
Infinite scenario: When you're attacked by sasaeng fans

“Jagi, lets go there!” Hoya pointed to a haunted house. You two were on a Halloween themed date and you had had more than your fill of horror.


You groaned loudly, not even bothering to hide your exhaustion, “Oppaaa......”


“Stop being such a baby!” He grabbed your hand and start pulling you along with him, “It's just one haunted house!”


You sighed and let him drag you along. This meant more date time with him, anyways.


You were starting to get scared just walking up to the place, it looked intense, you squeezed Hoya's hand tightly.


He looked at you and grinned, “Don't worry, Jagi, I'll protect you from the big bad monsters.” He said in a teasing voice that made you slap his arm and tell him to shut up.


You weren't sure if it was just for effect but you swore that the girl who let you and Hoya in glared at you, not at both you and Hoya, but just you.


“What was her problem....” you muttered under your breath.


“What was who's problem?” Hoya never missed anything did he?




As the two of you got deeper into the haunted house, you were certain that something wasn't right. There have been more than a few monsters who had not only jumped out at the both of you but made sure to give you an extra shove, some of them even tried to trip you. Hoya had noticed it too. In fact, he was starting to get angry. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to him, eyes scanning everywhere looking for the next attacker.


“Is it my imagination or aren't these people not allowed to actually touch you?” You whispered.


“No, they're not. I think we should leave. There should be an emergency exit somewhere around here-” a sudden impact caused Hoya to separate from you and you were shoved behind a curtain...into strobe light sheet maze.


“Hoya?” you called out for him, eyes squinting from the sudden exposure to the intense strobe lights, “Hoya!” You didn't hear a reply.


Okay...shouldn't be too hard....just turn around and walk back the way you came....


But as soon as you turned around there was a creepy ghost girl with a knife blocking your way. You screamed and ran behind one of the sheets, causing you to be lost in the maze.


You could hear her evil chuckle echo across the room.


You frantically ran around pulling back the dangling sheets hoping that one of them would reveal an exit or even Hoya.


Tears were starting to form in your eyes, you've never been so scared in your life, you called out for Hoya.


The next sheet you pulled back revealed the ghost girl. You screamed and started to run away but she caught you from behind and pressed an actual knife to your throat.


“This is for Hoya oppa.” she hissed.


You shut your eyes tight and let out a sob. The next second her arm was ripped from your throat, you heard her let out a cry of pain as the knife hit the ground.


You turned around to see Hoya, holding the girls arm behind her back in a very painful position, giving her a look that would have killed if it had the power.


“Oh, Hoya....” you breathed in relief.


Hoya had a million thoughts running through his head. A million words. A million threats. This is all he let out, “Where. Is. The. Exit.”


The girl shakily pointed to a corner in the room with her unheld arm.


“_______, go outside. I'll meet you there.”


“But, Hoya-”


“Just do it!” His voice was stern but his eyes were pleading. He wanted to get you away from the girl before he let her go.


You obeyed. When you walked away, Hoya reached over with his foot and kicked the knife away so it was far out of reach. He unwound the girl from her painful position but kept a tight grip on her wrist, looking into her eyes.


“If anything like this happens again, if anything happens to her, I will leave Infinite. Do you understand?” the girl nodded and he walked away from her.


As soon as he walked out you threw yourself into his arms and he gave you a tight squeeze before pulling back and cupping your face in his hands.


“Are you okay? Did she hurt you?”


“I...” you were still in shock, it was hard to remember if she had actually hurt you or not, “I...I don't...no...I-I'm fine...”


Hoya gently lifted your chin to get a better view of your neck, there was a scratch where the blade had broken your skin, “Lets get you home.”


Your house


Hoya sat you on the couch and started to clean the scratch.


You winced a bit.


“I'm sorry.” his hand started shaking, “I'm so....so sorry...” he leaned forward with his head in his hand, his body shaking with silent sobs.


You hated seeing him like this, you soothingly rubbed his back, “Hoya, don't beat yourself up, it's okay-”


“No, it's not! Its not okay!” You jumped at his sudden outburst, “I could have lost you tonight! If I hadn't made you go in there....If I hadn't gotten there in time....” he pulled you back into his embrace, “Do you know I terrified I was? How terrified I am that something like this could happen again? And just because you're my girlfriend? …...Maybe we should break up.....”


You tensed up and pulled back to look at him, “What?”


“If breaking up with you is the only way to keep you safe then I'll let you go.”


“No! I won't let you!”


“And I won't let anything happen to you!”


“And I would rather face a hundred sasaengs than have to live without you!” you reached over to grab his hand, “I love you.....please don't push me away because of this one incident...I'll start taking more precautions from now on. I'll even learn self defense if it makes you feel better! Just, please, don't think breaking up would better for either of us....it would only hurt us both.”


He stared at you for a while before pressing his lips to yours and pressing your foreheads together “I will do everything I can to keep you safe.... I love you, _______”



Haha I was watching Sherlock while writing this, thats how that line got in there so thank you Martin Freeman.

Anyways I hope you liked it! I just think protective Hobaby would be too precious<3






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Rainbowzjulia #1
Chapter 4: finally updated! gomawo! <3
infinite_lovexd #2
Rainbowzjulia #3
Chapter 2: cool.. really cool. i love the moment where he sit down next to the girl and pulled her protectively. ^^
Chapter 1: Haha... Okay, this is going to sound so callous and all, but I just stop laughing at your line "he opened his eyes as wide as they could."
-_- Sasaengs...