
Infinite scenario: When you're attacked by sasaeng fans

"Baby, that was such an amazing movie!"

"I know! Can you believe that plot twist at the end? Mind blowing!"
"I know! A ghost the whole time....who would've thunk it."
You and woohyun were walking home, hand in hand, from the theatre. It had been such a nice day that you had convinced him to walk, it gave you more time together anyway.
You were turning down the alley from which you had come to the theatre, only... it was a bit darker now. But, with Woohyun by your side, you werent so afraid of the dark anymore.
"Oh my god!" A girl jumped out of nowhere which caused both of you to jump and scream. "Are you THE Nam Woohyun?!"
You looked up at Woohyun. He had a startled look on his face, "uh...uh..." he hesitated, "y-yeah...thats me." He put on his greasy smile, "and who might you be?"
"Im one of your girlfriends! I'm Clara."
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. You knew it was just fan service when Woohyun called his fans that but sometimes they just take it too far.
"Well it's very nice to meet you, Clara! But we were just heading home so-"
"Yeah....me and this lovely little lady here." He gestured to you and you smiled shyly at the ground. Clara looked over to you as if she was just now noticing your presence.
Her chest started heaving and a look of shock and rage appeared in her eyes, "You... have... a GIRLFRIEND?!" Suddenly a group of terrifying fangirls appeared from the dark places of the alley, all of them staring daggers at you.
You and woohyun took a step back, he gripped your hand tighter and slightly stood in front of you, blocking you from the group.
"We don't want any trouble." He said in a serious tone.
"We trusted you, Oppa!"
"I love all of my fans! But I also have the right to date whomever I choose! I would think that my fans would support me in whatever makes me happy."
"WE TRUSTED YOU! And you betray us by sleeping with this ?! Get her!"
"RUN!" Woohyun started dragging you along behind him and pulling out his cell phone.
"Sunggyu? Yeah, I don't have time to talk so just listen. ________ and I are being chased by a group of sasaengs and I could really use some back up so I need you and the guys to meet us at the parking garage with the car and HURRY!" He snapped his phone shut and looked behind the two of you, the sasaengs were getting closer by the second.
"We have to go faster!"
"Woohyun!" You panted, "I dont know how much longer I can run!"
"Come on, Jagiya! We don't have much farther to go!"
Just as he said that you felt a hand grab the back of your dress. You screamed as your hand was ripped from Woohyun's tight grasp and you were lost in the sea of sasaengs.
"No!" Woohyun immediately dove into the crowd, hell bent on protecting you. His clothes were getting ripped, he was getting scratched, kicked, and punched but he kept calling your name.
"__________! Answer me! Please, jagi!"
Finally his eyes met yours. You had heard Woohyun calling you and you finally managed to get on your feet long enough to answer him but it wasn't too long before you were dragged down for another beating.
"Get off of her!" He fought through the girls to see them beating the life out of you, "stop it! Please! ______-ah!!" Every punch and kick they threw at you went straight to woohyun's heart and broke it a little more.
He broke through the last barrier of girls and threw himself on top of you, taking all of the punches and kicks for you.
You were conscious enough to be aware of what just happened.
"It's-ah! Okay Jagi..." You could tell he was losing strength and it killed you that you couldn't do anything about it.
Suddenly there were voices and sirens. The voices were familiar and soon the hits stop coming and woohyun rolled off and collapsed beside you. You used your last bit of strength to look at him only to see that he had done the same thing. The last thing you remembered was Woohyun's hand reaching out to you as the medics lifted you up onto a gurney.
The steady beeping of the heart monitor greeted you as you woke from your slumber. You saw a women in a white coat standing at the foot of your bed looking at your chart.
"Whe-...where's Woohyun?"
The doctor's attention snapped to you, "oh, you're awake! How are you feeling?"
"Awful. Where is he? Is he okay?"
"He's resting in another room."
"I have to see him." You tried to sit up but gasped as pain spread through your entire body.
"I'm afraid you're not going anywhere for a while. You need to rest. I'll go tell the nurses to refill your painkillers."
You thanked the doctor and sighed after she left, your thoughts only on Woohyun.
"Nam Woohyun, you crazy son of a , you need to get back in bed!"
'Right on cue' you thought as you heard sunggyu's voice.
"No! Where is she?!" You'd recognize that stubborn voice anywhere, you heart started to beat fast with anticipation.
"________-ah?!" Within seconds he was filling your door frame with a worried look that turned into a sad smile when he saw you. He looked about as bad as you felt but you were relieved he could even stand up.
He limped over and pulled up a chair to your bedside, wincing as he did so.
"Sunggyu's right, you shouldn't be putting so much stress on your injuries. You should be in bed."
"I should be with you." He gripped your hand tightly.
Your hear fluttered, "Always so greasy."

Both of you laughed, despite the pain.
"So how are you feeling?" Worry crept into his voice.
"I've been better. A nurse is supposed to come and give me something for the pain."
Suddenly Woohyun's whole body started shaking.
"Are you all right?" You asked, "you should go back and rest, I'll be fine by myself."
"Im s-...I'm so sorry ________. If it wasn't for me-"
"If it wasn't for you I would be dead."
"You're in here because of me. We can't even go out on a date without..." he paused and let out a shaky breath, "you would be better off without me." He put a hand over his face and started sobbing.
Your heart hurt as you stared at him with your mouth slightly open. Better off WITHOUT Woohyun? That was not possible and you had to make him see that. You started to sit up, whimpering at the pain. Woohyun quickly dropped his hand at the sound, "Y-yah...what are you doing?" He placed his hands on your shoulders and gently tried to force you back down, "lay back down, pabo! You're gonna hurt yourself!"
"Not until you realize that this wasn't your fault!" Tears started to form in your own eyes from the pain.
"Okay! Okay! It wasn't my fault! Now please lay back down, Jagiya."
You gently laid your body down and took his hand again, "The only people who are to blame for this are those sasaengs. You couldn't have done anything to prevent it but you didn't cause it either. And I, definitely, would not be better off without you, Nam Wooohyun. I love you."
His hand tightened around yours, "I love you, too, _________." He leaned over to place a gentle kiss on your lips, "I swear that I will do everything in my power to stop anything like this from happening again."
Just then the nurse walked in, "Alright, who ordered the painkillers?"
"I believe she did." Woohyun answered for you.
"These will knock you right out so we can get you healed up good as new." She started to replace the empty pack with the new one.
You turned to woohyun with anxious eyes, "Will you be here when i wake up?"
He used his free hand to cup your cheek, "im not going anywhere."
"Think again, Mister." The nurse said, "You've got some healing of your own to do... in your own bed!"
Woohyun looked down at you with sad eyes. How could he leave your side now?
"Its okay." You reassured him, the drugs starting to take effect, "She's right... you need rest."
The boy bit his lip, contemplating something, "Nurse? Would it be possible for me to move my bed in here? There's room for one more."
"I'll see what i can do. But for now your room is three doors down so shoo!"

Your eyelids were drooping and the pain was fading. You could feel the slight pressure of Woohyun's lips on your forehead before you were carried away into a content darkness.

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Rainbowzjulia #1
Chapter 4: finally updated! gomawo! <3
infinite_lovexd #2
Rainbowzjulia #3
Chapter 2: cool.. really cool. i love the moment where he sit down next to the girl and pulled her protectively. ^^
Chapter 1: Haha... Okay, this is going to sound so callous and all, but I just stop laughing at your line "he opened his eyes as wide as they could."
-_- Sasaengs...