
Words Unspoken


Daehyun was dead tired.
He could barely see straight. In fact, he was wobbling, leaning his weight on the wall of the hallway in the hospital.
After some major convincing, he had gotten you to agree to come to the hospital to check you out. All you had wanted to do was shower, lay in his bed, curl against him and sleep. But he had stopped you...
You needed to report this. You needed to get checked out. 
He just didn't know how much trouble this would cause... 
They had tried to take you away from him, tried to talk to you alone...
"No!" Your scream could be heard all the way back to the lobby as you had struggled against the nurses’ grip. "No, I want him with me! NoNoNo!" You thrashed, jerked and twisting your arm, crying out in pain. 
Daehyun had latched onto one of the officer's shoulders, looking at him pleadingly. "Please let me stay with her, she needs me. Let me stay for at least for a little while, please! I'll be absolutely silent." 
Something in his eyes must have convinced the officer, for the latter sighed, motioning to the nurse. "Let him stay for a while. It'll make her easier to question." 
You had fallen in the nurse’s arms, desperately reaching out for him like a child. "Daehyun..." you whispered, finally defeated and tried to lay in his arms before the cop pushed you away slightly. 
"You'll contaminate evidence." 
Daehyun had swallowed, trying to temper down the urge to punch the officer. His self-restraint was almost on empty and he didn't think going to jail would be the best thing right now. 
So he didn't pet your hair like he wanted to when they stuck the IV needle in you. He didn't hold your hand tight enough when they dug under your fingernails
for DNA. The look on your face when you realized parts of him were still on you made Daehyun want to gather you up in a bundle. 
Instead he let you lean on him as they finished up, the nurse this time a lot nicer than the other one. She smiled at him, and let him hold you tightly, "All right now, honey, we're going to have to take pictures of your bruises and do a exam." You shuddered violently at that word but the nurse pushed on. "I'm sorry, I know it's tough, but we have to so you can get this man. The more we wait the more time he has free." 
Daehyun had nodded when you looked at him, agreeing with what she said, and when the first shoulder started to show as your gown was coming off-
He tried to exit. 
But you had snatched his hand, violently shaking your head. He'd smiled, leaning down to kiss your forehead. "Listen...I'll be right outside..." You stared at him wide eyed for a moment, swallowed and then nodded your head.
Your fingertips didn't leave his skin until the very last second and your eyes didn't leave him until the door swung closed.
Which led him here. 
He couldn't hear anything going on in the room, and he figured he didn't want to. He knew the nurse would tell him when she was done, so all he had to do was wait. He heard the sound of hard-soled shoes on linoleum behind him, and he slowly turned to see who was approaching. 
The officers. 
He hadn't noticed when they first came, but they were different as night and day. The first one with his pen and pad out was short, red-headed with freckles lining his nose. It would have been hard to take him seriously for his appearance if it wasn't for the piercing blue eyes that glared out of his face. He stared down at him as if he had done this damn thing, and it was slightly starting to piss the normally even-tempered Daehyun off.
He had never been so angry at anything in his entire life.
The other cop had an almost distant look on his face, like he really didn't want to be here. He was much bigger than his partner, both in height and weight.
Daehyun was agitated enough to meanly, in his mind, count the man's chins.
Three. And then they faded into his collar.
His black hair flipped into his eyes, which were a dull brown color, and he tapped uselessly on his gun holster, as if Daehyun was just going to grab it. 
He decided that he didn't like either of them.
"Sir, now the victim-" the red-head began, but it set Daehyun off-
"Please, don't call her a victim."
The cop just raised his eyebrow and sighed. "All right then... The...lady, arrived at your house around eleven thirty, correct?" 
He nodded, and he kept nodding the entire time, it seemed like all they need him for was to confirm what you had already told them.
Which was stupid, he had been standing right next to you when they had kept asking you questions. Instead of going crazy as he so wanted to, he just
cooperated, until the nurse poked her head out.
"Sir, she's ready now. I have a wheelchair, but I figured you would like to push her to her room." 
Daehyun smiled, the first genuine one since this nightmare started, and nodded a last time, happily moving to walk back into the room. "I don't know anything else. Please find this son of a ." 
He didn't bother waiting for them to respond. He just let the door close and walked over to where you were laying. 
On your side away from the door, he made as much noise as he could to not scare you and you turned to him.
"Hunnie..." you whispered, your eyes filling once again. He felt his heart breaking. He didn't know you had anymore tears left, much less that his heart could snap more. 
He wrapped you up in his arms, finally holding you close to him again. He could feel your heartbeat through the gown. It was a sick, slow beat, not the usual jumping one he found so cute when you normally hugged him. 
He held you for a few moments and then helped you into your wheelchair. The nurse had been standing there patiently and handed him a slip of paper. 
"The room number," she whispered as your eyes were starting to droop, and held the door open for him to slowly wheel you out. 
"Thank you." He wheeled you through the corridor. The men were thankfully gone. He reached your room with ease, everyone else pretty much asleep due
to the early hour. He hadn't been able to look at a clock since all of the started and he decided to glance at it after he had you all tucked in.
Four AM.
Sighing to himself, he shook his head. He might be able to make the meeting tomorrow, but he doubted you'd let him leave. 
Your head was on the pillow and your hair was spread out along the fabric, the halo of an angel.
And Daehyun knew he wouldn't be going anywhere soon. 
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Mistlea #1
Chapter 9: Wow... your story was so beautifully written. So angsty and sad yet beautiful at the same time. Absolutely love Daehyun's character here. Thank you so much for writing this ^^
hello your story has been added to the b.a.p fanfic directory, ababyzdirectory, on tumblr. If you do not wish for it to be in the directory, please tell me and I will immediately remove it.
Claudine_NG #3
Chapter 9: Awwwwh... the ending really melted my heart ;A;
That's right! Leave things in the dust <3
Chapter 7: ;A; what is this?
Is this.. a little beam of hope I am seeing?
Chapter 6: ;A;;;
this is so good..
Yes.. Get back togetherr♡
Chapter 5: ... awh... it's hard for both of them..
Just discovered this story while searching through the tags. ^^ Your handle on such a sensitive subject is realistic, and I'm glad to see you're not glorifying it like a lot of authors around here do. I love your style of writing. You really set the mood well, and everything flows beautifully. I'm also enjoying your character development. Daehyun and the reader show distinct personalities, and though it's still early, have been consistent and comprehensible. Really looking forward to the future chapters! ^^
Chapter 4: Awh sweet memory♡
Chapter 3: ;A;
Daehyun.. I love you too