Words I Never Said

Day By Day

“Yah, where are we..?" Yongguk stopped when he saw Junhong waiting at the bus stop. Himchan had let go of his arm and walked towards Junhong; panting.

Junhong noticed someone in front of him. He lifted his head and looked at the older.

 "Himchan-sshi? What are you doing here?"

"I'm going with you," he answered and sat down next to the younger in question.

"W-What? I'm sorry, but you can't," Junhong protested as the bus finally arrived.  He was about to grab his stuff when Himchan grabbed his hand and walked inside the bus.

“H-Himchan-sshi!” Junhong exclaimed, his cheeks turning a pale pink color. “Please let go of my hand.”

“Hey, wait up!” Yongguk yelled, following after the two.

“Let go!” Junhong snapped, his tone making him sound more like a whining child than a high-schooler. With difficulty, he wrenched his hand away from Himchan’s grip and hurried to the back of the bus, away from Himchan’s reach. Before Himchan could do anything, the bus started to move.

Himchan tried to go after him, but his attempts were in vain as there was a large group of people in the bus between him and Junhong.

Ignoring this fact, he tried to push on, actually moving a few centimeters forward before crashing into someone.

“Oof!” Rubbing his forehead in pain, Himchan raised his head to see who he’d bumped into.

Before him stood a young man; his features looked young, but his coffee-colored eyes held a wisdom that made it apparent that he was older than Himchan. He carried a guitar case on his back and had earphones in his ears.

“Jaesong habnida,” Himchan apologized, bowing vigorously. “Excuse me, sir.”

“Sir?” the stranger repeated. “That makes me feel so old! Call me Hyung, won’t you?”

“A-Ah, yes,” Himchan stammered in shock. “Your name is…?”

“Kwon Jiyong,” the stranger replied. “Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you,” Himchan reciprocated. “I’m Kim Himchan.”

“Himchan,” Jiyong repeated. “May I know what’s got you in such a rush?”

Himchan sent a wistful glance to the back of the bus.

“It’s my…friend,” he explained uncertainly. “He’s very shy and guarded and no matter how many times I try to reach out to him, he keeps pushing me away.”

Jiyong nodded in contemplation.

“Maybe you should give him time,” he suggested. “In fact, maybe you should avoid him for a couple days. Maybe then he’ll realize just how vital you are in his life if that’s the case.”

Himchan stared on in awe.

“Jiyong Hyung, are you a Velociraptor?” he asked in wonder. “That was some deep stuff!”

“A Veloci – Oh, you mean a philosopher?” Jiyong chuckled at the boy’s weird thought process. “I’m not a philosopher; I’m an instrumentalist at YG Entertainment.”

Jiyong fondly patted the cased guitar on his back.

“I play instruments, too!” Himchan declared proudly. “I play traditional Korean instruments, though.”

Jiyong smiled. “G-Dragon’s my most prized possession.”

“G…Dragon?” Himchan echoed in perplexity.

“Oh! Sorry, that’s the name of my guitar,” Jiyong explained bashfully. “The ‘Dragon’ part comes from the ‘Yong’ in my name, and as for the ‘G’…Every time I take the guitar out of its case and tune it, the G string is always the only one that’s horribly out of tune.” He paused when he realized that Himchan was chuckling.

“Eh? What?” Jiyong asked.

“You said ‘G string’!” Himchan guffawed before stopping. “GASP! Does Junhong-pyon not like me because I’m so immature?! NOOO.”

“I really can’t say because I’ve just met you, Himchan,” Jiyong pointed out. “But you did just verbally say ‘gasp’ and…did you call him –pyon?”

“But I want Junhong-pyon to like me,” said Himchan softly. “I want us to have fun and be best friends.”

That was when Jiyong realized the boy’s dilemma.

“Himchan, do you…,” he trailed off hesitantly. “Do you like this Junhong-pyon of yours?”

Himchan grinned on in blissful ignorance.


“Do you have feelings for Junhong?” Jiyong elaborated. “Is that why you’re chasing after him?”

