Daehyun's Thoughts

Day By Day

"Daehyun-ah, you look like you could kill. What's bothering you?" Seunghyun asked, pretending to care when the only thing he wants to do is kill the daylight out of Daehyun for some reason.

"Ah, nothing hyung. It's just that Junhong-pyon's taking his time to go down, and the fact that I'm getting pretty hungry myself..." Daehyun explained as he rubbed his growling stomach.

"Well, we usually don't eat dinner but, help yourself out." Seunghyun said with a faked smile.

"But doesn't that look kinda...impolite..?" Daehyun scoffed, trying to avoid Seunghyun's piercing look at him.

"Not at all, just calm down will ya? I'm not gonna kill you. Unless you give me a reason to do so." Seunghyun shifted.

Daehyun looked at him with wide eyes, "Of course I'm not gonna do that! So stop looking at me with those huge eyes of yours already." Seunghyun felt like he lied when he said that.

Somehow being with Daehyun makes his blood boil to its core, he didn't have any intention to scare the young man but, just seeing him he felt like he could kill him with his bare hands. In the middle of dead silence, Daehyun stood up and gave a fake smile, just like Seunghyun himself did. He made his farewell and made his way out, meanwhile Junhong was looking from his two-story window. He gave a deep sigh before returning back to his room.

Daehyun was annoyed, he took the bus home which was a 25-minute ride. He sighed when he remembered he still has to walk a few more blocks. After what seemed like eternity, he finally entered his house and was greeted by an exited Himchan. He looked at the older and shook his head and didn't bother to remove his shoes, he just threw himself onto his bed and ignored the questioning Himchan. He was so annoyed from the outcome earlier;

"Where's Junhong-pyon?" He asked as his eyes were wandering all over.

"He told me a friend of yours was kinda like stalking him." The older answered, not bothering to look at him.

"Stalking? Who said that cheese?" Daehyun joked, he received a cold glare that could scare anyone.

"My dongsaeng. Choi Junhong." He answered with a cold and deep voice.

His chain of thoughts were suddenly broken when he heard someone shout and running around was heard. He got up and walked down and saw Himchan running for his life, away from Yongguk. He didn't do anything, just stood there with arms crossed and watched the two. 

"Yah! Jung Daehyun! Help me out here will ya?!" Himchan shouted as he barely dogged Yongguk's attack. 

"Why should I? You made me go on all that trouble just to find your damsel in distress, and you even didn't thank me." Daehyun shot.

"What?! You didn't even tell me where he lives!" Himchan shouted while Yongguk finally caught him.

"Kim Himchan, you're so gonna get it! You left me on that damn bus just for Junhong! How could you?!" Yongguk asked as he sat on top of Himchan's back and gripped the younger's arms.

"Yah! This-YOUCH!!" Himchan shouted as Yongguk twisted his wrist.

"Hey, why not get your revenge some other time? It's getting dark and I want to sleep." Daehyun suggested, Yongguk smirked and let go of the panting Himchan beneath him. Himchan stood up and rubbed his wrist and didn't bother to talk to any of them before leaving. Yongguk looked at him and back at Daehyun who smiled, he quickly followed Himchan out and took the bus together.

Daehyun smiled and walked back upstairs to his room. He changed his clothes into night ones then quickly opened his laptop. He surfed the net for about 15 minutes. Daehyun closed the laptop and went to bed. His mind on the Choi brothers.

Tomorrow's gonna be different. Junhong has a lot to tell me. He thought.


Hey guys! ;) This is pretty rare huh? For me to update twice in a row~

Sooo..... How about you guys click the arrow before the title on the front page

of this story, eh? ;) Oh yeah, sorry if this chappie's useless, I wanted Krissy to

do the hard work ;) LoL joke! Soooooo..... See ya next chapter 9! ;)



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@Day By Day- Sorry for taking so long, still trying to update[yes it's hidden], and trying to get ideas. O_O


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iHaveAThingForBAP #1
Chapter 16: I can't believe how sweet/fluffy HimLo is! >///<
Chapter 16: Hello new subbie here ! Sorry for comment in one-go !
Chapter 16: I love where this fic is going *winks*
I only read GTOP stuff but I'm breaking this rule for you. I like your writing and I can't wait for more.
Great job *hugs*
Chapter 16: aw nice update! Jun Hong, and Him Chan are so happy together!!
Yong Guk, and his pendant are very mysterious.:}
Chapter 16: wow i like it plz update again
HimChanBABYTats #6
Chapter 15: Awe, little y bunny! XD
Chapter 15: Wow this is silly update soon
Chapter 14: yay an update!! so mysterious, i love it!:}
Chapter 14: "Your fate has been set in stone." -- merlin reference, am I right? ahahahaha. Thanks for the update!
moon_up #10
Chapter 4: OMGG I cracked up at the end!XD Yongguk is so funny! And Himchan, that's just mean, how could you not help Yongguk!? :( Anywayss, hope Junhong would open up to Himchan!^^ update soon<3<3<3