Welcome to the Beast's Castle

Prince in Disguise [Interactive Romance Story]

Fairytale: "Beauty & The Beast"

Hello there, caring and loving lady. Get ready to meet YOUR Prince in Disguise...

    "Heave... Ho!


    "Heave... Ho!"


    "Heave... Ho!"

    You winced as the battering ram collided with the heavy castle doors one last time, the mighty doors giving way and flying open. You watched as the villagers charged in, holding pitchforks and torches, yelling things like "Take the castle!" and "Kill the Beast!"

    From the start, you wished that the villagers wouldn't be so stupid and try to fight the Beast, because you knew they wouldn't stand a chance. But you alone couldn't convince the whole village to stop. You were just glad that your older brother, being the hot-headed idiot he is, complied with your plea to stop.

    Or at least, that what's you thought, until you saw him charging into the castle.

    "Devin!" you exclaimed. "What-?"

    You ran after him, ignoring the protests of the female villagers around you. You looked feverishly for him, ignoring all the commotion happening around you. When you finally spotted him, you ran up to him and said, "Devin! What are you doing? You said-!"

    "____, what are you doing here?!" he yelled. "Get out of here! I can take care of myself!"


    "I'll go if it gets too tough for me, alright? Now, just go!"

    Before you could say anything, Devin pushed you away and turned back to who he was fighting. You stumbled back, falling flat on your . You were about to get up, but someone pushed you back down, looming over you and about to strike.

    Or rather, some thing...

    You stared wide-eyed at the mirror in front of you, a face (which held a scowl) on its frame. You were so confused; inanimate objects coming to life?! What is this? You were too shocked by what was happening, and the mirror looked about ready to crash down on you.

    Suddenly, something shoved you out of the way, saving you from the falling mirror. When you opened your eyes to see your savior, you saw that it was... a broom?

    The broom pushed you up, helping you up. You stared at it, bewildered, as it hopped away and said, "Hey! Don't just stand there! Follow me!"

    You would probably be called crazy for following after a talking broom, but heck, when said broom saves your life, you'd be kinda crazy for not following it, right?

    You and the broom ran (well, the broom hopped) up the stairs and into a secluded corridor, away from all the fighting. Once you were sure that you were safe, you stopped and tried to catch your breath. The broom, which was just waiting for you to calm down, said, "We should be safe here. Are you okay?"

    "Yeah," you said. "Except for the fact that I'm talking to a broom."

    If the broom could, you imagined it would scratch its head right about now. "Yeah, I probably look really weird to you, huh?"

    "Understatement of the year."

    The broom chuckled (if brooms can chuckle) and said, "Ha ha, you're probably right. But believe me, I'm really a real guy! I'm just... Under some difficult circumstances right now."

    You giggled. "That's too bad," you said. "I really wish that I could thank my savior face to face..."

    "Trust me," the broom said. "I'm nothing special as a human. I'm probably not as handsome as someone like the Prince, or even any other guys."

    "I don't believe that!" you said. "And besides, having a good heart is better than having good looks. And you definitely have a good heart if you saved me. So, thank you, uh... Mr. Broom...?"

    The broom chuckled and said, "My name is Sungmin, and thank you..."

    "___," you stated.

    "Thank you, ___. It was no problem, really."

    You smiled at Sungmin the Broom, and at that moment, you wished he was a human just so that you could see him smiling back at you. But you could tell (in some strange way) that he was smiling, too.

    Then, a blinding, white light suddenly enveloped the corridor, confusing you and Sungmin. "Sungmin?" you asked. "What's going on?"

    "I don't know!" he replied.

    The white light grew closer and closer, then it totally wrapped around the two of you, blocking you off from seeing anything else.

    When you opened your eyes, you found yourself in a beautiful, golden ballroom. People, both villagers and some others, were standing around the middle, laughing and smiling happily. You even saw your brother chattering happily with a few other guys.

    You turned your eyes to the middle of the ballroom, and you saw a beautiful couple dancing with each other, looking dotingly into each others' eyes. Your heart warmed up at the sight, and you kind of wished you could dance like that with someone you loved, too...


    You turned around, and in front of you, a handsome, black-haired man stood, smiling brightly at you.

    "Don't recognize me, ____?" he said, a sly smile playing on his lips.

    It took a second, but you finally recognized his voice. "S-Sungmin?!"

    Human Sungmin smiled a big grin and said, "Yup! That's me!"

    You took in his appearance for a second, then you giggled, puzzling Sungmin. "Liar!" you said.

    Sungmin frowned. "What?"

    "You said you didn't look as handsome as other guys! You liar," you teased, giving him a big smile.

    Sungmin took a second, but he caught on, and a slight blush covered his cheeks. "Th-thanks, ___...."

    You giggled at his cute embarrassment, and he eventually laughed with you, too. "Oh," he said. "I remembered. I came over to ask you something."

    Your eyebrows rose up, and you asked, "Really? What was it?"

    He flashed you a bright smile before bowing in front of you, taking your hand, and saying:

    "____, would you honor me with a dance?"



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Sorry for the short and pretty uneventful update! But don't worry; I plan to make each and every one of these next set of choices lead to a good little story!


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Please update~ This is so cute! <3
kpop_luv #2
I'm loving This please update soon :)
MinwooBF_luv #3
Chapter 17: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! OMFG!!! I GOT MINWOO!!!!!'
Chapter 9: THIS ISO CREATIVEE!!! its like a whole journey thing! love it!
Chapter 19: Yay~ Thanks so much for the update! <3 It's amazing as always~ Can't wait for the endings ^-^ Will there be a sequel? >///< With more princes?
kpopgirl2494 #6
Chapter 9: OMO OMO Luhan so manly here~be my personal guard!XD
taekeybb #8
Chapter 9: Mine's Kris. <333
My prince is Jonghyun! I'm so happy~~ Please, update soon! :)
Chapter 13: Youngmin~ *^* It's awesome how we share the same bias~ <3 Thanks so much for the update and which boys are next huh? *winks*