“I-I don’t think so,” Himchan mumbled. “I never thought about it. How are you supposed to know?”

Jiyong grimaced uncomfortably.

How am I supposed to answer a question like that?

“In any case,” he said evasively, “be careful, Himchan. I’ve only known you for all of ten minutes, but trust me when I tell you that love’s a tricky . You don’t know if you can trust Junhong or if he’s just using you and lying to you –”

But I’m not like you.

Jiyong stopped short as he heard those foreign but familiar-sounding words reverberate in the deep recesses of his mind.

“You said the name of your friend was Junhong, right?”

“Yes. Why?”

“Jiyong Hyung, I’m sorry for everything. Thank you for changing my Hyung for the better.”

“Junhong,” Jiyong whispered. “I feel like I know him…”

“Jiyong Hyung?” said Himchan worriedly.

Suddenly, the bus stopped, causing Jiyong to look up.

“AAAAH, THIS IS MY STOP!” he screeched, gathering his things in a panic. “I’m sorry, Himchan, but I’ll talk to you another time, okay?”

He handed Himchan a small card that had his name and number on it before hopping off of the bus.

A few other people stepped out, too, leaving Himchan room to get to Junhong.

“I’m sorry,” he said without preamble. “I get that I annoy you, but it’s just because I worry that you’re so alone.”

Junhong did not meet his eyes as he looked at him.

“I’ve told you a number of times how hard it is for me to trust someone,” Junhong murmured.

“But why?” Himchan wanted to know.

“Because –!”

“I trust him fully, because he’s never given me any reason not to trust him…”

Junhong emitted a sound of confusion – That was the second time this week that he heard words that he felt had been said to him before but he knew hadn’t been. This time, however, the words were being said by his own voice.

The bus stopped, shaking Junhong out of his reverie.

“Mianhae, Himchan-sshi,” he said briskly. “This is my stop.”

Without another word, he hopped off of the bus. Impulsively, Himchan followed after him, but a call of his name stopped him from going any further.

“Hey! Don’t forget about me!”

Himchan looked up at the bus , which started to move.

Yongguk’s head was squeezed through one of the windows, sending Himchan a look of desperation.

Himchan stared back at the retreating bus.

“Yongguk! I forgot that you were there!” he called.

“Himchan, help! I don’t know where the next stop is going to beeeeeee….” Yongguk’s voice faded as the bus got too far away.

Himchan gazed after the bus.

“Meh,” he muttered remorselessly before looking around. “He’ll be okay.”

He glanced at the unfamiliar surroundings, growing uneasy as more time passed by.

“Now, how to get home?”


For you subbies that haven’t read the prequel to this story – I referenced a lot of lines from Season One, so if you haven’ read it yet, you might be confused.

Check out this story!:


Sorry it took so long to update! ^^;



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@Day By Day- Sorry for taking so long, still trying to update[yes it's hidden], and trying to get ideas. O_O


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iHaveAThingForBAP #1
Chapter 16: I can't believe how sweet/fluffy HimLo is! >///<
Chapter 16: Hello new subbie here ! Sorry for comment in one-go !
Chapter 16: I love where this fic is going *winks*
I only read GTOP stuff but I'm breaking this rule for you. I like your writing and I can't wait for more.
Great job *hugs*
Chapter 16: aw nice update! Jun Hong, and Him Chan are so happy together!!
Yong Guk, and his pendant are very mysterious.:}
Chapter 16: wow i like it plz update again
HimChanBABYTats #6
Chapter 15: Awe, little y bunny! XD
Chapter 15: Wow this is silly update soon
Chapter 14: yay an update!! so mysterious, i love it!:}
Chapter 14: "Your fate has been set in stone." -- merlin reference, am I right? ahahahaha. Thanks for the update!
moon_up #10
Chapter 4: OMGG I cracked up at the end!XD Yongguk is so funny! And Himchan, that's just mean, how could you not help Yongguk!? :( Anywayss, hope Junhong would open up to Himchan!^^ update soon<3<3<3