It Has Begun

Day By Day

“Jiyong, is that you?”

Jiyong blinked in shock. “Seunghyun-sshi,” he repeated incredulously.

“Didn’t I tell you to call me Seunghyun? Stop with the formatlities,” said Seunghyun amicably, putting his mask back on.

“What are you doing here?” Jiyong asked, hoping that his own mask hid the blush that was spreading over his cheeks.

“Initially, I came to enjoy a masquerade ball that my brother’s friend was hosting,” Seunghyun began, “but now I’m looking for aforementioned brother. Do you know him? His name is Junhong.”

“Junhong-pyon...?” Jiyong inadvertently murmured under his breath.

“You do know him,” Seunghyun inferred. “And what’s with this –pyon thing again? Never mind that – Have you seen him, Jiyong?”

“I saw him a minute ago, but I don’t know where he went,” Jiyong replied. “I was looking for my friend, Himchan.”

“Why don’t we look for them together?” Seunghyun suggested gleefully, grabbing Jiyong’s hand and leading him around the grand ballroom in the estate.

“More importantly, Seunghyun-ssh – I mean, Seunghyun,” Jiyong called anxiously, making Seunghyun stop and turn to look at him. “I actually wanted to ask you why you never called.”

Seunghyun stared at him in confusion.

“T-To send me the dry-cleaning bill, that is,” Jiyong added in an undertone. “That’s all. I gave you my number but you never contacted me.”

Recognition flashed through Seunghyun’s eyes and tinted his cheeks a faint pink.

“That’s because I...lost your number,” he admitted in defeat. “I put the card you gave me in my pocket but I forgot to take it out before washing it.”

Jiyong was silent for a few moments. Then he started to laugh, the guffaws occupying him so much that he didn’t see the way Seunghyun smiled at him as he emitted that musical laughter.

“I see,” said Jiyong, wiping tears from the corners of his eyes. “Then, shall we start over?”

“It feels weird, but it feels like I’ve known you for years now.”

Seunghyun’s eyes widened as he heard his own voice saying those words in his mind.

“My name is Kwon Jiyong,” Jiyong continued. “I’m 24 and I’m an instrumentalist for YG Entertainment. I play piano, bass, drums, a bit of violin...but my main instrument is my guitar, G-Dragon. My favorite foods are crab and anything with pasta. Despite this, I can’t cook to save my life. It’s nice to meet you.”

“My-My name is Choi Seunghyun,” Seunghyun reciprocated nervously. “I’m 25, and I run a company that was left to me after my parents died. I have no special talents, but I’m told that I’m exceptionally intelligent and that I have amazing PR skills, which is good for the company. My favorite food is any food, and I don’t have to worry about cooking because Junhong does the cooking in the house. I’m glad to meet you, Jiyong.”

Suddenly, the orchestra that had been playing waltzes stopped and placed their instruments down. A man walked onto the stage and settled down on a piano bench in front of a beautiful, white baby-grand. As the man started to play Debussy’s Clair de Lune, Seunghyun was surprised to hear a delighted noise come from Jiyong.

“I love this song,” Jiyong whispered to him. “I love to play it on the piano, too. Seunghyun, come on, dance with me.”

“Eh? But wouldn’t it be weird for two guys to dance –”

“Not at all,” Jiyong interjected cheerily. “Come on!” He grabbed Seunghyun’s hand.

“Wait, hold on!” Seunghyun sighed. “Jiyong, the truth is that...I can’t dance, okay?”

Jiyong halted for a moment. Then he smiled – a gummy smile that made the corners of his eyes crinkle; a smile that made Seunghyun stare in awe.

“That’s okay,” said Jiyong in earnest. “Just follow my lead.”

He led Seunghyun to the center of the ballroom and took Seunghyun’s hand in his. He placed Seunghyun’s other hand on his waist.  He then placed his hand on Seunghyun’s shoulder, and began to waltz them around the room.

At first Seunghyun was afraid – he kept on staring at their feet to make sure that he didn’t step on Jiyong, but eventually, he became comfortable and laughed as they danced for the entirety of the song.

“That was fun,” Seunghyun told Jiyong once the song was finished. “Thank you, Jiyong.”

“Don’t mention it.” Jiyong had on that same, beautiful smile.

“I really –” Seunghyun stopped short as he spotted someone behind Jiyong. “Junhong! Yah!”

He raced past Jiyong to get to his younger brother, leaving Jiyong to follow after him once the younger saw that Himchan was also there.

“Junhong, who is this?” Seunghyun demanded, gesturing to Himchan. “Listen to me, we’re going home right this instant!”

“Wait, Hyung!” Junhong protested. “You don’t understand, I was just –”

“Hold on a second,” Jiyong cut in. “Let’s all calm down.” He looked to Seunghyun. “Seunghyun, I’m going to get us all some drinks. Do you promise to stay here until I get back so we can talk it out?”

Seunghyun sighed, but nodded.

However, once Jiyong headed off, he grabbed Junhong’s hand and made for the door.

“Wait!” Himchan called. “You like Jiyong Hyung, right?!”

That made Seunghyun stop.

“And what if I do?”

“Then, do you have Hyung’s number?”

Seunghyun’s expression changed from one of contempt to one of shock and embarrassment.

“I – ! I don’t,” Seunghyun confessed sheepishly. “What of it?”

“If I give you Jiyong Hyung’s number, will you promise to stay?” Himchan asked. “And will you let me be Junhong’s friend?”

Junhong gawked at Himchan’s boldness. He then looked to his Hyung to see his response.

“Please,” Himchan begged. “If you leave, Jiyong Hyung will be sad.”

Seunghyun’s eyes remained cold for a few more seconds, but finally, his shoulders slumped in defeat.

“Fine,” he conceded, handing Himchan his phone. Himchan typed in Jiyong’s number and handed it back to Seunghyun just in time for Jiyong to get back with drinks.

“So, can we talk this out?” said Jiyong.

“No need,” Himchan said. “Seunghyun Hyung and I have already discussed it and it’s A-OK!”

Despite himself, Junhong couldn’t help but smile at Himchan’s cheery disposition; it matched his bunny suit well.

“All right then, if you say so.”

From above, Yongguk watched in satisfaction.

It has begun.


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@Day By Day- Sorry for taking so long, still trying to update[yes it's hidden], and trying to get ideas. O_O


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iHaveAThingForBAP #1
Chapter 16: I can't believe how sweet/fluffy HimLo is! >///<
Chapter 16: Hello new subbie here ! Sorry for comment in one-go !
Chapter 16: I love where this fic is going *winks*
I only read GTOP stuff but I'm breaking this rule for you. I like your writing and I can't wait for more.
Great job *hugs*
Chapter 16: aw nice update! Jun Hong, and Him Chan are so happy together!!
Yong Guk, and his pendant are very mysterious.:}
Chapter 16: wow i like it plz update again
HimChanBABYTats #6
Chapter 15: Awe, little y bunny! XD
Chapter 15: Wow this is silly update soon
Chapter 14: yay an update!! so mysterious, i love it!:}
Chapter 14: "Your fate has been set in stone." -- merlin reference, am I right? ahahahaha. Thanks for the update!
moon_up #10
Chapter 4: OMGG I cracked up at the end!XD Yongguk is so funny! And Himchan, that's just mean, how could you not help Yongguk!? :( Anywayss, hope Junhong would open up to Himchan!^^ update soon<3<3<3