent expression.


“You know damn well who.” His jaw and fists were clenched. He fought with himself to not completely lose his temper.


“Yeobo, I don't know why you're so concerned about a dead girl-”


Sunggyu snapped and slammed his hand against the nearest wall, causing them all to jump, “STOP SAYING SHE'S DEAD! SHE CAN'T BE DEAD! And if she is.....I swear to God.....if it's the last thing I do...I will make you pay.”


They stood there staring at him with wide eyes as he tried to calm himself down, “Get out of my sight.” he hissed, “Before I call the police.” they quickly ran away.


As soon as they were gone, Sunggyu rushed inside and frantically started looking for you, “_____?! _______! Oh God......answer me! _______!!”


“Oppa!” he turned to see you running towards him. He met you half way and caught you in his arms, holding you as tightly as he could and crushing his lips to yours.


“Are you okay?” he asked between kisses “Are you hurt?”


“I'm fine.” You were giggling because of kiss attack, “They got in a few slaps but that's not anything I can't handle. I fought them off and locked myself in that spare closet in my bathroom.”


He smiled at you before pulling you into a tight embrace, “They-They told me you were dead....for a second there I almost believed them.” He buried his face in your hair. The fact that you were safe in his arms made him shake with relief, “I'm so happy you're okay....I don't know what I'd do if they had been telling the truth.”


“You would continue living your life. The world doesn't end just because I'm gone.”

He pulled away to look into your eyes, “You are my world. If I lose you I lose everything.”


You stared at him, speechless.


“And to make sure nothing happens to my world, you're coming to stay with Infinite for a while.”




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Rainbowzjulia #1
Chapter 4: finally updated! gomawo! <3
infinite_lovexd #2
Rainbowzjulia #3
Chapter 2: cool.. really cool. i love the moment where he sit down next to the girl and pulled her protectively. ^^
Chapter 1: Haha... Okay, this is going to sound so callous and all, but I just stop laughing at your line "he opened his eyes as wide as they could."
-_- Sasaengs...