The big surprise


  Three months past as it was close to Hyeah's due date(for the baby's arrival). Zelo and HyeAh were both excited and nervous because they were going to start a family together and were also going to be a parent. Then Zelo broke the silence by saying," HyeAh what are we going to name our son." "Hmmm how about Choi Jae Young," said HyeAh "Yeah that name sounds great,"said Zelo and kept repeated the name over and over because he really liked the name and HyeAh chuckled a little because it was cute when Zelo kept on saying their sons name. Then HyeAh got a call from the girls(Teen Jewels)and Zelo got a call from the guys(TopBap) and said that they were going to come visit them so both Zelo and HyeAh said yes. Then 15 minutes later both group arrives. Then the groups rang the door bell and Zelo and HyeAh went to open the door. "Annyeong you guys haven't seen you guys for a while now." The groups said in unison that made everyone laugh. Then the group went inside the house and the couples stayed together while sitting together. HyeRi and Ljoe were both sitting together while he wrap his arms around her waist,RaeMi and Daehyun were doing the same. HyeAh and Zelo were both on the other sofa with Zelo's arm around HyeAh and Changjo and JeHee were both doing the same thing too while Ricky and Hyoln were in the back yard together. Both groups asked HyeAh and Zelo what they were going to name the baby boy and they said," We are goin to name him Choi Jae Young." Everyone said " Its a really cute and wonderful name" or "I really like that name I think it will match the baby." Then  the girls helped HyeAh cook lunch. They all made a delicious and mouth watering feast, celebrating for the baby. After lunch they all were watching tv. The movie they were watching was an action,comedy,and romantic one. When it came to the middle of the movie HyeAh felt like the baby was coming and that her bubble was going to pop so she said," Uhhhmmm guys I think the baby is coming and my bubble is going to pop so can you guys take me to the hospital ASAP( "as soon as possible",for you information)." Then Zelo hurried to the car to start the engine while the girls were helping HyeAh get into the car. And they said," We will meet you at the hospital and good luck." Then Zelo drove off to the hospital amiddiately. When they got their Zelo went to the desk and told the nurses and the doctor that their baby was coming and that can they have a room really quick. Then Zelo went to HyeAh and told her that he got a room and the doctor was ready so she went to change into the scrubs that the hospital gave her then it started. After 15 minutes she gave birth to hers and Zelo's son she held the baby for a while then gave the son it's name( Choi Jae Young). Then nurses took the baby to go wash the blood off of it. While Zelo got a VIP room for HyeAh and a cleaner one because the other one had a lot of blood in it ( cause she gave birth)  Then group came and congrats the two parents. After that the nurses came and gave HyeAh and Zelo their new baby son. The girls said," Awww so cute now I am a Aunty." "And we are uncles," the guys said. The baby made all of them smile especially Zelo and HyeAh. Then 1 hour and 30 minutes past and both groups went home to let HyeAh rest. "Babe you should rest arresso," said Zelo and HyeAh nodded then Zelo kissed her forehead. Both of them and the baby went to drifted off to sleep. 


                  Mianhe for not updating sooner but it is because I am really busy these days and the other writer too so I will really try to update some more and please subscribe and comment komowa for understanding,       Saraghnae <3 

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Chapter 3: nooo TT Zelo with Hyeah xD well.. i can't do anything haha
Chapter 2: i hope that in the rest of the story zelo is shipped with jehee even though changjo is another of my biases.. xD so baad! i want Jehee to be with Zeloo!! haha
Chapter 1: god o.o i LOVE this beggining.. since my name is JeHee and my BIGGEST bias is ZELO o.o ... let's keep reading..
OHH no!!! please don't end it! i love it so much make a sequel to it please
Chapter 51: Yay omg he remembers her!!!!!!!!!!! :D And happy birthday to Daehyunnie :)
Chapter 49: Poor Raemi :( I hope Daehyun remembers her soon!!! Please update ^^
fangirlABC #7
Chapter 46: Girl ... I love the story it's nice hehe
fangirlABC #9
Chapter 43: OMG............ LOLOLOLOLOLOL *One shot * Ringtone, TOTALLY killed the Vibe.. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. PFUSAHAHAHAHAHA LMAOOO .. Like seriously,,. Unexpected hshahahahah..Ok, ok
Chapter 43: Daehyun woke up!!!! Yay omo I was so worried! Please please update!!! I hope he's ok!:)