
Words Unspoken


He hadn't made that meeting. In fact, he hadn't made a few in the entire month he had been wrapped up in you. He would leave a few times for the next few months, mainly to go to school, but he had taken an extended leave. He knew that it would hurt him in the long run; his teacher's salary wasn't the best. Nor did he have much insurance money. 
When his parents died they didn't leave much. It wasn't their fault. They had scraped and tried to send him to college. And after that they didn't have much left. The drunk driver on the freeway took the rest of it, and them from his life. 
You had been there for him, holding his hand and telling him it was okay to cry. He hadn't believed you, but since then he always shed a few tears on their anniversary. 
It had bonded the two of you together even closer. He was so grateful for you then, and afterwards. 
You had always been there for him. Now he needed to be there for you. 
He couldn't stand to leave. The few times he did, he never concentrated on anything else, his mind consumed by you. The students knew something was wrong. Normally he would stand in front, answering their questions with an almost fever. The only times he had been there, his head had been in hands, laying on his desk. His voice didn't have the same power it used to have; he stared listlessly off. 
He was starting to mimic you...
And it broke his heart.
Between your deep depression and sudden rages of anger, he didn't want to leave you alone. He was afraid that you might hurt yourself... 
Daehyun had moved you into his house, afraid that if he wasn't there something would happen. You had already had enough.
After they had let your ex go! Let him go on bail...
The very thought sent a type of anger through him that he had never felt before. It made him just want to throw something and watch it explode. 
You hadn't been the same... He would be standing trial next week, and your tension was skyrocketing. Daehyun couldn't wait for all of this to be over with... It
was torture watching you withdraw into your shell. You weren't the same woman he had been in love with half of his life...
He knew you never would be, but he hoped it could somewhat go back to normal. Somewhat back to the warm bubbly girl that he had known. 
Not this husk of a woman he had on his hands now, always crying, hurting... the pain in your eyes drove him insane.  
Getting mad at him was the worst. He would always try to make you happy, always try to do the right thing...
And it would be thrown in his face.
Like the time you threw the breakfast he had made in his face.
He had tried so hard not to get mad himself, for he knew what had made you so angry. He was the only constant in your life, everyone else choosing to
leave you alone...
Everyone that just couldn't handle the change, didn't know what to say, just stayed away. They didn't call or text; if they did, it was always to Daehyun’s phone
and it was always clipped, filled with a cursory 'Hope she's feeling better'. How do you ' feel better ' from this? They didn't even have the guts to come to the house, or text your phone themselves. 
Which on its own was good, as you had thrown it at the wall a couple of weeks ago. If they had actually bothered, you wouldn't have been able to answer if you wanted to.
Your mother was a long way away and he doubted you would care if you had the metal attuidute too. The two of you never got along, the differerences after your father had left he created a rift too big. And neither was ready to take the chance and jump that chasum. He never found the identy of your father, not able to get any other information out of you...He wanted to find your father.
But you didn't. You sometimes didn't even want him
Those people drove him wild, but the people that had him thinking thoughts he'd never had before...
Were the people that didn’t believe you.
That was what sent him over the edge. They didn't believe the person who you said did it had actually done it. His family members came over to your house
to yell at you, when you were already having nightmares. Waking up screaming, calling him and having him rush over in the middle of the night. It had been taking chips of you away bit by bit. He had gotten in trouble for knocking the lights out of your ex’s brother. Giving him a bloody nose...and a broken arm...and a cracked rib...and a concussion. He would have continued on going if someone hadn't pulled him off. He would probably go to jail for that soon. But he hoped that it wouldn't be for too long. 
He didn't know how long you could be away from him.
You barely functioned anymore. It was a task to get you to eat, take a shower...
Your resolve to win this and see him behind bars was wavering. It seemed like Daehyun was the only thing keeping you together. He was the glue that connected you to the world, and that thin thread of sanity was slowly snapping. 
And it all came to this day...
"I hate you!" you screamed, inches from his face, the rage in your eyes undampened, "You're nothing but a piece of ! How could you!?
Daehyun refused to hang his head as he had done so many times. This time he stood up straight, his stature taller. He always let you yell at him like this,
being silent, not wavering. At this moment you were yelling at him for taking you to the hospital, for causing you all of this pain.
"If I didn't go to that damn hopsital, I could forget everything about this stupid thing!" You were clawing at your arms and he wished you wouldn't slap him if he reached out for you. "I wouldn't have to go to these stupid court things!" Your eyes were filling again. "I hate you, do you hear me!? Does it get through your thick- brain!?" Your words hurt, but the way you were hurting yourself hurt him more. He could feel his own helplessness rising and he couldn't take it anymore!
You turned away from him, tugging at your hair, sighing in frustration. "This is all your fault. I wouldn't have to do this-"
Something snapped.
Maybe it was you blaming him all the time. 
Maybe it was seeing you drift into this position.
It was enough.
"Stop it!" he screamed right back. "This isn't my fault and you know it! It's that subhuman that you, for ’s sake!" He grabbed your arms, making you look at him in the eyes. "I could because I care about you! I did it because I love you!" He pressed his lips into a thin line after this shot from his mouth.
Dropping your arm he turned, this time being the one to walk out of the door. 
It closed behind him with a solid sounding click.
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Mistlea #1
Chapter 9: Wow... your story was so beautifully written. So angsty and sad yet beautiful at the same time. Absolutely love Daehyun's character here. Thank you so much for writing this ^^
hello your story has been added to the b.a.p fanfic directory, ababyzdirectory, on tumblr. If you do not wish for it to be in the directory, please tell me and I will immediately remove it.
Claudine_NG #3
Chapter 9: Awwwwh... the ending really melted my heart ;A;
That's right! Leave things in the dust <3
Chapter 7: ;A; what is this?
Is this.. a little beam of hope I am seeing?
Chapter 6: ;A;;;
this is so good..
Yes.. Get back togetherr♡
Chapter 5: ... awh... it's hard for both of them..
Just discovered this story while searching through the tags. ^^ Your handle on such a sensitive subject is realistic, and I'm glad to see you're not glorifying it like a lot of authors around here do. I love your style of writing. You really set the mood well, and everything flows beautifully. I'm also enjoying your character development. Daehyun and the reader show distinct personalities, and though it's still early, have been consistent and comprehensible. Really looking forward to the future chapters! ^^
Chapter 4: Awh sweet memory♡
Chapter 3: ;A;
Daehyun.. I love you too