Welcome to Paris [2]

Prince in Disguise [Interactive Romance Story]

Fairytale: "Thumbelina"

Hello there, you mystical, sentimental fairy. Get ready to meet YOUR Prince in Disguise...


    'Where IS it?!'

    You were searching for a letter, a letter made to you from your deceased mother. You were reading it at home, just because you missed your mother a bit today. Then, to your bad luck, a strong gust of wind blew through your house, exiting through the open window and taking your mother's letter with it.

    And now here you were, searching high and low for a letter you were hoping with all your might was still in this area.

    'Oh, God... Where is the letter?!' you thought to yourself. 'I've searched everywhere here! I hope it's still around here somewhere... Maybe I should check everything again...'

    You were just about to do that, when you noticed a fallen leaf on the ground, the sunlight hitting it directly. 'Did I search that yet? I don't think so... Maybe...'

    You quickly went over to the leaf, and, with a quick tug, pulled it off of the ground. But what was under it wasn't your letter...

    "Gah! The light! It burns!"

    You stared wide-eyed at the previously-sleeping boy you found, and when it hit you that you caused him to wake up (rather harshly, you might add), you apologized right away.

    "Oh my gosh!" you exclaimed at the boy covering his eyes. "I-I'm SO sorry! I-I, uh... Here!"

    Needless to say, you panicked, tossing the leaf back over the boy, but hitting his face doing so. You cringed and closed your eyes as you heard an 'OW!' escape from him. After a while, you slowly lifted the leaf back up, only to find the boy wasn't there anymore. You were about to look around you, but then, you heard a voice behind you.

    "Jeez...," he said. "What was that for?!"

    You turned around, startled, and saw the source of the voice: a handsome, brown-haired boy, rubbing his eyes in frustration.

    You felt a blush creeping up your face, but you brushed it off and said, "O-oh, I'm really sorry! I didn't know you were sleeping under that leaf..."

    The boy smiled at you and said, "Eh, it's alright. I admit, it wasn't such a good resting place, anyway."

    You giggled at this, and the boy then held out his hand. "Name's Youngmin. And you are?"

    You shook his hand and answered. "...I'm ____."

    Youngmin nodded his head. "So, ___. What is a girl like you looking under random leaves on the ground?"

    "I was looking for a letter I lost," you said. "The wind blew it away, and now, I can't find it."

    Youngmin looked like he was thinking hard about something, but then he spoke. "...Is it important to you, ____?"

    You nodded vigorously. "Yeah. My mom gave it to me, so... Yeah, why, Youngmin."

    The boy smiled at you and said, "Alright, ____. Looks like I'm helping you out here!"

    'Well, that went... Well... Oh, who am I kidding? We've gotten nowhere!'

    It's been a couple of hours, and you and Youngmin still haven't found that letter of yours. You searched in so many places, but you still couldn't find it! You worked so hard...

    And you wish you could say the same about Youngmin. You knew he meant well, and he tried his hardest to help you... When he was awake. Truth is, the boy got tired so fast, you thought he probably spent an hour sleeping with all his breaks combined.

    You sighed. Even with Youngmin's help, maybe the letter really is lost...

    "Ah!" Youngmin suddenly exclaimed. "Look!"

    You followed Youngmin's gaze, and to your surprised, there it was! Your mother's letter, sitting on a branch near a bird's nest!

    'Wait...,' you thought to yourself. 'B-bird's nest?' You turned to look at the bird, and boy, did it look scary! Being a fairy, of course big, scary birds were scary! They were at least thrice your size! Your hopes dropped instantly.

    "Well, ___? What are you waiting for?" Youngmin asked, but when he noticed the look on your face, he understood. "...I see. Alright, then. Wait here, kay, ____?"

    You went wide-eyed. "What?! Y-Youngmin! Wait-!"

    Too late. Youngmin was already flying up near the branch, careful not to attract the attention of the bird. You watched anxiously as he snuck up behind the bird, grabbed the letter, and started to fly back to you. Then, you noticed that the bird had already noticed Youngmin, and it did not look happy about him being so close to her babies...

    'Ah, screw it!' you thought. "Fly, Youngmin! Fly away!"

    "Huh-? Aah!"

    It all happened really quickly, but you saw that although the bird was really close, Youngmin somehow managed to make it back to you safely. Out of breath, he looked at you and managed a smile as he handed you back your letter.

    You reached to grab the letter, but your hand brushed his doing so, making the two of you blush. The two of you couldn't stare each other directly, so you just said, "Th-thank you, Youngmin. It was really sweet of you to help me."

    Youngmin's blush grew even more, and he gave a small smile, saying:

    "W-Well, I uh... It's just-! ...You're welcome, ___."



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Sorry for the short and pretty uneventful update! But don't worry; I plan to make each and every one of these next set of choices lead to a good little story!


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Please update~ This is so cute! <3
kpop_luv #2
I'm loving This please update soon :)
MinwooBF_luv #3
Chapter 17: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! OMFG!!! I GOT MINWOO!!!!!'
Chapter 9: THIS ISO CREATIVEE!!! its like a whole journey thing! love it!
Chapter 19: Yay~ Thanks so much for the update! <3 It's amazing as always~ Can't wait for the endings ^-^ Will there be a sequel? >///< With more princes?
kpopgirl2494 #6
Chapter 9: OMO OMO Luhan so manly here~be my personal guard!XD
taekeybb #8
Chapter 9: Mine's Kris. <333
My prince is Jonghyun! I'm so happy~~ Please, update soon! :)
Chapter 13: Youngmin~ *^* It's awesome how we share the same bias~ <3 Thanks so much for the update and which boys are next huh? *winks*