
Day By Day

The next day, after the masquerade party Yongguk's parents held, was Saturday. It was already noon, but Junhong still hasn't woken up yet. Seunghyun decided to let him sleep, after all, he is a growing boy.



"Seunghyun hyung, hello~!!!" Himchan sang through the phone, making Seunghyun chuckle.

"What is it, Himchan?"

"How's Junhong-pyon?" He asked, awkwardly smiling at the other end.

"Oh, Junhong's still asleep. He's pretty tired," He paused, "Himchan?"

"Yeah, hyung? Anything wrong?"

"Mind coming over? I have to go somewhere, and I can't leave the house while Junnie's asleep." He said, checking the time.

"Oh, sure! I'll be there in a jiffy hyung!"

"Oh and Himchan?"



"Anytime, hyung!"




"You're Yongguk's cousin, right?" He asked, staring at the gentle flow of water below the bridge.

"Yeah, I am, why?" Youngjae asked, smiling at him; a heart warming smile.

"It's just that, we are friends now, right?"

"Yes we are, Dae. What's wrong with you, Jung Daehyun?" He asked, turning around to face Daehyun.

"I don't know what's wrong with me these days, ever since Junhong tranferred to our school, Himchan's been giving him special attention."

He frowned, "Oh come on Dae, do you like this 'Himchan'?" Youngjae teased, nudging and winking.

"No, I don't. And besides, he likes Junhong,"

"He does?" Youngjae asked, "How can you say?"

Daehyun scoffed, but somehow, he found it cute, the way Youngjae's so naive about love, "It's so obvious, he even made me stalk the guy. How's that not obvious enough? I bet he even made a deal with that Seunghyun guy for Junhong's phone number."

"Dae," He called, "Hmm?" Daehyun hummed, "I'm gonna buy us something to drink, be right back, okay?"

"Yeah, see you."

Yoo Youngjae.. is Yongguk's cousin..? He thought, But how? They sure don't look one bit alike, Yongguk's got a deep voice, and masculine body, while Youngjae has a calming voice and a fluffy bod-- WHAT?! F-fluffy?! 

He slapped himself, "Jung Daehyun, what the Hell were you thinking..?"


"Ah, aigoo aigoo.. It's already 3P.M, yet Choi Junhong still isn't awake!" Himchan whined, he's been inside Junhong's room for a good 2 hours.

Just a few seconds later, he heard groaning, he turned around, it's Junhong, "Well, he's not awake yet so," He smirked and opened Junhong's laptop, he surfed Junhong's internet history;

Your History:


2012 The Movie on YouTube

American Skateboard Tricks

Different Skateboard Designs

American Skateboard History

Himchan's eyes were lazily scanning the screen, "Skateboard, skateboard, skateboard, is he Skateboard's husband?"

When he was about to close it, something catched his eye;


He raised a brow but clicked it anyways;



Natural life is cyclical. Day fades into night and turns back into day as the sun rises. One season gradually gives way to the next. Over the passage of time, new generations are born and old ones die. The continuous succession of birth, death and rebirth permeates nature even though our own lives seem linear. So it's no surprise that some ancient observers looked at the seeming linearity of human existence and decided that life, like the natural world, might actually be more cyclical than linear. Multiple religions, philosophies and movements adopted this belief in cyclic life, or reincarnationReincarnation, also called transmigration or metempsychosis, is the concept that the soul, or some aspect of the soul, is reborn into new lives. Depending on the religion or philosophy, the soul can appear incarnate in humans, animals or plants as it works its way toward an eventual escape from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Most religions that believe in reincarnation consid­er it the path to purity and salvation.

Reincarnation is widely accepted by the major Eastern religions -- most prominently Hinduism and Buddhism. It also has a history in ancient Greek philosophy. However, for people more familiar with the major monotheistic religions -- Christianity, Judaism and Islam -- the idea of reincarnation seems foreign and maybe even a little strange. That's because Christianity, Judaism and Islam conceive of time linearly. Life is simply a short step that determines the quality of an afterlife. For those who believe in only one life followed by an eternal afterlife, reincarnation is like an unwieldy marathon run by relay instead of a short, concise sprint.

"So, this is reincarnation, huh?" He told himself.

"H-Himchan..? How long have you been there?" Someone asked - it was Junhong.

"Well, pretty much a good 2 hours." He smiled, "Seunghyun hyung asked me to watch over you, he's gone somewhere."

Junhong blushed, "O-Oh, thank you. Himchan.."


Daehyun was standing on the bridge; where Youngjae had left him, a few moments later..

"DAEHYUNNIE~~!" Youngjae shouted, the said person turned around, Youngjae was carrying their drinks with a smile, but he tripped on something and..



For all those who were bugging me and asking what's reincarnation, there you are!

Sorry for the late update and thank you to our new subscriber/s! ^^ Hope you like the chapter!<3 /throws confetti/


- -CheesecakeObsession >> outtie!

[Poster and background credits;]

falling_ @Dango Productions

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@Day By Day- Sorry for taking so long, still trying to update[yes it's hidden], and trying to get ideas. O_O


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iHaveAThingForBAP #1
Chapter 16: I can't believe how sweet/fluffy HimLo is! >///<
Chapter 16: Hello new subbie here ! Sorry for comment in one-go !
Chapter 16: I love where this fic is going *winks*
I only read GTOP stuff but I'm breaking this rule for you. I like your writing and I can't wait for more.
Great job *hugs*
Chapter 16: aw nice update! Jun Hong, and Him Chan are so happy together!!
Yong Guk, and his pendant are very mysterious.:}
Chapter 16: wow i like it plz update again
HimChanBABYTats #6
Chapter 15: Awe, little y bunny! XD
Chapter 15: Wow this is silly update soon
Chapter 14: yay an update!! so mysterious, i love it!:}
Chapter 14: "Your fate has been set in stone." -- merlin reference, am I right? ahahahaha. Thanks for the update!
moon_up #10
Chapter 4: OMGG I cracked up at the end!XD Yongguk is so funny! And Himchan, that's just mean, how could you not help Yongguk!? :( Anywayss, hope Junhong would open up to Himchan!^^ update soon<3<3<3